NOTICE! There is currently a wierd bug with copying ship data from the PF editor via clipboard. It is easily bypassed by pasting the data into a text editor first and then copying them again. I will hopefully be able to fix this soon, sorry for the inconvinience.
UPDATE to v0.3.4: Integration with CmDisplay: displays custom modules in the ship preview when you mouse over a ship slot, just copy the CmDisplay.prpl script.
UPDATE to v0.3.2: Added a custom modules adder script for NPC ships. Aslo, custom module adder scripts can now be automaticly copy-pasted by setting the map names in the module file.
UPDATE to v0.2.2: Fixed issue with large custom modules.
UPDATE to v0.2.1: Custom modules can now be allowed to collide with other modules (by setting
doesCollide:false), plus mirror rotation bug fix.
UPDATE to v0.2.0:
Ship parts are here! Create and place entire portions of ships! Saveable Ship parts! Yaaay!
Ship parts
Have you ever wondered how a 52x47 ship would look like in the ship editor? Well, wonder no more!
How it looks in PF editor

The empty spaces are for custom modules
But wait, isn't the max ship size 35x25? Well, not anymore. I have been working on a custom ship editor that will enable larger ships, different brush sizes for hull editing, custom modules and mirror modes for symetrical ships. This is how it currently looks like:
How it looks in my editor

You can't see the cursor, but I'm placing the top Bertha while the bottom bertha is getting mirrored. That's why it's half-transparent.
- Build ship with maximal size of 128x128.
- Import/export ships from/to default PF editor back and forth with 3 clicks (and one alt-tab).
- Place custom modules on your ship like any other module. Automaticly generates a moduleAdder.prpl script, similar to planetfall's master script on save.
- Use different brush sizes for hull editing.
- Use mirrors to easily build symetrical ships. Works with both hull and modules.
- Works on Windows, Mac, and Linux (you need mono on Mac and Linux for saving ships to the .dat file).
- Handy shortcuts like shift+mouse wheel to change hull type and selected module, or alt+mouse wheel to change the brush size.
- In-program tutorial controls and on how to import/export ships.
- An option to make your ship build instantly (without PRPL) or to add the CommandHQ module.
How does that work?
Adding the HQ command module to your ship does the following:
- As long as your ship is in game, your energy sourcer will work (as if your actual HQ was in game), even when your actual HQ isn't in game
- You will receveive the alarm sound when your ship is attacked
- The ship will be destroyed if (any of) the HQ command module(s) is destroyed
- Create, save and use entire portions of the ship as ship parts. Works with mirrors.
- You can place the HQ command module over other modules, just like in the vanilla PF ship editor (wait, what?)
Adding HQ command module to your ship will
not make it insta-spawn. For that is there is a separate checkbox, independednt of whether or not you have HQ modules on your ship. Checking the autobuild checkbox will make the ship build instantly with full hull and energy, no need for PRPL. You can even upload such auto-building ship to the
online shipyard.
How it looks in-game:
Finally, large ships take forever to build. You
could use something like
<-shipID CONST_SHIP_CMBUILTAMT <-shipID CONST_SHIP_CMCOST GetShipAttribute 1 sub SetShipAttribute
to insta-build them, however I would discourage that, instead a slight modification could be used to merely speed the cosntruction of the Command module instead of outright instabuilding.
Also I forgot to mention, this project is
open source, feel free to view my terrible programming habbits at your leisure.
Finally, the program runs in Java 8, so I hope you have that installed, other that that... enjoy! Suggestions welcomed.
Please put the code for that up when you're done.
Also, what's the PRPL+ tab useful for?
The "PRPL+" tab is for my extension of the PRPL language that has local variables, script including and multi-line comments. The compiler already works, I just need to create some basic GUI where your can select you particlefleet folder and display compile errors, it's probably comming this week, as a christmas present to the PF commnity :3
Well, I'd still argue against locals, but I hope that V can use some of your editor code.
Well then. That's ... wow
On second thoughts, don't put it up, I don't know if the game will properly handle ships that large. And we don't want overlarge ships just for the sake of it. People already build unnecessarily large ones.
Gosh Darn, thats crazy! :)
I have tested the ship from the screenshot in level editor, seemed to work fine, however I agree that needlessly large ships can be a problem, for example they can't even accept energy fast enought to replenish ammo, not to mention they take forever to build.
These issues are fixable with PRPL, moreover the ship from the screenshot is meant to be an ultimate weapon that will defeat a boss in a map that I plan to make some day (spoiler: I will never get around to acctually make it), only consructable in the last stage of the game.
So I will leave the decision wether or not to use my program to the mapmakers, unless these ships cause crashes or massive lag, in which case I will pull it off.
One more idea: consider a massive hollow shield, that can be used as movable city wall, that could be interesing. Banning the program because some people coukd use it to create needlessly large ship isn't good enough reason for me to prevent other people with great ides from having it.
I hope you understand my resoning.
Certainly. I just ask that you move with caution. (Personally, my first response was "gimme gimme", as of Ogun to a very large gun.)
Let's not forget that massive ships take a lot of computational power. This is fine for newer rigs, but we have to be careful so that we don't destroy the game for those with lower specd computers.
I don't know how ships that large work in the game and they must take some time to build but i like this idea very much.
Good luck with your project Kajacx
Dear lord, that seems a bit excessive.
Nevertheless, great work.
