Knuckle Cracker

Particle Fleet => Feedback, Features, and Suggestions => Topic started by: Kharnellius on September 25, 2016, 02:00:14 PM

Title: Bugs, Typos, Feedback, Etc.
Post by: Kharnellius on September 25, 2016, 02:00:14 PM
Here are the things I have found so far in my beta play-through.  I will update post as I get further along.
There will be spoilers below.  You've been warned.

*** First Things First ***
1) Virgil, thank you again for making a great game and thank you for the free beta key.  It was very much not expected and a great pleasant surprise.  I still fully intend to buy it as well since you deserve payment for your hard work.
2) This is a work in progress as I move through the game.  I will be adding to it as I make further progress.
3) Take my feedback as you will and know that I give this feedback only because I want this to be a great game and for it to be as successful as possible at launch.

### General Points ###
DONE. 1) This was mentioned by others in CW3.  It is still somewhat jarring that I cannot center my screen on spots near the edge of the map. Would you be able to increase the scrolling parameters to allow us to center on things near the edge of the map?  Please?  I'll beg. :)
DONE. 2) Entering the menu does not automatically pause the game.  This is pretty standard for every game I have ever played and cost me a mission because I was unaware of it.
DONE. 3) Scrolling issues: 4) Minor nitpick, it took me about half the game to realize that CEO TICON, COO AMICUS, DIR KAMI are NOT the first and last name.  Go ahead and make fun, but I'm sure I'm not the only one to make that mistake.  Recommend adding a "-" between the rank and last name.  Example: "CEO - TICON"
5) There should be a keyboard shortcut for navigating dialogue messages.  Left and right arrow perhaps?  We don't need two sets of controls for keyboard scrolling.
6) A way to call up previous messages like CW3 would be greatly appreciated.  It is great if want to recall some details or if you accidentally hit "skip" in the dialogue box.
7) Sometimes a dialogue box says "[Private]" and it is unclear if they are talking to themself or privately with someone else.  Occasionally, it will say '[Privately to _____ ]" so it is clear then, but there have been times only "[Private]" was used even though it was private discussion between two of the characters.  Noticed this in mission 3 and 5 so far.
8 ) Every mission objective (through mission 10 so far) is "Destroy all enemy structures", lol.  Since that is obvious and redundant, perhaps an objective doesn't even need to be listed.
9) Every time a data cache is found the text should be in quotes or the the thumbnail should change to an image of a data log instead of how it currently shows the person who is reading it.  I kept thinking it was my officers who had all this knowledge instead of thinking this was what was in the data caches.
10) Minor nitpick, zooming in and out scales up too high and low at the extremes.  When zooming out the amount each mouse wheel click zooms out at the max increases a ton, and when zooming in the amount zoomed in at the min barely does anything.
11) How do waypoints work?  Key commands indicate "Shift" is used, but I have no idea how to use it.  Tried many things, but nothing works.  EDIT: Apparently, they only work with Omnis.  Why?  Enabling waypoints for ships would help a lot!
12) In CW3 hovering your mouse over a pulse cannon while it was moving would cause the landing marker to turn white so you knew which one you were hovering over.  Can we add this functionality to the Omnis?
13) When placing an Omni to be built it does not give you that faint line that indicates it is in range of an energy mine (like when building ships).
14) When placing an Omni to be built it does not show its lathe/cannon range like when building ships.  This has lead me to build them out of range and not realizing for a while.

### Non-Critical Wishlist ###
1) Ships move at a certain speed when not facing the direction of travel.  Once they are facing the general direction of travel they suddenly just about double their speed.  It feels unnatural.  They should definitely increase speed but not instantly.  It should be a quick ramping up of speed
2) Same point as 1) regarding the small resupply drone for the MicroTank.  That thing stops on a nickel!

### Specific Mission Points ###
-- Prologue --
1) Once you start the Prologue, there is no way to exit it besides alt-tabbing and killing the game.  Esc should bring up the menu, at least.

-- Mission 1, Naivety --
"Thank you COO Amicus." Missing coma after "Thank you".
"Thank you Director..." Missing coma after "Thank you".
"And it is that single exception we have come to possess.  A message encrypted and only recently deciphered by our Chief Technology officer, Ana."  Use a semi-colon to combine the two phrase as the second phrase is not actually a sentence. ;)
It should read, "And it is that single exception we have come to possess; a message encrypted and only recently deciphered by our Chief Technology officer, Ana."

1) Mission Objective is "Custom"?
2) What is the number above energy mines?  It is never explained in the game and I still have no idea what it means.
3) The energy production bar is still not clear:  -- Mission 2, Indelible --
"You know it Chief" should be "You know it, Chief."

-- Mission 3, Unwise --
"Steady crew.  Ana, what do you make of this system?" should be "Steady, crew.  Ana, what do you make of this system?"
"Yes... but I thought we would not encounter it till we were much further in Redacted Space."   "Till" is what you do to a field before planting seed. ;)  Recommend "until".

-- Mission 4, Insanity --
"Maintain your composure crew." should be "Maintain your composure, crew."
"That is unexpected.... Thoth what is your assessment?" should be be "That is unexpected.... Thoth, what is your assessment?"
"Crew,  well done!"  Extra space between "Crew," and "well done!"

-- Mission 5, Evidence --
"The scans match a prediction made by your simulation Ana."  Add a comma after "simulation".
"It was purely theoretical till now, but here they are..."  Change "till" to "until".

-- Mission 6, Stretch --
"The answer is obvious Director Kami."  Add a comma after "obvious".

-- Mission 7, Brute --
"Your enthusiasm is appreciated Director Ogun."  Need a comma after "appreciated".
"This cache description...just as your were told."  Replace "your" with "you"?

