Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World => Suggestions => Topic started by: Capn Trey on February 18, 2010, 06:29:26 PM

Title: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: Capn Trey on February 18, 2010, 06:29:26 PM
I am probably in the minority but I'm not a big fan of custom backgrounds, creep color, elevation colors and collector colors.

I know many of you, so more power to you! You are getting what you want, which is cool that a developer is so responsive to our ideas.

But I'd like there to be an option to choose between the user generated custom colors and the "classic" color template.

One little switch and I get my background1, green collectors, shades of gray elevation and good old fashioned blue creep!

Just an idea. I primarily judge a level by design and gameplay and I find overcustomization to be distracting to this.
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: djcian on February 18, 2010, 07:47:41 PM
actually if you hate the custom background so much you can just take the map to the level editor, delete the custom background (and any other custom stuff), and then play it. 
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: jecowa on February 18, 2010, 08:25:25 PM
but then your score wont show up on that map's high-score screen
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: TheBuilder on February 18, 2010, 08:30:16 PM
didnt think of that one did u Dj,  :D
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: archn on February 18, 2010, 10:03:46 PM
He shouldn't have to modify the maps.  He should be entitled (for lack of a better word, not a demand) to a switch for convenience.
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: betadata on February 18, 2010, 10:10:51 PM
But some maps the colors are part of the design. allowing them to be altered to fit taste will nullify a level playing field for the scores. The black background and black creeper is one example where if allowed to change those colors would ruin the challenge.
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: Karsten75 on February 19, 2010, 01:49:04 AM
Custom backgrounds are "part of the package." If you don't want to play a custom background, just move on to a map without.
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: Capn Trey on February 25, 2010, 11:36:21 AM
I usually do just move on. The classic switch is just an idea.

You guys seem more agitated about the idea than I am about not having it.
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: SPIFFEN on February 25, 2010, 11:47:01 AM
I agree with Karsten75 , if you dont like the map ( custom ) ,
play another map .

There are many custom maps to play , so you should find an map that you like .

If not , try to make your own maps , and upload them .

You can find custom maps here :
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: Capn Trey on February 25, 2010, 02:31:44 PM
Yeeesh. I do play a lot of custom maps, including yours spiffin. And I have made and uploaded my own.

I was making a suggestion to Virgil, who I think has commented in the past that he doesn't prefer distracting custom backgrounds...

My suggestion to the rest of you: There are a lot of posts out there not about this subject. If you don't like it, why don't read or comment on a different one. (Sound familiar?)
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: Sniper on February 26, 2010, 11:22:46 AM
My idea:

swich which will:
1) change all color settings to default
2) make separate score, which is not posted to scoreboards

This fulfills Capn Trey's (and also my) wish to be able to get rid of unwanted distraction and do not chnage the map chalange for score-hunters. I think it is a good compromise, isn't it? ;-)
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: Karsten75 on February 26, 2010, 11:36:17 AM
A map is an entity. That entity consists of a background (image), terrain levels, and units. You cannot realistically change one part of the entity. And it is a terrible waste of Virgil's time to go and code such a feature when he can be working on stuff like the expansion pack or even CW2.

If you want to play a custom background map, why don't you simply load it in your map editor, remove the custom background and either play it or upload it as the changed map it is?  That is less work that getting Virgil to do all the stuff.

Imagine if someone asked a famous artist to change the background to their paintings so you could see the canvas?

Simply move on. There are 750_ maps as of now. You don't have to play hte maps with custom backgrounds.
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: UpperKEES on February 26, 2010, 11:06:09 PM
I have to admit that I also don't like custom backgrounds and different creeper colors. I am not asking to put a lot of work in 'taking them out', but if it concerns only a few simple if-then statements to use the normal background and colors, then I would appreciate it.

And no, paintings will not be changed, but on Hyves (the Dutch Facebook) you can choose to display the default background and (border and text) colors on profiles of people that were a little too enthusiastic.

Nevertheless I agree that there are still enough good maps available, so I wouldn't consider it a priority item.
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: Capn Trey on March 01, 2010, 04:11:33 PM
Quote from: Karsten75 on February 26, 2010, 11:36:17 AM
A map is an entity. That entity consists of a background (image), terrain levels, and units. You cannot realistically change one part of the entity. And it is a terrible waste of Virgil's time to go and code such a feature when he can be working on stuff like the expansion pack or even CW2.

If you want to play a custom background map, why don't you simply load it in your map editor, remove the custom background and either play it or upload it as the changed map it is?  That is less work that getting Virgil to do all the stuff.

Imagine if someone asked a famous artist to change the background to their paintings so you could see the canvas?

Simply move on. There are 750_ maps as of now. You don't have to play hte maps with custom backgrounds.

Ok, if a map is an "entity" then some entities are an eyesore that makes playing the game annoying.

Virgil can decide for himself if it is a waste of time to code something like this. I think the game needs to know what it is about? Is it about a sleek, intuitive gameplay experience or is it about gimmicks that make the gameplay unintuitive, frustrating and annoying to look at?

I notice none of the levels in the story, conquest or special ops mode rely on odd custom backgrounds or changes to level elevation colors. And these are the ones we all loved from the start.

And would I ask a famous artist to change the background on a canvas? What? I love this game but elevating this casual conversation about gameplay opinions to that level is pretentious as best.

Can you imagine asking a famous game developer to let you change Mario Brothers so that some of the coins are actually just images on the background that you can't collect or add blocks that look like a place to land but actually let you fall through them into a pit? No, because that would ruin the gameplay.

Again, I think what Virgil needs to decide is what this game is about? Is it about complete player customization? If so I should be allowed to change how strong blasters are, how large a range the mortors have, how many build packets it takes to make a drone. But allowing us to change these things would destroy the gameplay ethic that we all were initially attracted to.  (The way I argue clashing backgrounds, deceptive elevation shades and odd coloration takes away from the experience.)

I like that the game allows users to create their own levels but there are already some boundaries to what you can create and edit. Notice: I've pitched an idea that leaves in every option for those who like them but allows for a switch to "Classic" to focus on what makes the game great: GAMEPLAY! (My first reaction was to pitch the idea to ban those elements but I decided discretion is the better part of valor.)

Ok, this rant has run to long. I love CW and look forward to what's next!

If you disagree with me about this, that's fine. There are plenty of other threads to read. Or why don't you just copy and paste my post into your document editor, change the words and make it say what you want it to.
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: archn on March 01, 2010, 04:39:11 PM
You didn't have to stoop to his level.. you could have left that last line out of it.
Title: Re: Classic vs. Custom View
Post by: Capn Trey on March 01, 2010, 04:53:05 PM
But I'm good at stooping.  :-\