Alright, so I couldn't help myself and I had a bit of a play with the editor. I didn't go too mad, but I did make this:
HQ is in there for scale.
As you can see, I originally had an assorted bunch of ships that slotted together to form a bigger one, the Scaffold, using the standard editor. That left it with some downsides, like unable to move efficiently as one, etc.
Now, I have used this new editor to glue this amalgam of parts together to form a whole, which I'd say looks and works far better than the separate parts did. So yeah, pretty happy with this.
All I can say is, a big thanks to kajacx for making my Scaffold look pretty. :D
I like this. I like this a lot. If this was official dlc, I would buy it. I might download and try it later,
Very impressive.
This sounds like it could be used to add custom modules easier? If so, maybe you should add grid presets if people want to stay in the original boundaries and not risk having a larger than normal ship.
Thanks for the responses, I don't reply to each of then individually because it would be quite spammy.
I have thought about grid presets, but that would require some kind of settings menu (ain't nobody got time for that), however I can add an indicator to outline the 35x25 original maximal size, seems like a good idea.
As for the custom modules, I have only briefly looked at planetfall's code, I have not yet tried to implement any. However I can see how the "Master" script that scans for ships and adds custom modules (scripts) could be generated automaticly, or at least a portion of it.
As there any more work done on this?
I'd love to see an update :)
Well, I've been very lazy lately, so I don't see myself adding new content any time soon, unfortunately.
However, the "import from clipboard" feature is now totally busted with the new ship info and stuff, so I'll probably fix that at the very least.
Nevertheless, the project is still opensource, so I can walk someone over the code in a ~30 minute skype call if anyone is interested to continue developing this. (Sorry for not being more enthusiastic about this, I lost motivation after a while, as I do with most things.)
Quote from: kajacx on February 11, 2017, 04:35:03 PM
Well, I've been very lazy lately, so I don't see myself adding new content any time soon, unfortunately.
However, the "import from clipboard" feature is now totally busted with the new ship info and stuff, so I'll probably fix that at the very least.
Nevertheless, the project is still opensource, so I can walk someone over the code in a ~30 minute skype call if anyone is interested to continue developing this. (Sorry for not being more enthusiastic about this, I lost motivation after a while, as I do with most things.)
It would be great if somebody could work on this project because its Awesome !!
I don't really know what is possible with this project but with the Ship Editor V0.0.5 you can build some cool ships.
And with GoodMornings ShipYard you have a good combination going.
For my new Adventure i have tested this and the Save As ... option still works.
I don't have the knowledge to continue this project. All i know is this is Amazing.
I have (finally) updated the program, let's hope it isn't utterly broken :D (just kidding, the testing went fine).
However my skills with Java Swing UI are lacking at best, take the description for example, I recommend writing your description down somewhere else and then copy-pasting it if it has more than 6 lines, otherwise the UI becomes somewhat broken.
Also setting the CITG is explained in the help section, it's rather simple, really.
Ok, I'm in love. here hoping it works on Linux(should? it is a javas thing).
Now all I need is to know what I'm doing.
Shame I only found this after cannibalizing D.Ambitions 'Archivist' Ship for a HQ module(I'm sorry, Honest! please do not send the legal department, D.Ambition or otherwise).
Quote from: tornado on February 28, 2017, 12:56:53 PM
Ok, I'm in love. here hoping it works on Linux(should? it is a javas thing).
It should work as far as I know (haven't tested it tho), except for exporting the ship back to the PF editor. That part is writen in C# (It uses a specific GZip library that I didn't find out how to use in Java). That C# code is then compiled to .exe file that gets executed from the Java code. I have no idea how to do that in linux (probably by using mono?) so if you want, I can look into it (However I can see myslef ragequitting because you have to google for 3 hours how to make ubuntu in virtualbox go fullscreen)
As to the HQ module, a new version (v0.1.3) is out and you can add it to your ships.
neat, also I have encountered one issue: filepaths. can't point the PRPL+ thingy to particlefleet.
that and trying to get a filepath in Ubuntu is like trying to get blood from a stone. Since it is open source I might see if I can bodge something that'll work(somehow, and assuming someone else doesn't beat me to it).
Edit: First bug report! you have the .jar labeled as v0.1.3, but the command looks for v0.1.2. (correction, you didn't change the command to match the file at all, apologies for the excessive response.).
Edit 2: Also, the .jar file doesn't have the executable bit enabled.
The path shouldn't be a problem, I think, as long as you include a absolute path to the PF document folder - you can find out where that is by going into editor, creating new PRPL script and hitting Edit. Just make sure to point to the folder that contains the "editor" subfolder, not the "editor" subfolder itself. (see the code (
Yea, I forgot to change the bat file (fail), I'm working on improving the textures so I'll fix that soon.
As for the .jar file not having the exec bit set, I have no idea how to set that on windows :D
i suppose just have something that makes people aware of the executable bit. and yeah, absolute filepaths work(/home/user/relevant path)
Edit: Wow, I can't seem to not find bugs tonight. it seems that the program doesn't have the permission to create a .dat file(No idea at all why). oh wait, you included a thing saying that it won't work. my bad.
tornado, generating the .dat file should now work on Linux, but you have to have mono installed.
Also you don't need to set the execute bit on the .jar file, just run in via
java -jar PRPL-Toolset-v0.1.4.jar
Out of interest, if a few of the "fixed blocks" you include are in fact representing "Ship99" or "Ship8", do any of the others represent strings?
