Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World => Custom Map Discussion => Topic started by: Michionlion on August 28, 2010, 01:33:19 PM

Title: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 28, 2010, 01:33:19 PM
This is for the discussion of my saga "The War".

It is about the ongoing war on the Creeper and trying to find new weapons to use against it.
The War is going to have 13 maps in the entire saga.

Just so you know, this is unfinished as of now.  I haven't started on any new maps for it, but i will eventually get it done.


Mission 1 (
Opening text,

                                             IN SEARCH OF ENERGY

We have founded a base to the north of here and our people there are investagating matters of interest to us. However they have been stranded and our mission is to get to them before the Creeper does.

Now back to Business...

We have brought one Drone unit, use it wisely.

There is a very active Emitter to the northeast, we should deal with that first.

Artifact 1:

Now that we have dealt with that, there is another thing we must do before attempting to rescue our men.  There is a tech for Morters just north of our present position.  Get that and we are ready to help our stranded men!

Mission 2 (
Opening text,

                                                A New Threat

We have moved to the the place where our camp previously was.  I have taken the liberty to run a scan; it looks like there is a tech that was previously covered by Creeper.  It appears to be a kind of Surfice to Air Missile.  This will prove useful as we have been warned that the Creeper are now heavily bombarding the planet with Spores.  We should get that tech before the first wave comes.

(Messanger arrives at Command Deck)

"Sir?  Commander?

What?!?! How...!?

I came from Commander Slithindar of Vaga City.  He requests you come help him immediately. He is besieged by the Creeper and is waiting for reinforcements!

He will have to wait a little longer.  We are very hardpressed here.  It is a wonder that you got through at all!

Very well.  But please hurry with your mission here, my Commader is greatly in need of help.


We will have to finish quickly if we are to help Vaga City.  As I was saying, we need to get that tech as fast as we can; before the spore waves, or we would be wiped out in minutes.

Mission 3 (
Opening text,


We have landed on a ridge that was the last defensive position of Commander Slithindar and the V.C.A.  They have left some weapons here and we may be able to reactivate them.

There is a nano schematic here that I picked up in the initial scan. It is a tech that we have seen before: Energy Storage.  This will be very useful for buffing up before assaults on the other ridge and the Creeper around it.

I fear that we will need something new to defeat the Creeper here.  It has too many Emitters and the Spore waves are increasing.  We shall need a strategy; but first, pick up that Artifact; it may help us gain our objective.  And we will also need weapons; reactivate as much of the old armament as you can.

Mission 4 (
Opening text,

                                                 Vaga City

The Totems back on the ridge were made into mini-bombs!  They vaporized the Creeper attacking Vaga City. We now hav-(Messenger arrives)

"Sir, Commander! I have an urgent message from commander Slithindar!"

"What is it?

"The Creeper is attacking the rear of Vaga City!  We need help!"

"I am already on my way."


We have landed by an outpost of the Commander's.  It has lost connection with Vaga City though.  Our job is to link up to the base; provide it with ammo; and then link up to Vaga City.  Once we come into contact of Vaga we will probably receive reinforcements from Slithindar.  The V.C.A. also has the tech Speed, so we may get that too.

Once we have contact, set up our defenses and go for that hill.  I'll program the Totems for Io, as we have just received a SOS from there.

Mission 5 (
Opening text,

                                                      Ancient Waters

We have landed on Io, but there's no sign of anyone.  The SOS we received could have been a malfunction of our receivers, but we had better investigate here, just in case.

There is nothing here except Creeper, the Rift Totems, and an artifact.  We should get the artifact, and then make our way to the Totems.

There is also a Emitter to the south that will sart soon.  Cap it off before it starts to Emit Creeper or Odin City will be in danger.

Mission 6 (
Opening text,


We have landed on a planet that was close to Earth, in the days that our ancestors first took to the Void.  But due to the cosmic rotations; it has moved away in the last few millennia.

Morskador was infected by the Creeper only a few months ago; but the Creeper is in full swing here.  We will have a job of it getting though here.

