This topic is for discussion of map #725: Bahams Rock
Author: Kongdej
Size: 320x180
Wanted to create some maps, so started here. This map includes a bunch of custom ships. I was not entirely satisfied with this map for it to be part of a story, although I may use something similar for chain of maps. You are a mining CEO, out harvesting space rocks, therefore energy production from mines are lower, and energy from land is higher, do remember to mire if you want to get that precious energy.
Heh. Nifty little map. I liked it.
You can backdoor the 4 emitters in the back at the start of the map after getting a mine at the starting area, makes it much easier.
I enjoyed this one very much. Not many maps take this kind of trouble to keep a constant challenge and balance ship/Omni usefulness. Not a great threat, but not a trivial map, either.
I had a hard time with this map (about 45 minutes) and I see some were able to do it in a lot less time!
It was very challenging and amazingly well thought out and constructed. Bravo.
My only problem, and this is just my own point of view, was how hard it was to get those amp gems. Clearly this was intentional, I get that, but in general, I tend to dislike how slow Particle Fleet is in the beginning with no AMP gems to bring things up to speed.
Once again, congrats on a great map.