Quote from: GoodMorning on February 28, 2017, 08:17:05 PM
Out of interest, if a few of the "fixed blocks" you include are in fact representing "Ship99" or "Ship8", do any of the others represent strings?
In the ship data there is a section that I would call "Ship type", all the custom ships have it set to "Ship99", however the build-in ships have each a different ship type ("Ship0" for Lathe, "Ship2" for Cruiser, "Ship8" for HQ Command). I have not tried setting this string to anything else than "Ship99" or "Ship8", and I doubt it would do anything anyway (the ship type has no information about the modules/hull, those are stored separately)
I have explained in the main post how setting the type to "Ship8" will instantly build the ship, whereas adding a command HQ module will keep energy mines open, do alarm sound on damage, etc. The important thing is these 2 things can be set completely separately.
Where is the ship type stored
Note: I have recreated the Cruiser ship in the PF ship editor, that's why it says "Ship99" and not "Ship2"
Yes. What I am wondering is what the other information might represent. For example, the first 22 bytes are seemingly constant, and it seems unlikely that they would be included of they did not represent something. Given that the various parts of the data which have had their purposes divined were useful or informational ("Ship" in "Ship#" seems to be for clarity) I was asking if the same encoding scheme yielded a meaningful string, or whether the data was for some other purpose.
Hey Kajax can you please make a command for one of my ships? I dont know programming AT ALL so please?(And when i get my hands on PF:E i'll make a level with that ship)
Giving the ship
-A HEAVILY extended range for her fighters (2x to 4x)(She has 20 airfields)
-A built-in energy generation of about 50/s
-Maybe improve her energy tanks
-Make the fighters cost less energy to operate(If possible)
Thank you very much,
-------(Just kidding im making a series for this ship)
Well I'm not sure if you can increase the range, but the rest should be doable with some PRPL code.
Also if you want, I can try if module stacking is possible (probably is), so that you can fit even more fighter bases on your ship.
Range is not possible at present, nor is operation cost (yet).
Energy generation can be PRPLed, and you can give the loose equivalent of massive Guppies to store more power. However, these rely on scripts in the map, rather than the ship, so importing the ship to another map with the upgrades is not possible.
Edit: Sorry to dash aspirations, but better to be forewarned.
Quote from: GoodMorning on March 02, 2017, 10:06:57 PM
Range is not possible at present, nor is operation cost (yet).
Probably, operation cost may be done by catching individual fighters and manually altering, say, max energy and current energy. But that won't be a reliable way because, I think, the best criteria we can have is either particular fighter is enemy or not, so any friendly fighter passing over catch zone might be altered.
Wait is it possible to make custom fighter bases that are practically just fighter bases that are improved?
And if that is possible, why not make torpedo bombers a thing?
Possible and practical are different things. Feel free, but it will take a number of scripts.
"Torpedo Bombers" I assume to mean an MK7-style heavyweight assault device.
I do mean a Mk7 style weapon to destroy ship
Also cant i just take the script from the normal fighter bases to just mod them a bit and integrate them into my ship?
I dont think default modules are written in PRPL so no, unfortunately you cant just modify existing fighter bases without modding (and even I wouldn't reccomend that).
Hi Kajacx,
i'm trying to get custom modules from the Ship Editor in the game but i'm stuck.
I made a ship with a Bertha to test.
If i understand good i need to put the data i get from the BerthaAdder into the Custom Mudules Script from PlanetFall.
I've made this Setup but i don't know what the Ship input should be. Does that number refer to the shipslot number?
And when i unpause a PRPL Core appears in the SouthWest corner.
Don't mind the square near the Energy Source.(
Ps -> I have used your Ship Editor in my last Adventure, like it a lot.
Quote from: FOXX on March 06, 2017, 11:43:20 AM
i'm trying to get custom modules from the Ship Editor in the game but i'm stuck.
First, let' recap how planetfall's custom script solution ( works in the first place.
Esentialy, you need 3 PRPL scripts (2 + 1 for each module):
- ShipModule.prpl: a base/core for custom modules. Contans basic functionality like checking for hull, consuming energy to build etc. This is attached to each custom module.
- YourModule.prpl: An acctual code for your module. Reads info from ShipModule.prpl like rotation and position. This is also attached to each custom module.
- Master.prpl: A script that acctually created the PRPL cores for custom modules and adds the PRPL scripts to them. Only one Master.prpl core is needed.
Now, the "YourShipAdder.prpl" script that my program generates only replaces the "Master.prpl" script. You still need to write your "Bertha.prpl" script and include the "ShipModule.prpl" script. I have tried to make Bertha custom module also, but I got bored after I got it to fire at a location every so often. I will add what I have written (it's written in PRPL+, but the compiled PRPL is there as well, of course), the Bertha shells don't do anything except make obnoxious noices, but hey, it's something.
If this doesn't help, send me your Bertha custom module script and I can take a look at it.
Aha, this explanation takes me a few steps closer.
So the issue is that i miss 1 Script.
I'm going to look at the data and see if i can figure it out.
Thanks for now and i'll let u know.
Let me tease you a bit by showing out the next feature.
"Mirror/symetry build mode"
What you are looking at is a symerty (mirrored) build mode, where placing a module/hull at a position will automaticly place the same module/hull at the correspinding position at the other side of the mirror(s).
There is still quite some work to bude done (like rotating hull pieces properly, integration with larger brushes, rotation symetry, ...), so expect this feature 1 or 2 days from now, I just wanted to post this teaser as a motivation to myslef to finish this quickly.