There is a nano schematic here, for Drones.  This is a recent invention, so that could only mean someone has been here; and for whatever reason, left it here.  If we can secure it for our data banks it would be a valuable asset.  Our first priority though, will be to get off the island we are on.  I leave it to you, Commander, to do this.

Commander! There is a Spore wave heading our way in less then a minute!  SAM's should be activated immediately!  I have programmed the Totems to take us to Earth; there we will investigate the mystery revealed on Io.  But first, secure this ground and then make your way to the Totems.

Mission 7 (
Opening text,


Traveling to Earth... well, I don't know what was more beautiful, beating the Creeper on Morskador to pulp, or the blue seas and white sand beaches, burning deserts, and high mountain ranges of Earth.  It is truly marvelous to finally behold Earth, as pristine and immaculate as it is...

There are few people or anything else living on Earth since its infestation by the Creeper on November 13, 13,271...  ...That day will be remembered as a great tragedy for thousands of years to come.

Commander, we have landed on Earth.  It is essential that we do not waste any time getting a base running and preparing our defenses.  There are two Artifacts showing up on the scanners, and also one of those mysterious walls.  We shou--


[Lieutenant Commander Lee]

"Commander, I have come to help you on Earth.  Commander Slithindar said that it was the likeliest place you would be after he got the message that you sent on Io."


"Well, what do you know?  Commander Slithindar sure has brains!  Welcome Lee, to our humble abode; the only place on Earth you can see the ground."

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]

"Are you sure it's that bad?"
"Oh, and Commander Slithindar has a message for you that he received when you were on Io.  We were dealing with our own crisis then, so I brought a radio transmission device that's linked up to Vaga City.  He will send a duplicate message through it."


"To your first question: yes, it is very bad here.  We had some major trouble finding a landing spot.  And to your second statement: pass that thing here right away!  It may have something to do with the reason we're here."



"Commander Slithindar here.  We received a transmission shortly after you left.  I am sending it to you through here.  Good luck and well wishes to you..."



_Message concluded_

_*Receiving Documents*_


"These...  ...These are interesting..."

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"What do they say? Can you tell us? Now, perhaps?"

"It appears that more people then Commander Slithindar know what I am doing."   "...Intriguing..."

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"And what, pray tell, is intriguing?"

"Here is the document.  Read it aloud please."

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"OK... Sir.  Here goes..."

Many thousands of years ago, there lived a people.  A people that were very technologically advanced.  These people, called the Clithions, populated thousands of solar systems; enough to rival the Human People's colonization of solar systems in its prime.  The Clithions are now almost extinct, killed by the race you call the Creeper.  There are two Clithions alive today: Zetclitra, and me.  Zetclitra was the one who sent you the SOS on Io.  I apologize for him; he has deviated from the Right Way, and has now become twisted and evil through his own desires.

I would like to meet you in person: would you meet me at the specified location I sent to your 'Totems'?  I will explain more there.

In Deepest Regret,
Omniclo Zidictra

"What do you make of this, Lee?"

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"Well... I don't think we really have a choice."

"Yeah...  ...I guess so..."


Ok, Commander; now back to work.  If we are to get to the totems in time we will need to act quickly.  Build your base fast and then start advancing to the other land rises.

Mission 8 (
Opening text,

                                                    Light in the Deep

Commander, we have arrived at the place that the 'Clithion' Zidictra told us to go.  Our landing place is not the best, but we could last for while here.  Zidictra's base is just west of Odin City, so we should get to him as soon as possi...

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"Commander, the stuff that we brought with us is on the island next to us! How could that have happened?"

...ble.  And, as Lieutenant Commander Lee has so energetically informed us, our buildings that we brought with us have been located on the other side of a canyon. Only the heaviest landed where they were supposed to.  I have detected some kind of force-field around Zidictra's camp.  This may have been wh...

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"Sorry to interrupt, but there's also an emitter by that aliens camp!  What should we do?  Is he in danger?!?"

"Lee, I am very happy that you are observing the land around us; but there was really no need to interrupt.  I am sure that the computer will tell us everything."

"Please go on."

...That may have been why our buildings landed so far away.

