Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World => Custom Map Discussion => Topic started by: Fisherck on December 21, 2010, 11:00:46 AM

Title: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on December 21, 2010, 11:00:46 AM
This is my first (and probably last) series for CW1. This series will follow from the very beginning, many of the innovations and inventions that shaped life as we know it today. Unfortunately I cannot use all of them, so I will have to limit them to the best. ;)

This series does not follow a storyline, so you can play them in whatever order you want. You can even play it backward if you want too and if you can wait that long :D.

Innovations & Inventions 1: Fire
Creeper type:
Land & Air
As fire, you need to protect yourself from the very force that created you, a thunder storm.
The first use of fire is thought to be by the Homo erectus, using it as far back as 1.5 million years ago. But it is not until as late 15,000 years ago that mankind started making their own fires! But how did it start? It was probably a lightning stike, wild fires, or the correct stones coincidentally hitting themselves making sparks. But in this case, it was a thunder storm that started this fire.

As fire, you need to keep yourself alive from the rain, for mandkind has not yet learned how to do it. First, and foremost, spread across the logs, they will be your greatest protection. But watch out for the puddle that is under you, for as the storm gets stronger, it will puddle up faster. And if the logs get wet you will not get as much energy to grow. The rain will start as a drizzle, but will quickly become a downpour, so build yourself up quickly. Also, this is a thunder storm, so watch out for lightning. Of course, lightning always comes from the top...

Emitters under the log will increase after a 100 seconds and the emitters on the red flames will increase at 180 seconds.  Spore waves will come every 130 seconds from the top, increasing from 1 to 2 to 4. This map does not use reactors, so every little bit of space is necessary. Maximise the space you control while using the minimum cost to keep it.
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Innovations & Inventions 2: Pottery
Creeper type:
Stay on the biggest piece of pottery until you have enough energy to combat rising emitter strength and jump to the other two pieces.
Invented or at least first used around 5500-6000bc, pottery gave people the ability to hold food and water. Very important, especially if water was far away. It was possibly known of even farther back, but since people were nomadic, pottery was too heavy to keep with them. This is also the first appearance of the wheel, in the form of the potter's wheel. But that is another invention...

The city starts at the highest point on the map, giving you some time. But fairly soon, even that will be threatened. The key in this map is to be able to get over to the other pieces of pottery with little error. All emitters will increase at 80 seconds and 6 minutes. The emitters on the two outside pieces of pottery will also increase at 12 minutes while the one on the inside does NOT. And while the emitters on the inside do not increase at 12 minutes, they are already slightly stronger than the other emitters.
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Innovations & Inventions 3: The Boat
Creeper type:
The third map to my series. While playing this map, your starting position will be assulted not once, but twice in two different areas.

In a boat that is on fire, you retreat to the crows nest to build up strength so you can get down to the coals and put the fire out. Can you take the heat?
We do not know who invented the first boat. Though, almost as long as mankind has been civilized, they were sailors. The first boat was likely just a log used by the first sailor to get across a river. Then, real boats started popping up in Egypt, about 4000bc. Here, they lashed bundles of reeds together to make boats with spoonlike shapes. Rows of paddlers were used to power the craft. By 3200bc, they had added sails, and by 3000bc were starting to build wooden plank ships.

There is a fire on the ship! It is quickly growing out of control, so you head up to the crows nest. Up there, you are safe for the moment. But you better be ready to defend yourself. Once you are strong enough, start pushing back the fire so you can reach the coals of the flames at the bottom and put them out.

The main emitters will start at 5 seconds and emit every .6 seconds. Then at 300.3 seconds, a second set of emitters will start exactly the same as the first set. But, the ones you want to watch out for are the ones that start immediately. Only, they emit every 100 seconds. They could ruin your day if your not prepared and they go off while you are trying to put out the coals.
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Innovations & Inventions 4: Irrigation
Creeper type:
The 4th map to my I&I series. This is a puzzle map. Take out to much creeper and you can't reach the totems. Take out to little, and you can't save the survivors. It is your job to find the middle...
Description:There is a lot to read, and if you do not want to read it all, go to the bottom paragragh where it explains exactly what needs to be done.)

Irrigation was (and still is) enormously important for mankindkind. When our predecessors decided to settle down into cities, they needed a way to feed themselves. So they grew plants in farms. But they needed a way to water these farms. So they invented irrigation. Around 4000 B.C., the Egyptians were among the (if not the) first to use irrigation. When the Nile flooded, the Egyptians, using a series of dikes and canals, moved the water inland to cover their fields with silt. The only problem, though, is that the floods came with a rather large amount of... uncertanty of whether they would be too big or small. To much water, and the floods killed thousands of people. To little, and the fields did not get enough water, killing the crops and starving the population. And not only that, if the floods are to large, the farmers will also not be able to plant the crops at the right time because of the wet soil. This is where you come in...

Word has just come in from upstream that the flood this year is much larger than expected! If nothing is done, the town to left will be washed away, killing the inhabitants of the town. Luckily, they built a dike, but even that will only hold the water back for a while. So they will need to be saved. Even more luckily, the floods will recede at the very most left part of the river, closest to the town. But the fields pose a problem too. To little, and the crops will not grow. To much and they can not be planted at the right time. It is your job to control the water flow so that neither of these happen. And while doing these things, you will need to protect yourself too.