For making perfect symmetric ships. Like the idea.
Good luck with that.
Maybe i have another one.
In your Editor if you are making hull if you click and hold the right or left mouse button the screen scrolls/moves.
Maybe change the left mousebutton to add hull if you click and hold. And you can scroll/move with the right mousebutton click and hold.
Quote from: FOXX on March 07, 2017, 06:12:23 AM
Maybe i have another one.
In your Editor if you are making hull if you click and hold the right or left mouse button the screen scrolls/moves.
Maybe change the left mousebutton to add hull if you click and hold. And you can scroll/move with the right mousebutton click and hold.
Yea, that feature is long overdue. However, currently the right click is used to remove hull/armor. Maybe crtl+mouse drag to move the camera, since crtl+mouse wheel zooms already?
Quote from: kajacx on March 07, 2017, 06:51:03 AM
Yea, that feature is long overdue. However, currently the right click is used to remove hull/armor. Maybe crtl+mouse drag to move the camera, since crtl+mouse wheel zooms already?
Yeah thats right. Left Click is add - right click is remove. Ctrl+Mousedrag to move is a good option. For zooming the Mousewheel alone works well. I don't need to press ctrl.
Just asking but how do you insert a custom module into the ship builder?
For example: If i somehow was able to make my custom airstrip, what would i need to insert it into your ship builder to use it
(Since im too lazy to write everything in code)
Quote from: Qihao56 on March 07, 2017, 09:41:16 AM
Just asking but how do you insert a custom module into the ship builder?
Just look in the customModules subfolder for examples. Also don't forget to put the image file in the img/custom modules subfolder. Or click Help -> How to use Custom Modules for more info. You then need to restart the program after you add the custom module like this.
I don't know why, but I'm on a Mac and 1.5 doesn't work, but 1.4 does and I didn't change what I was doing with the previous version.
Quote from: Bluepikmin64 on March 18, 2017, 07:33:41 PM
I don't know why, but I'm on a Mac and 1.5 doesn't work, but 1.4 does and I didn't change what I was doing with the previous version.
That's wierd, I don't remember adding anything that would cause this. But I wouldn't be surprised if I forgot to rename the filename in start_with_console file.
Nevertheless, I have never used a Mac and have no idea how things work there, but look at it tomorrow.
However, I have one important question to ask: does the entire editor not work (it should though), or just the Save As button? The Save As button executes an .exe file that encodes the ship to a .dat file, so that is probably what goes wrong.
The mirrors and "drag-painting" are both very handy functions.
I am happy to see these functions work so well.
Much easier than before.
This Tool is getting better and better :)
A thought for another handy option.
If you have a ship build and you want to use that layout for another ship it would be handy when deleting hull it also deletes the Mudules on it so you don't have to remove them one by one.
Quote from: FOXX on March 21, 2017, 01:06:59 PM
A thought for another handy option.
If you have a ship build and you want to use that layout for another ship it would be handy when deleting hull it also deletes the Mudules on it so you don't have to remove them one by one.
Hm, interesting idea. Would it be better to have a "remove modules when deleting hull" checkbox, or another hull-like brush for removing modules only? Or why not both? I'll probably add it soon.
I must say I don't personally use the editor much other than for testing, so I always welcome suggestions from people who do.
Quote from: kajacx on March 21, 2017, 01:15:15 PM
Hm, interesting idea. Would it be better to have a "remove modules when deleting hull" checkbox, or another hull-like brush for removing modules only? Or why not both? I'll probably add it soon.
I must say I don't personally use the editor much other than for testing, so I always welcome suggestions from people who do.
I think a 'Remove Hull AND Modules' Checkbox next to the Hull Checkboxes would do just fine.
I have used ships in 2 maps from my last series and coming series in 4 maps.
If i come across more handy options i'll let you know.
Quote from: FOXX on March 21, 2017, 01:48:42 PM
I think a 'Remove Hull AND Modules' Checkbox next to the Hull Checkboxes would do just fine.
I have added a new "hull type": remove modules. On left click it removes modules, and on right click it removes modules and hull. Works with brush sizes and mirror modes. Also this should be easier to use, since shift+mouse wheel now rotates between hull types, so you can easily switch between this and adding new hull pieces.
Also, thanks for using my editor, I really appreciate it. :)
My friend Mahazkei is using a Mac and he can't open it. Looks like the same problem bluepikman had. Any progress on if it's fixed or not?
Just tested the new functions a littlebit and love it.
Another thought ;) -> It would also be handy if you have made a small layout there is a way to copy and paste that.
And maybe a turning option. like 90 degrees, maybe 45 also or an input for degrees :o
And i thank you for making this :)
Quote from: Dark Ambition on March 21, 2017, 07:25:08 PM
My friend Mahazkei is using a Mac and he can't open it. Looks like the same problem bluepikman had. Any progress on if it's fixed or not?
Unfortunately no. I have tried installing a Mac in a virtual box, but without success. Can your friend send me the output log? Just tell him to run the program from terminal ("java -jar PRPL-Toolset-0.1.6.jar") and copy-paste the error message that comes out, or printscreen it. It would help a lot. Also if he could could verify whether or not can he run the previous versions would help as well. I'll try to make the virtual box thing work in the meantime.
Quote from: FOXX on March 21, 2017, 07:32:47 PM
Just tested the new functions a littlebit and love it.
