Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World 2 => Code Mission Discussion => Topic started by: jkljkljkljkl on August 16, 2011, 01:25:26 PM

Title: Impossible emitters (no experimentals)
Post by: jkljkljkljkl on August 16, 2011, 01:25:26 PM
Has anyone seen any no-experimentals maps where there emitters are impossibly hard?

Is there a maximum emitter which can be defeated with normal weapons (and does it ever crop up)?

Has anyone encountered any maps where the emitter being surrounded on most sides by terrain makes it impossible to nullify?

I haven't found any yet, but some have come close. Please post maps below. I will try to keep track of which, if any are genuinely impossible.
Title: Re: Impossible emitters (no experimentals)
Post by: TonyP2000 on August 16, 2011, 03:11:12 PM
to paper as Large/High

It does not have experimentals yet it has an emitter of 97.1 mil. Though I have never gotten to that one because I basically lost trying to nullify the middle emitter in the second chamber from the top. That one alone drained out all of my energy. (I would have lost since their is also drones in that chamber.

To be honest though, even with full upgrades, I don't think I would be possible to beat the 97.1 mil emitter.

Perhaps we should give that one to a veteran to try out.
Title: Re: Impossible emitters (no experimentals)
Post by: Kithros on August 16, 2011, 03:34:07 PM
I don't really see any reason that should be impossible - you're probably using more blasters than you need to and not enough launchers/repulsors - there are maps where you can be extremely low on build space and still be able to beat high intensity emitters (look at maps like 'one shoe may' on large/high, or 'grass car three' on small/high - both of those maps are possible). You would want to attack from the right side since it would be a lot faster to get to the lower part of the map to build reactors (by no means necessary to nullify the emitters, but it will make it much much faster), and then attack the 97M emitter last. There is far more than enough build space to deal with either emitter as long as you use  your energy efficiently.
Title: Re: Impossible emitters (no experimentals)
Post by: deathsandwich on August 16, 2011, 04:34:37 PM
Here is some of my personal advice on taking down seriously powerful emitters. I've shown the emitter from
to paper as Large/High
as an example. I intentionally over-killed this one, but it should give you an idea. If you want to try taking it on your own way (or other strong emitters) don't look below...


Firstly, you will want to use shields when opening up an extremely dense cave. Anything above 4000K will probably overwhelm a line of blasters temporarily, and shields are so cheap it is generally a good idea to build a wall in front first. So put shields in front of the ground you will destroy when attacking the emitter.

For insanely powerful emitters, don't allow the creeper more than a one block wide exit from its cave, or it might be difficult to tame. If there is space, it is best to make the creeper wind around the ground in a tight space, so you can force it to go through as many of your shields as possible:


Make sure you have plenty of repulsors ready to force the creeper back at the end of your wall. It should not get any further if you planned properly!  ;) As shown above, you will need plenty of launchers. The missiles can fly anywhere as long as they stay within the range of the launcher's sight. That means they can take the long route through the shields as is necessary.


Blasters should only be used only if absolutely necessary. I have a few just in case I have underestimated its strength, but they waste a lot of energy compared to the launchers so avoid them at first!

When you start to win the tug of war, try to move in on your shields. If some of your shields still stand, destroy them and move launchers closer in. If you can't prepare due to lack of space like I did above, you may need launchers to be firing on the creeper at the front line. You might need to keep quite a few back where they can only just see the creeper.

In particular, winding paths like that in the first shot are pretty easy to attack. Depending on the progress of the creeper you can strike it from many angles with repulsors by digging through. Have the repulsors ready before you dig through (you'll learn that quickly if you don't know it already!).


Throughout this you may need to be very patient. The level of creeper will probably be falling for a very long time, and so sometimes you just have to wait before you can push any further.

Eventually, as you reach the emitter itself, focus many repulsors on clearing a single square for the nullifier, from multiple angles. Using repulsors that aim at areas close to the square can still help, and repulsors use very little energy so be sure to use as many as you can. You will still need a vast number of launchers so don't exchange them all for blasters. You will want all the launchers to have a view of the emitter itself if possible. Blasters will finally be useful too, but don't just surround the emitter as that could be too much work. Focus on one side.


And ta-da! The emitter has been defeated!  8) A well known trick to overcome the 60 packet limit of the LS is to hold some crystal energy. To do this reliably, just don't collect one of the crystals until you are about to attack. Don't run into a deficit during the fight either.

This method is just for the sake of advice. Most emitters shouldn't need anything nearly as tough as that!

Edit: oh, and don't forget to try using anti-creeper to speed things up. I'd recommend using it as late as possible because it won't last forever. Bursting would probably be the most effective way to use makers in situations like this.

Having tried it, I think capping an emitter of strength 580+Million is impossible. It was close-ish though! Never say never... ::)
Title: Re: Impossible emitters (no experimentals)
Post by: mthw2vc on August 16, 2011, 06:42:47 PM
The max emitter strength in a non-experimental map is a tad over 200M, which is confirmed to generally be less than what is needed for it to be unkillable without experimentals. Unless you can find one in an inconvenient corner, it will always be possible to kill them...
Title: Re: Impossible emitters (no experimentals)
Post by: Ebon Heart on August 16, 2011, 06:45:32 PM
And if they're in a corner that's diggable... Then it's even easier!
Title: Re: Impossible emitters (no experimentals)
Post by: Measure on August 16, 2011, 10:37:09 PM
I beat your level in quite an unorthodox way and took a bunch of screenshots while I did it. Perhaps tomorrow I'll have time to put a big post together about it.