And yes, there is an Emitter right at the entrance to Zidictra's establishment; but I am sure this is no danger to him.  He would not have landed on top of an emitter like that if he was not sure it would be safe.  But still...

Continuing: this land appears to have been terra-formed a long time ago, though the effects have all but vanished.  Maybe this was a planet once inhabited by humans or Clithions.

We should relay the canyon to get our stuff, then head over to Zidictra's camp.


I am sorry, but I can not stay; one of my many duties call.  However, I have one message for you.  Retrieve it from my base: it may help you.  Beware of my brother, good-bye, and good luck.


[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"Well, so much for meeting him.  I guess our mission is a little simpler now.  Get our stuff, get the message, and get going."

Mission 9 (
Opening text,

                                                               City by a Star

Commander, we have landed on a planet close to the white dwarf star Iota Andromedae.  Iota matches the description precisely.  We have dropped a few mines, constructed a wall, and are ready to fabricate our defenses. I will leave the rest to you.

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"Commander! There is a survival pod in one of those old buildings.  There is also an artifact!"

"I see; could that be an answer?"

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"It also appears to be indestructible, or at least undetectable.  The only reason we know its there is that our recon probes flew over it."

"Yes....I wonder....what could it be?"

Mission 10 (
Opening text,

                                                    Finding a Way

Okay, Commander, we have called ahead and the people at our nearest research site are preparing a EMHRS.  We are rifting to there now and we will see what we can help with.

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"Commander, the site is under attack!  The Creeper must have known about this and didn't want our plan to be carried out.  But how did it find out?"

"I don't know, maybe someone else is behind this... we have to save them!  Prepare for battle Lee."

Mission 11 (
Opening text,

                                                    Valley of Sorrow

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"Commander, something happened..."


[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"Well... I don't know how to put this, but the rift failed.  I have no idea where we are.  The Light Radar suggests that we may even be in another galaxy... there are no human settlements or anything else for that matter, with-in about 48 light-years...."

"Oh no....  Wait! I remember this place from a picture in that old-school text book from military school!  This is one of the sites where NW 2 weapons were first found.  Now that people have become interested with history after the Great War, NW II has been dated around 9,536.  That's a long time ago for craters as big as this to still be here...."

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"So what should we do, Commander?"

"Well, first the mission briefing... then talk."

Well, Commander, what you say is indeed true....  NW II took thousands of lives and was probably the most deadly war in human history, besides the current war...

Anyways, back to business.  We Rifted a couple Reactors through behind us, as well as a Drone.  I think these will be instrumental to get our base up and running here.  The Creeper Spores have adopted a weird pattern too...  and it is almost impossible to detect more than the current waves.  I suggest though that you concentrate on energy to deal with the Emitters up on the ridge to the north.  After that proceed to the other totems.

"Thank you.  Also, I have just been alerted to some possible information by the ridges: some of the scientists think there may be old artifacts still there."

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"So we're supposed to collect them? Why?"

"It is our duty, Lieutenant."

[Lieutenant Commander Lee]
"Well, then lets get this show on the road!"


I encourage you to post scores and comments.


Mare has posted a video walkthrough of Part 1, find it HERE (
Hi has posted a video walkthrough of Part 7, find it HERE (
Part 1 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 2 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 3 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 4 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 5 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 6 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 7 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 8 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 9 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 10 is done, and approved!   :)
Part 11 is done, and approved!   :)
Title: Re: The Saga "The War"
Post by: Karsten75 on August 28, 2010, 03:34:29 PM
There is no need to take up additional space on the forums by attaching the map if it is on the maps download page.  Simply link to the map using the following code in your post:

[url=]Mission 1[/url] or even create a link to [url=]all the maps of  Michionlion[/url]

If the above code was in a normal post, it would look as follows:

Mission 1 ( or even create a link to all the maps of  Michionlion (

Title: Re: The Saga "The War"
Post by: Michionlion on August 28, 2010, 03:45:08 PM
ok i will do that
I didn't think of doing that
thanks for telling me :)
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: ontheworld on August 29, 2010, 03:52:58 AM
it's fun, at first i was like "meh, too easy to connect" but i had too big deficit and lost the northwest base due to a realy destroyed
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 29, 2010, 07:08:59 AM
Yeah, its really easy to get a difict if you build all at once.