Another thought ;) -> It would also be handy if you have made a small layout there is a way to copy and paste that.
And maybe a turning option. like 90 degrees, maybe 45 also or an input for degrees :o
And i thank you for making this :)
Well, I have thought about copy-pasting entire portions of the ship. However the UI is cluttered enough as it is (it already didn't fit on my 720p monitor, so I split the modules into 2 categories, and was lazy to do a monitor size check :D ) however that could be resolved with a much needed UI overhaul.
Now, for the rotaion: 90° rotation is bad enough as it doesn't work with non-sqauare modules, I have no idea how 45° rotation would work and arbitrary angle is sheer lunacy. However sticking to 90° rotations and horizontal/vertical flipping should be doable, and I can see this being added sometime in the future. (Here I would point out that the program is open sourced and anyone can contribute is they want to, but the code is such a terrible mess it would be better to start from scratch at this point.)
Quote from: kajacx on March 21, 2017, 07:57:57 PM
Well, I have thought about copy-pasting entire portions of the ship. However the UI is cluttered enough as it is (it already didn't fit on my 720p monitor, so I split the modules into 2 categories, and was lazy to do a monitor size check :D ) however that could be resolved with a much needed UI overhaul.
Now, for the rotaion: 90° rotation is bad enough as it doesn't work with non-sqauare modules, I have no idea how 45° rotation would work and arbitrary angle is sheer lunacy. However sticking to 90° rotations and horizontal/vertical flipping should be doable, and I can see this being added sometime in the future. (Here I would point out that the program is open sourced and anyone can contribute is they want to, but the code is such a terrible mess it would be better to start from scratch at this point.)
The Copy Paste with parts function is a fun thing wich save a bit of time. But the newest version is awesome on its own.
It would be nice if it wa added to have more functions and maybe someone can clean up the code.
Unfortunately i am not that person. :(
I still need help with my scripts [sometimes a lot of help]
Ship for import debugging.
Automatic Particle Fleet data folder detection is going wonderfully (sarcasm).
Ubuntu, what are doing?
Quote from: kajacx on March 23, 2017, 11:07:34 AM
Automatic Particle Fleet data folder detection is going wonderfully (sarcasm).
Ubuntu, what are doing?
I just....What?
This seems to be an issue with Ubuntu, so not much anyone can do about is(short of finding another way of finding directories).
All I can offer is my sympathy.
Thankfully its not an issue with ubuntu, there were some invisible characters in there. I got the path from planetfall (I think) on chat, so the chat client probably insterted some line breaks since the whole paths didnt fit into the chat window.
I don't know how complicated this would be, but maybe put the starting command module in the center of the editor. Because most ships usually have a centered command module and it's a bit of a hassle to move it to the center. I don't know, that's just my opinion.
Quote from: Bluepikmin64 on March 24, 2017, 05:18:33 PM
I don't know how complicated this would be, but maybe put the starting command module in the center of the editor. Because most ships usually have a centered command module and it's a bit of a hassle to move it to the center. I don't know, that's just my opinion.
Instead of moving the command module to the centre, you can simply delete it and rebuild it in the centre of the grid, since you can replace the command module at will anyways.
Quote from: Bluepikmin64 on March 24, 2017, 05:18:33 PM
I don't know how complicated this would be, but maybe put the starting command module in the center of the editor. Because most ships usually have a centered command module and it's a bit of a hassle to move it to the center. I don't know, that's just my opinion.
To be honest I don't know what you want. Do you want the staring ship (5x5 block with 1 command module) and loaded ships be at the center of the editor, instead of the left-top corner? Yea, that would be quite easy to do. What I don't understand is how moving the command module (which is quite easy, jsut delete it and place it elsewhere) is related to moving the entire ship in the editor.
QuoteWhat I don't understand is how moving the command module (which is quite easy, just delete it and place it elsewhere) is related to moving the entire ship in the editor.
1. I didn't know what exactly to call the starting 5X5 square so, I just called the whole thing the "Command Module."
2. I realize this now, but when wrote the comment, it had never gone through my head that I could just delete the starting part and put it in the center. And most of my extra large ships have a centered or mostly centered Command Module, so I constantly click the move buttons to get the 5X5 to the center. My comment was mainly because I can be incredibly ignorant at times. :D
(P.S. Deleting the command module and rebuilding it will actually make designing ships so much easier.)
Woot. This is getting more and more awesome. Couple of minor complaints.
1: Ony way to remove ship parts is to delete the .png and .txt file.
2: Updates too often, I can't keep up[Sarcasm :) ].
Also, you got it working on Linux! now all i have to do is figure what I'm doing.
Bug Report!
Not sure how to describe this, just look at the picture.
Second report:
Turns out that mirror mode doesn't auto-flip custom sections, like those little laser thing i have on this ship. if I was mirroring vertically, they would be backward.
Hm, interesting. Can you give me more info on how did this happen? Your ship is definitely symetrical, however the mirror is placed one cell off. Did you place the mirror there now, or was it there like that the entire time? Also I assume you are placing the laser in the center on the screenshot.
Also "if it was mirroring the verticaly, they would be backward". Yes they would, but you are using a horizontal mirror, so the lasers seem to be rotating corretly.
There is, however, a rotation bug where parts are not rotated correctly if you use both vertical and horizontal mirror at the same time. It will be fixed today.