-- Mission 8, Potential --
"We will need a good many more to reconstruct the date, but if you are right Ana, we stand a chance of finding them."  Need a comma after "right".

-- Mission 9, Emergent --
"Perhaps this isn't the whole truth Director Thoth."  Need a comma after "truth".
"What we have seen so far in Redacted Space points to additional elements in that story.  Elements the Galactic Corporation has purged from our history."  Should be:
"What we have seen so far in Redacted Space points to additional elements in that story; elements the Galactic Corporation has purged from our history."
"It would take a lot of energy and be a one way trip obviously."  Needs a comma after "trip".
"We will discuss this further Ogun."  Needs a comma after "further".
"For now prepare for the unknown that awaits in the next system."  Needs a comma after "now".

-- Mission 10, Ties --
"That is correct Chief Amicus."  Need a comma after "correct".
"As I recall in my studies of that time period, the decryption keys were tied to specific individuals.  Usually Chairman Abraxis or a member of his family."  Should be:
"As I recall in my studies of that time period, the decryption keys were tied to specific individuals; usually, Chairman Abraxis or a member of his family."
"With your permission Chief Ticon, I suggest we give it a try."  Need a comma after "permission".
"Alright Ogun I suppose a closer look won't hurt"  Need a comma after "Alright" and "Ogun".
"Is there anything else in the date Director Kami?". Need a comma after "data". 

-- Mission 11, Secrets --
"Director Kami, in the information we retrieved form the Abraxian cache there was something about Ana and you believed she needed to explain?"  This isn't a question and the part underlined doesn't make any sense.
"I mean obviously if anyone had known, chairman Ticon... uh Abraxis, would have been imprisoned or worse."  Need commas after "mean" and "obviously".
"Very good crew."   Need a comma after "good".

-- Mission 12, Doppelgangers --
"That it should sir."  Need a comma after "should".

-- Mission 13, Intent --
"Not yet sir, but perhaps by the time we exit rift space and enter the next system something will have come to me."  Need a comma after "yet".  Also this sentence feels awkward at the end.  I had to reread it multiple times.  Is she predicting the future?   EDIT: Now I think it sort of makes sense again...I might have missed the word "perhaps".  Disregard.

1)  I have noticed you mention "Origin World" many times, but the capitalization is inconsistent throughout the missions and dialogue.  I have seen "origin world", "Origin world", and "Origin World".  I know I am nitpicking, but I'm a stickler for consistency. :)

-- Mission 14, The 145th --
Typos/Grammar:  None found

-- Mission 15, Origin --
"One positive note Ogun."  Need a comma after "note".

1) On the moon I blew up a red structure but I have no idea what it was or what effect it had.  Perhaps a dialogue box should pop up to gently remind us what it was we just did.
2) Little pop-ups (aka tool tips) over the different structures on the moon and planet would be helpful.  You can't go back to reread the mission dialogue and it's a lot to keep track of when the mission starts. 
3) Mission could be a little harder.  I would have loved to see the enemy ships flank me while I focused on the moon or something.   Cannon was annoying, but not debilitating.  I wonder if it would have been best to have it target the mothership the entire time and make it so that the shot is weakened the further it must travel through friendly ships (instead of it passing through everything).  That way you have to continuously find ships to sacrifice to protect the mothership (and by association, your energy network).

-- The Choice --  [LOCKED]

-- Mission 16, Duty --  [LOCKED]

-- Epilogue --  [LOCKED]

This is where I have left off for now.  More to come.
Title: Re: Bugs, Typos, Feedback, Etc.
Post by: Kharnellius on September 26, 2016, 11:57:26 PM
I think that about wraps it up.  I've played through the entire game 1.5 times (minus the locked levels, obviously).  Hopefully, this was helpful to you, Virgil.  Good luck, and I hope it sells tons!!!

If I notice anything else, I will post in a separate comment so you can keep your sanity.  ;D :)
Title: Re: Bugs, Typos, Feedback, Etc.
Post by: Kharnellius on September 28, 2016, 01:16:47 AM
I noticed Mission 16 and Prologue do not say complete after you finish them.  Every other mission, cut scene says complete.
Title: Re: Bugs, Typos, Feedback, Etc.
Post by: Karsten75 on September 28, 2016, 06:29:07 AM
Quote from: Kharnellius on September 28, 2016, 01:16:47 AM
I noticed Mission 16 and Prologue do not say complete after you finish them.  Every other mission, cut scene says complete.

Mission 16 had a bug on completion.
Title: Re: Bugs, Typos, Feedback, Etc.
Post by: Kharnellius on September 28, 2016, 11:24:13 PM
"Previous" and "Next" cover up Executive Summary in Codex.  See attached image.
Title: Re: Bugs, Typos, Feedback, Etc.
Post by: GoodMorning on September 29, 2016, 12:45:48 AM
Scroll bar?
Title: Re: Bugs, Typos, Feedback, Etc.
Post by: Kharnellius on September 29, 2016, 12:59:12 AM
Scroll bar has no affect on the Next and Previous button locations.  Yes, I can scroll past to make the text viewable, but it looks like an unfinished beta product.
Title: Re: Bugs, Typos, Feedback, Etc.
Post by: GoodMorning on September 29, 2016, 01:35:59 AM
Is the text not designed to be scrolled through, being too long to fit in-window in any case?
Title: Re: Bugs, Typos, Feedback, Etc.
Post by: Xalos on September 29, 2016, 02:12:54 AM
Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but it feels bug-like to me.

In the main menu, if you go from one pane on the carousel to that same pane, it will clear the description and start playing the text-typing effect again.
This happens if you click without moving the mouse, or if you move the carousel a small enough distance that it locks to the same pane you were already on.

I went typo-hunting through the first five missions. These are all the potential typos I found in the latest version (Demo 1.0):