(how do you put an image you attached in the main?)(http://d:%5CUsers%5CMasterOfRa%5CDesktop%5CPipeMain.png)
I have an issue. I made a rotationally symmetrical setup of fields, but it does not behave the same way on the top as it does on the bottom. On the top, there is an extra bit of Anticreeper on the field that is pinning the creeper into the pipe going out. It does not show up on the bottom. I have gravity disabled totally, so it should not be effected by that.
there's an extra bit of what on the top? And what isn't behaving the way it should be exactly?
EDIT: nvm, saw your edit... can you provide the save file? click additional options down below, and browse for a file to attach.
The two containment fields of this shape for the bottom ship, if you fill them with 150k anti-creeper in all 4x4 squares, it is not symmetrical.
(and the edit was because I missed the preview button)
that IS really odd... The map editor still has some kinks, obviously. :P
I have attached a picture that draws a red box around the two subcells I think are in question. In particular, I think you want to know why the top subcell in this pair has AC in it. The reason is that the top subcell is pushing right and down. The bottom of these two subcells is pushing right and up. The down of the top subcell and the up of the bottom subcell cancel each other out. You should make the bottom of these two subcells point only to the right, that will create the containment you are looking for.
Now, you may ask why it doesn't do this on the bottom left corner of this picture (and this is what you were actually talking about). This is indeed an asymmetry that we'll just have to live with. It has to do with the way the creeper is evaluated (left to right and top to bottom).
Alright, this bugs the hell out of me and my OCDness...
Quote from: virgilw on August 22, 2011, 05:05:08 PM
I have attached a picture that draws a red box around the two subcells I think are in question. In particular, I think you want to know why the top subcell in this pair has AC in it. The reason is that the top subcell is pushing right and down. The bottom of these two subcells is pushing right and up. The down of the top subcell and the up of the bottom subcell cancel each other out. You should make the bottom of these two subcells point only to the right, that will create the containment you are looking for.
Now, you may ask why it doesn't do this on the bottom left corner of this picture (and this is what you were actually talking about). This is indeed an asymmetry that we'll just have to live with. It has to do with the way the creeper is evaluated (left to right and top to bottom).
OK, that answers my question, and I can fix my problem now. Question however, Why do those cancel each other out? they are of differing magnitudes, right? I expected the effect of the T4 field to dwarf that of the T2 field.
Also, I assumed that you did two iterations though the creeper grid per tick, and stored everything twice, During the first pass calculating the spread(changing the second grid to what will be used for the next tick) and second pass copying the second grid to the first. so as to not have irregularities caused by referring to something you changed during that tick.
Third, I would not have asked if this had not been occurring in a symmetrical setup, because then I would assume the fact that it is not symmetrical is the cause of the issue.