As to the wrong position, there is a bug when placing ship parts that I managed to recreate only twice and have no idea what is causing it. Resetting the program fixed it both times, so just save your ship and try to restart.
ok, the first bug was me placing the mirror one line off(and missing that somehow).
The second one is reproducible, weirdly.
See images.
Note: it works in the horizontal mirror, vertical mirror, and the rotation mirror, just not vertical and horizontal at the same time.
I can see how you missed that, as that's kind of and edge case(And is most likely the kind of error you get when rounding is based off of equivalent string length).
So, If you look at the pictures, it shows whats going on (For the most part). And I was wondering if this had something to do with the fact that I have a OSX platform. So basicly, whenever I try to save the ships as well as export them, the ship.txt doesn't convert into a .dat file (Says it cannot preform that task). If you have anything that could help me in this situation please tell me
I may be overlooking this whole thing but As much as i want to download and use this program in particle fleet to make supermassive ships. It looks very complex and hard to use. Being the computer noob that I am, I have no experience in coding, programing, or using any programs like java, so i may not be able to use it due to me not knowing how to.
EDIT: If anyone would be willing to take some time, i have a few ship requests for you to make for me. PM me if you would like to help me out. Thanks
hello Three_Prime
download the program, make your ship, and then press the export button at the bottom of the program. Copy the export data in notepad and send it to me. I'll convert it to a vessel file that you can insert into your ships folder for you to use.
Don't forget to give it a name, a designer (you) and a description.
Quote from: Sorrontis on April 12, 2017, 10:45:04 PM
hello Three_Prime
download the program, make your ship, and then press the export button at the bottom of the program. Copy the export data in notepad and send it to me. I'll convert it to a vessel file that you can insert into your ships folder for you to use.
Don't forget to give it a name, a designer (you) and a description.
Thanks! I'll get to it shortly :D
I have already PMed Three_Pryme, but just to clarify for future readers: the ship editor now saves ships to the Particle Fleet's ship directory by default. That means when you click the "Save As" button and save your ship, you don't need to do anything else and you ship will be visible in Particle Fleet.
However use caution, since you can easily override an existing ship with no (or rather, limited) way to undo that.
*Sigh*, you know the drill. I have another bug report.
The import from clipboard button doesn't work on Linux.
throws 'Cannot read CITG: java.lang.NullPointerExceptio' as an error.
screenshots of the ship and the editor attached.
I don't care about the CITG, it's just not importing the ship.
uhhh error:Unable to access jarfile?
weeb I have already messaged you in a PM asking you to provide more info on what happened. Can you please reply (vie an PM) instead of spamming this forum thread?
sorry im new to this site
Quote from: kajacx on April 13, 2017, 06:35:51 AM
I have already PMed Three_Pryme, but just to clarify for future readers: the ship editor now saves ships to the Particle Fleet's ship directory by default. That means when you click the "Save As" button and save your ship, you don't need to do anything else and you ship will be visible in Particle Fleet.
However use caution, since you can easily override an existing ship with no (or rather, limited) way to undo that.
How do i save mine? i don't have that button so do i need to email you the notepad file?
Quote from: MonstercatMedia on June 20, 2017, 05:31:11 PM
Quote from: kajacx on April 13, 2017, 06:35:51 AM
I have already PMed Three_Pryme, but just to clarify for future readers: the ship editor now saves ships to the Particle Fleet's ship directory by default. That means when you click the "Save As" button and save your ship, you don't need to do anything else and you ship will be visible in Particle Fleet.
However use caution, since you can easily override an existing ship with no (or rather, limited) way to undo that.
How do i save mine? i don't have that button so do i need to email you the notepad file?
Same here, I dont see the save as option anywhere in the program.
Huge fan BTW, been tracking its progress for a little bit
How do i save mine? i don't have that button ....
If you start up the Editor you should find the Save As button on the Left Side of the Build Screen.
After Clicking that Button the new Ship is Accessible in the Editor under Add Ship and in the Ship List.
Quote from: FOXX on July 19, 2017, 06:15:06 PM
How do i save mine? i don't have that button ....
If you start up the Editor you should find the Save As button on the Left Side of the Build Screen.
After Clicking that Button the new Ship is Accessible in the Editor under Add Ship and in the Ship List.
I didn't see it there (I glazed over it or something)... thanks for the help.
Can happen sometime.
Good Luck :)
I made a really big ship and its taking awhile to build so i decided to post this while i was waiting
the center module costs freaking 15k energy
by the way, if you're wondering here's more stats
- 7.9k seconds build time
- 1.2k hull size
Quote from: TECHNO 1 on July 21, 2017, 10:22:27 PM
the center module costs freaking 15k energy
Yea, the long build times are a problem. GoodMorning has a shipyard script that speeds up ship building, but it's a bit complicated to use at first (he may improved it since). I have made my own script that speeds up ship building, but that one pull the energy out of thin air, which could be viewed as "cheating".
I'll probably make a new thread with summary of all current options to quicky build large ships.
Quote from: kajacx on July 22, 2017, 08:03:06 AM
Quote from: TECHNO 1 on July 21, 2017, 10:22:27 PM
the center module costs freaking 15k energy
Yea, the long build times are a problem. GoodMorning has a shipyard script that speeds up ship building, but it's a bit complicated to use at first (he may improved it since). I have made my own script that speeds up ship building, but that one pull the energy out of thin air, which could be viewed as "cheating".
I'll probably make a new thread with summary of all current options to quicky build large ships.