EDIT: though this was sopposed to be an easy one.
the next one is harder (and longer)

EDIT2: but i had never envisioned a deficit problem, to be honest.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 29, 2010, 10:26:47 PM
[...] That was embarrassing. Just a slight edit from 6 years in the future. Don't be an idiot, past Michionlion!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Blaze on August 30, 2010, 02:03:39 AM
Quote from: Michionlion on August 29, 2010, 10:26:47 PM
also, i am thinking of posting a Nose map (i mean a map of a nose[much like a face map]) what do people think of this idea [and of course the emmiters will be in the nostriles (sp?)]

Make creeper green and yes.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 30, 2010, 02:11:19 AM
Hahe will be funny map!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 30, 2010, 04:39:20 PM
Sneak Peak of part 3,
Part of opening text

We have landed on a ridge that was the last defence position of Commander Slithindar and the V.C.A.

(make your suggestions on what that means.  I ALONE KNOW       muahaha!) ;)
[and you will never. unless i tell you.]
It COULD mean Vatican City Army. (hint, hint.)

Title: My other maps
Post by: Michionlion on August 30, 2010, 04:59:21 PM
my new before testing nose map!
and Sides of Terror (map going up soon)(map is up, look in the downloads page, or search it)

Both Screenshots:
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: thepenguin on August 30, 2010, 05:09:34 PM
from what I see now, you make high quality maps;
this is confirmed by your work in the community map

NICE JOB!!  :)
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 30, 2010, 05:25:38 PM
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 30, 2010, 07:22:24 PM
is anyone intrested in testing Sides of Terror and/or Hills by a Cliff?
I could, but i am not particulary good at the 'just fight it out' kind of maps.
(pic of Hills by a Cliff -\/-)

Edit: please do not download these.  There are updated maps on the map page.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 30, 2010, 07:37:56 PM
i have subbmited Nose!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Blaze on August 31, 2010, 12:19:25 AM
Quote from: Michionlion on August 30, 2010, 04:39:20 PM
Sneak Peak of part 3,
Part of opening text

We have landed on a ridge that was the last defence position of Commander Slithindar and the V.C.A.

(make your suggestions on what that means.  I ALONE KNOW       muahaha!) ;)


Bridge, want, to, play, on, the, bridge map.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 31, 2010, 02:06:00 PM
well, you won't have to wait much longer.
its halfway up the list already.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on August 31, 2010, 05:50:29 PM
The War Part 3 is out!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on September 08, 2010, 05:08:56 PM
I have news that i don't think would fit in the NEWS part:

There will be 13 maps in 'The War' Saga.

(I'm not sure, but i'm almost  :) )

Edit: ok i posted it on the introduction part
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on September 16, 2010, 06:37:23 PM
Part 7 is going to have to wait, as i'm going on vacation and probably won't get on the internet a lot...  but its on Earth (the map i mean  ;) )
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: UpperKEES on September 16, 2010, 08:03:35 PM
Quote from: Michionlion on September 16, 2010, 06:37:23 PM
but its on Earth (the map i mean  ;) )

I guess your holidays as well, but I'd envy you if it isn't. Actually I envy you anyway for going on vacation! :P
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on September 17, 2010, 12:41:18 PM
well yeah... my holidays are also on earth
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on October 16, 2010, 03:47:59 PM
Testing is done for The War, Part 8: Light in the Deep.  I will submit it as soon as I have internet acess for my computer.
Title: Planed Series
Post by: Michionlion on November 01, 2010, 04:56:13 PM

There is going to be an Epilouge series to The War.  I have started planing for 3 missions.  Watch here for more news.

Edit:  update on this.  Read the opening text for Part 11 and find out more about it.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on November 17, 2010, 09:55:16 AM
sorry guys its taking so long for me to finish this one so a Sneak Peek...
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on November 27, 2010, 02:23:52 AM
The War, Part 9: City by a Star ( is out!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on December 04, 2010, 11:05:15 PM
final testing is almost done for part 10, now I'm working on the story.  I think a Sneak Peek is in order...