This is basicly a puzzle map with multiple factors involved. All the fields will need to get enough creeper to erode one layer of wall, so the toems can be reached. But if both layers are eroded, then the survivors will be killed. Also, both the survivors and yourself will need to be protected too. The best way to do that for the survivors is to save them.
NOTE: All emitters in the middle river will be .1 stronger than the one in front of it. The farther the emitter is from you, the stronger it will be. For example, the farthest one will be .6 stronger than the average emitter, and the 2nd farthest one will be .5 stronger than the average, and so on. Just check the emitter in the map editor if you do not understand the confusing thing I just said.
2nd NOTE: All emitters have .1 interval.
Here is a timeline of what will happen:
. .1 seconds, emitter with strength of 2 starts.
. 60 seconds, emitter with strength of 3 is added. The fields at the very top of the map will start getting covered.
. 240 seconds, emitter with strength of 4 is added. All fields can get covered now. The town is now at risk too.
. 240 seconds, emitter strength of 0 added ONLY to the 2 bottom left emitters. This allows you to save the people in the town.
. 360 seconds, emitter strength of 5 is added. Now you are also at risk of being overrun. You better be ready...
. 480 seconds, emitter with stregth of 0 is added to all emitters. All creeper will start receding at this point. If the creeper is gone, but you can not reach a toem, then you lost! No more creeper will cover the map. Good luck.
Download page:
Innovations & Inventions 4: Irrigation (
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More maps:
See here for all Innovations & Inventions (
And here for my non series maps (
        Design by the one and only UpperKEES

Coming Soon(but liable to change)

Paper-4000bc-140ad (? Working on it)
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on December 21, 2010, 11:01:20 AM
Probably for more maps.
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on December 21, 2010, 11:01:58 AM
Hopefully for more maps.
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Michionlion on December 22, 2010, 12:12:14 AM
And what will the difficulty be for the avarage player?
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on December 22, 2010, 12:46:29 AM
I will try to even it out a fair amount, but all my maps in this series will be at least medium. So, hopefully most of them will give the average player at least a nice challenge. That is what I like 8).

But I like to make it so players of all levels can beat it. For example: (somewhat of a spoiler, though more like common sense ;))
In my first map fire, you can't build reactors, so you need to use whatever space you can get. But you can build storages. All you need to do is save up a sizeable amount of energy before each advancement, and you will be set. But it gets hard when you go for a competitive time. To much and you waste time, or to little and you run the risk of your network collapsing. The trick is to balance it as carefully as possible.
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Michionlion on December 22, 2010, 04:01:47 PM
good.  not as hard as upperKEES series... i'll see what i make of it.

btw, you know you put a spoiler one too many.
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on December 22, 2010, 04:12:31 PM
Quote from: Michionlion on December 22, 2010, 04:01:47 PM
good.  not as hard as upperKEES series... i'll see what i make of it.
Not quite as hard, but still up there. My next maps may not have the same ability to just store up like that though.
Quote from: Michionlion on December 22, 2010, 04:01:47 PM
btw, you know you put a spoiler one too many.
Okay, I get it now... Fixed :P
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Michionlion on December 27, 2010, 04:52:40 PM
no, i mean theres a spoiler in that spoiler that has nothing in it.

yes, thats it. :P :D

Edit: it seems i have discovered a bug in the smiles. if you put a :P and then right after it (with no space), a :D then it looks like this: :P:D
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on December 28, 2010, 10:19:51 AM
I've added a new map, Innovations & Inventions 2: Pottery (

Click the link above to play, or click here ( if your too lazy to scroll to the top of the page to see the map information in greater detail.
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on December 30, 2010, 07:52:47 PM
I've added a new map, Innovations & Inventions 3: The boat (

Click the link above to play, or click here ( if your too lazy to scroll to the top of the page to see the map information in greater detail.
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on January 12, 2011, 09:17:35 PM
I've added a new map, Innovations & Inventions 4: Irrigation (

Click the link above to play, or click here ( if your too lazy to scroll to the top of the page to see the map information in greater detail.
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on February 08, 2011, 11:14:11 AM
It is sad for me to say, but I have lost the inspiration for this series. :'( Normally, I might come back to it a little bit later after taking a break, but with CW2 coming out that is not really an option. :) But I do not want to stop gracing everyone with my maps  ::), so I will continue to make them (with what time is left), but they will not be part of my series. I find that I am more freebird when it comes to making maps. It little bit of this, a little bit of that. ;)

I am sorry for any disappointment that not finishing this series might have caused. I always find therapists are good for things like this. ;)
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Sqaz on February 08, 2011, 11:20:15 AM
Quote from: Fisherck on February 08, 2011, 11:14:11 AM
It is sad for me to say, but I have lost the inspiration for this series. :'( Normally, I might come back to it a little bit later after taking a break, but with CW2 coming out that is not really an option. :) But I do not want to stop gracing everyone with my maps  ::), so I will continue to make them (with what time is left), but they will not be part of my series. I find that I am more freebird when it comes to making maps. It little bit of this, a little bit of that. ;)

I am sorry for any disappointment that not finishing this series might have caused. I always find therapists are good for things like this. ;)

You can always try to continue the serie in CW2.
But I must say I preferred your standalone maps.
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on February 08, 2011, 11:33:14 AM
Maybe it is the right choice then. ;)
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Michionlion on February 08, 2011, 04:44:04 PM
yeah.  you're just not the series making type guy.  happens to everyone.  ;)

Edit:  Oh btw i'm not saying that the maps aren't good.  they're awesome.
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Fisherck on February 08, 2011, 05:08:00 PM
Quote from: Michionlion on February 08, 2011, 04:44:04 PM
yeah.  you're just not the series making type guy.  happens to everyone.  ;)

Edit:  Oh btw i'm not saying that the maps aren't good.  they're awesome.

Caught yourself on that one. ;)
I think it is because I have a short attentio... Oh look, A squirrel!... What was I saying? Oh yeah. It is probably because I have a short attention span. Can't hold on to one train of thought for to long. ;D
Title: Re: Innovations & Inventions - Map Series by Fisherck
Post by: Michionlion on February 08, 2011, 07:15:30 PM
probably... well good luck on your stand-alone maps!