I'm fine with cheating because right now im just testing, and maybe later i will want to build ships instantly so you have them at the start of a misson
but anyway thanks for info
Yo it wont launch
Quote from: weeb27 on January 22, 2018, 07:07:32 PM
Yo it wont launch
Hi Weeb27,
do you have Java installed?
What operation system do you have? What error does it write when you start it from console/terminal?
How do i add the GITG?
Quote from: Poladuful on March 11, 2018, 04:17:35 PM
How do i add the GITG?
In the normal Ship Editor you can copy the CITG and then paste into this Editor.
So I've got a bug, and it's pretty gross.
First, I'm running the PRPL Toolset, v0.3.2
On a 2007 iMac.
I'm trying to import a ship from the editor to PF:E, running on Steam.
But the ship file, once saved, tells me it cannot be converted to a .dat file.
And it says so in the text box below the editor window, next to the Export and Import to Clipboard buttons.
I've got tons of ships in the .txt format, and I need them in .dat to import them to PF:E on Steam.
Help is appreciated.
Quote from: Mahazkei on April 21, 2018, 10:16:32 PM
But the ship file, once saved, tells me it cannot be converted to a .dat file.
TL;DR: Try installing mono.
(copy-paste from discord)
[12:36 PM] kajacx: @Mahazkei hi, in order to generate the .dat file, you need to have mono installed if you are using mac
[12:37 PM] kajacx: just google "mono mac download" and it's the first hit -->
[12:38 PM] kajacx: i tried it in virual box and it worked fine, in case it doesn't work there is a way to import the ship via the "export to clipboard" button but it's a bit more complicated
[12:46 PM] kajacx: also, "What difference does it make": the "export to clipboard" button just copies the ship's vanilla plan data, same as clicking the "PRPL Data to Clipboard" button in the vanilla editor. This data can be fed into the AddCustomShipToInventory, but this doesn't save the custom modules.
[12:48 PM] kajacx: the "Save as" button will save both the ship plan and the custom modules into a .txt file, as wel las generate .prpl files to ass the custom modules as well as it will attemp to create the .dat file, which is what PF editor uses to save the script. If the program sucessfully creates the .dat file, then the ship will appear in you ship list automaticly.
Also, there is a way to import it without the .dat file, I might do a video on that.
So I downloaded this to have a play around with it and was struggling to find the hull options when I imported my ship...
I can't seem to find them anywh-
I don't think the program likes long descriptions all that much =p
Quote from: MaxFirestorm on June 03, 2018, 08:00:11 AM
I don't think the program likes long descriptions all that much =p
Yea I was lazy to fix the long description issue, just copy it into a text editor on the side or something and then copy it back when you are done. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Quote from: kajacx on June 03, 2018, 08:10:38 AM
Quote from: MaxFirestorm on June 03, 2018, 08:00:11 AM
I don't think the program likes long descriptions all that much =p
Yea I was lazy to fix the long description issue, just copy it into a text editor on the side or something and then copy it back when you are done. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Nah, it's no problem XD It amused me more than anything else.
For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to add custom modules to my ships and get them into the game. Is there a step by step tutorial somewhere?
Quote from: Equinox on June 23, 2018, 06:54:55 PM
For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to add custom modules to my ships and get them into the game. Is there a step by step tutorial somewhere?
I thoguht I made one, but I can't find it. First, you need a good understanding of PRPL, I wouldn't try to make custom modules unless I've written a few scripts.
As for the custom modules, reading this solution by planetfall ( is always a good start, since the custom modules in my editor build on top of that, by automating the Master script for example.
Also there is some info in the program under "Help -> "How to use Custom Modules". Finally, the newest version should also autocreate a module template to get you started, but I may have not uploaded that version yet.
Finally, you can also use custom modules from other people (after asking, of course), which could be a viable alternative if don't want to learn PRPL.
Along with the Page from PlanetFall as mentioned above -> HERE ( is a detailed description on Custom Modules and HERE ( you can download my Custom Modules including Images and Scripts.
First off, I'm not trying to make my own modules. I just want to figure out how to use modules others have made. At the moment, I'm just toying around with the custom modules that came with the custom ship editor, specifically the Mortar. I've read the links, as well as the brief help file provided in the ship maker. I'm trying to follow Foxx's instructions he had in his custom module topic.
1 - Put the ShipFile in your PF Ship Folder. (C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\particlefleet\ships)
2 - Add all Scripts into the Script folder with the Map you want the Ship(s) in.
(C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\particlefleet\editor\MAPNAME)
3 - Add Images to the Map. [Images are Named according to the Image Sloth Name they go to]
4 - Make an Invisible PRPL Core outside the Map and Attach Master.prpl to the Core.
5 - Make a ShipPickup with the Ship you want. (or add the Ship to the Map)
6 - Run Game -> Pickup the Ship and Build your Ship. (or build from the ShipList) [Most Custom Modules take 30 Energy to Build so make sure you have enough of Energy to save time]
(or you can use "B" in the Editor for Instant Build)
Anyway, I got three script files. Shipmodule.prpl from the custom module thread, and two script files generated by the ship maker. zz_robot_Mortar and zz_adder_Mortar. The help file in the ship builder said that a 'moduleadder.prpl' it generates will serve as the master.prpl. I'm assuming in this case, it means the zz_adder_Mortar.