Edit: btw there will be some suvival pods by the relay and collectors to the left.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Blaze on December 04, 2010, 11:17:01 PM
I think the above map is a good map just by looking at it.
It's the type of map I like.

Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on December 04, 2010, 11:25:43 PM
Combo breaker????????

thanks.  i expect it to be done by.... lets say... wendsday (thats if i don't get distracted)

Edit: oh btw i finnaly learned how to put the picture in my post!!! (*claps and jumps for joy*) i was just fidiling around, and... wa la!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: jmmamccabe on December 05, 2010, 08:25:40 AM
Michionlion - Just wanted to tell you Thanks A ton Peep - I just finished Part 9 - In fact for the second time because it was by trying part 9 I came to realize there was a Part 1-8 I had to go back to do from the start.  Cool story - So much more engaging.  I actaully am amazed you are getting so much "mysterious, sci intrigue" out of what is only a page or 2 of story.  Thoroughly entertaining.  Props.  I'll play everything you produce from now on.   
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on December 05, 2010, 09:37:36 AM
Thanks for the compliments. And, well, I'm a mysterious person! ;)

Edit: But it is sort of a draw-back (maybe) to have to do the missions in order (to follow the story).
Edit 2: oh scratch that. don't know what made me think like that.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on December 05, 2010, 02:46:14 PM
Now, I have a question for all of you.

In The War, Part 8: Light in the Deep, were you able to decipher the riddle?  And was it a good riddle?

Here is the riddle:


Now that you 'sort of' (look at Part 9) know what the Trae Norae are, what do you think?  Does it actually mean what it's suppose to?

The image below is for the spoiler, so if you want to view it click on the 'spoiler' button.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on December 13, 2010, 12:24:38 PM
plz people... reply.  i need to know because i might include another riddle in part 11.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on December 18, 2010, 12:26:11 AM
The War, Part 10: Finding a Way ( is approved!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on December 26, 2010, 09:00:19 PM
i guess i'll have to think of something else now... expect Part 11 by next week (probably).
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on December 28, 2010, 02:52:00 PM
Hi has added a video of Part 7.  Look for it on the first post.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on January 17, 2011, 10:54:46 PM
ok, i'm sorry for the long delay, but with cw2 and all... anyways, i have started work on part 11 and it will probably be done by next week.  so keep a look out!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on January 21, 2011, 10:19:13 AM
Sneak peek... actually more like sneak hear :D

                                       The War, Part 11: Valley of Sorrow

"Commander, something happened..."


"Well... I don't know how to put this, but the rift failed.  I have no idea where we are.  The Light Radar suggests that we may even be in another galaxy... there's no human settlements, or anything else for that matter, with-in about 48 lightyears...."

*Note: This is not the final version, so it could change.*

Edit: and guys, this isn't just a news thread.  You're allowed to comment.  Any and all!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Blaze on January 21, 2011, 03:47:34 PM
Sounds neat, might try this one depending on how the map looks.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on January 21, 2011, 06:19:54 PM
It'll be a north to south valley, opening up at the bottom.  I will post a pic as soon as I finish refining it.

*This may change a little, but its almost done.  Maybe by tomorrow night I'll have it submitted.*
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Blaze on January 28, 2011, 12:34:09 AM
Looks hard...
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on January 29, 2011, 12:24:27 AM
From my testing it won't be that hard, but my internet is not working on my comp so I can't submit a score. Soon tho...
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on January 30, 2011, 04:43:43 PM
final test run... if everything goes alright it'll be submitted tonight, and approved whenever it gets approved.

Edit: submitted.
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on January 30, 2011, 06:25:55 PM
The War, Part 11: Valley of Sorrow ( is approved!
Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: DethbyIT on February 13, 2011, 01:21:12 PM
I've been out of the loop for a few days and wondering when your next one will be coming out.

Title: Re: "The War" A Saga
Post by: Michionlion on February 13, 2011, 01:22:34 PM
i haven't started on it yet, and been thinking and planning for some future things, but i'll start work as soon as i can now!  thanks for the heads up.  :D