I've run into some issues. First off, when I go to add the image to the map, there's six categories that show up after I click the 'Custom Images' button in the map editor. (64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 64x64pp, 128x128pp, 256x256pp). I've no idea which category I should add the image to. I guessed the 64x64 one, since the mortar image itself was 64x64 pixels in size. It doesn't seem to be working though, as instead of the mortar images, theres just the default PRPL core graphics. Additionally, these PRPL core graphics are too big, and don't rotate with the ship when it turns.
Lastly, despite the graphics error, I tested the ship against some particulate, but the mortars weren't firing.
(Also, what's an Image Sloth? I assume it's a typo, and supposed to be Image Slot)
The System that Kajacx uses in his Editor has different Scriptnames then my System. You are right about the zz_adder_Mortar -> That is the Master Script.
The zz_robot_Mortar is for putting the Module on a Shipspawner so for this Setup you don't need this Script.
The Mortar is not working because it needs a Script for the Module itself. Those Scripts are not generated but you can get those Module Scripts by Downloading a Custom Module Ship from me and The Scripts and Images are included in this Download (the Rar Files). (
For instructions about the Images and things you might need to change in the Script (like Shipname and Image Location) Look HERE (
Most Custom Module Images are 64x64 but also 128x128 and 256x256. You can check this by rightclick on an image -> Then Properties -> Then Details.
Details Image
The (Mortar) Module is 3x3 and it looks like your Ship in the Image above has only a 2x2 hull Section for the Module. Should be 3x3.
And yes -> Ship Sloth = Ship Slot. Sorry about that.
If you still have issues let me know.
I have made a Video about this -> Hope that helps.
Wow, this will open up lot's of opportunities
Quote from: Random Event on February 02, 2019, 02:29:14 PM
Wow, this will open up lot's of opportunities
A lot of Custom Modules have been made.
Just to make sure you don't make duplicates.
Quote from: kajacx on July 22, 2017, 08:03:06 AM
Quote from: TECHNO 1 on July 21, 2017, 10:22:27 PM
the center module costs freaking 15k energy
Yea, the long build times are a problem. GoodMorning has a shipyard script that speeds up ship building, but it's a bit complicated to use at first (he may improved it since). I have made my own script that speeds up ship building, but that one pull the energy out of thin air, which could be viewed as "cheating".
I'll probably make a new thread with summary of all current options to quicky build large ships.
You said you have a script that speeds ship building? can you please send me it as i might use it in a mission i'm working on?
Quote from: Random Event on February 03, 2019, 04:27:31 PM
Quote from: kajacx on July 22, 2017, 08:03:06 AM
Quote from: TECHNO 1 on July 21, 2017, 10:22:27 PM
the center module costs freaking 15k energy
Yea, the long build times are a problem. GoodMorning has a shipyard script that speeds up ship building, but it's a bit complicated to use at first (he may improved it since). I have made my own script that speeds up ship building, but that one pull the energy out of thin air, which could be viewed as "cheating".
I'll probably make a new thread with summary of all current options to quicky build large ships.
You said you have a script that speeds ship building? can you please send me it as i might use it in a mission i'm working on?
Script isn't in here sadly, but some other good scripts and instructions. :)
Quote from: Builder17 on February 04, 2019, 12:13:48 AM
Quote from: Random Event on February 03, 2019, 04:27:31 PM
Quote from: kajacx on July 22, 2017, 08:03:06 AM
Yea, the long build times are a problem. GoodMorning has a shipyard script that speeds up ship building, but it's a bit complicated to use at first (he may improved it since). I have made my own script that speeds up ship building, but that one pull the energy out of thin air, which could be viewed as "cheating".
I'll probably make a new thread with summary of all current options to quicky build large ships.
You said you have a script that speeds ship building? can you please send me it as i might use it in a mission i'm working on?
Script isn't in here sadly, but some other good scripts and instructions. :)
I tried this, and while it works for all the original ship parts, when I try to put zz_adder files for ships into a map, it runs into an error. "Invalid token", on the last line, "SetScriptVar%n", specifically. I haven't even started putting in the other mods, just the ones that came with the editor. I got the game recently, so it should be up to date (1.1.4). Likewise for the ship constructor. (0.3.4)
This is the last line.
<-RSS_Uid "CmDisplay.prpl" "Ship" <-RSS_ShipName concat CreateList SetScriptVar%n
If I remove the last "%n", it compiles, but I still don't see the mods on the ships when I build them, and I don't see them when I mouse over them. And they (the modded modules) don't seem to be doing anything, when fully built. Likewise, if I edit out the last line. So, what am I doing wrong?
Edit: I also tried with other mods that I know work, by replacing the ship builder mods with the new mods via replace in text. Those mods don't show up either.
hey, so new player here, how do I excatly instal this mod ? bear in mind that I'm quite computer illeterate
It's not a mod to the core game, it's a third-party tool. Download the zip, unpack it, and run.
If you don't know enough for that, I'd suggest being very cautious about running code from random people on the Internet, though this time it's probably safe.
Quote from: GoodMorning on July 12, 2022, 06:01:15 PM
It's not a mod to the core game, it's a third-party tool. Download the zip, unpack it, and run.
If you don't know enough for that, I'd suggest being very cautious about running code from random people on the Internet, though this time it's probably safe.
alright, thanks, I wasn't sure if it was a traditional mod where you needed to slip the files in the game. thanks for the info
may i ask how do import the file into particle fleet emergence i do not know how this works
may i ask where and how to place the folders for the new file because i can't find a tutorial