Knuckle Cracker

Particle Fleet => Pre-release chatter => Topic started by: gakm4 on March 03, 2016, 12:10:42 AM

Title: I was bored
Post by: gakm4 on March 03, 2016, 12:10:42 AM
As us humans our numbers have grown far to large for our mother planet or even our mother solar system to support us all so as you all should know we have expanded to cover multiple systems and we keep growing finding new uncharted lands to populate.

About 180 years ago we discovered an unknown entity. This entity was small but seemed to poses some knowledge. It had the ability to transform into almost anything it wanted to. Well transform is not the best word to use. It is more like they combined to make themselves look and act like something else. Their transformations were crude looking imitations when you were up close but from a distance could fool you.

There is little knowledge about that happened on the planet where this entity was found but what we do know is that the entire human colony was destroyed and that someone or something had taken control of the unkown entity. After a while communication with the entire solar system was lost. The humans amassed an fleet and came to check out what had happened. They did not do this out of worry for the civilians there but to salvage what they could from the loss so there were few ships with weaponry in the fleet. As soon as they were close to the first planet in the system the lead ship was destroyed with none of the crew of 30 being able to escape. The commander of the fleet ordered everyone to retreat but the greedy captains of two ships disobeyed and continued onward. I dont think i need to tell you what happened to those ships. With the fleet down to 3 of its 50 ships and panic spreading like wildfire the fleet commander assembled the 19 ships with a desent arsenal to take down whatever was attacking their ships.

What they found was not one enemy but a collection of many smaller enemies in different shapes and formations. They fired wave after wave into the group of enemies with minimal effect as the weapons they were equiped were meant for destroying large ships not for this mass of small enemies. As this battle was beginning there came a distress call from the ships they left behind. The combat fleet retreaded as fast as they could but when they came upon the wreckage of the fleet they knew they were to late. The fleet comander (whose family was on one of those ships) went into a blind rage a vowed to slaughter every one of them and ordered his fleet to fight to the very last man. Most people agreed with him and joined him in the fight to the death but there was one who disobeyed and that person was Mr. Frey. Instead of fighting he put his son Samuel into his fastest escape pod with all the info he had gathered on the enemy and sent him on his course to the nearest human outpost. Soon after Samuel was on his way the entire fleet was destroyed.

Samuel a 17 year old who just lost his only remaining family was alone in that small escape ship for three months and four days until it reached the outpost. In those months of being barely kept alive by the ships life support and food meant to last only one month he had alot of time to think and he almost ended his life many times during those three months but always held on because his father had trusted him to warn everyone about the enemies. As he watched the footage that was collected he started to call them particles. After he arrived at the outpost he started quickly and quite incoherently spouting off all of the things that had happened to him and the fleet and demanding he see whover was in charge. The soldiers seeing this young man who of 17 with three months of beard growth and no showers spouting out incoherently about a great threat to humans descided he was some nut who escaped from one of the mental facilities in the solar systen by stealing systenape ship so they threw him in isolation until they poured over the data he had in his ship. With a much calmer and cleaner Samuel and the data from his ship they took him to the comander. Samuel spent the next few weeks telling them everything he knew about about the particles.

In the following years there were many unsucessfull attempts to take the system back from the particles but each time we kept building better ships with better weapons designed specifically for destroying the particles. Each time we would be defeated but everytime they would assault us our defences easily held them at bay well that was until the dopples appeared. The dopples are collections of particles designed to mimic our own ships in appearence but at least they cannot mimic our weaponry. In the first wave of attacks by the dopples we lost most of the solar system we were staging our attacks from and we lost it completely in the first year of the dopples.

Over the next 100 years we lost many many systems to the particles and lost countless lives to them. About 50 years ago though we discoved how to synthesise a benign particle that could counteract the  particles and how to create energy mines. I will not go into how it works because i dont understand it and i dont think even most scientists understand it but all you need to know is that it gave us enough energy to mount resistance against the particles. We couldnt go on the offensive but at least we could defend ourselves againts the dopples.

This brings us up to about 10 years ago when one of our excavation teams found remnants of technology that allowed us to mount an offensive against the particles. This tech was part of a modular ship that will repair itself with energy. Once we got it within the range of one of our energy mines it drained all of the energy we had been storing and the ship repaired itself. Near where the ship was found an odd gem was found that seemed to do nothing by itself but once we brought it to the ship something amazing happened. The ship started absorbing more energy and the range of the targeting sensors increased. We finally had a way to fight back against the particles which is what we did. We sent our best comanders out to battle and we won many solar systems back.

We lost a fleet to the particles nine months ago and the self destruction on one of the ships malfunctioned. Six months ago the day we dreaded finnaly came. We got assaulted by an exact replica of one of our ships. The ship got close to one of our stations and then opened fire. Once we realised what was going on we had lost half of our space station and a quarter of our fleet. We managed to save ourselves but now we had to worry about the enemy having our weapons but at least they didnt have access to our newest weapon the MK7. With our new weapon in tow we managed to get back to the fleet we lost nine months ago. We revovered the ship of ours and looked into the data to see why they lost the battle and what happened in the aftermath. They finally finished processing the data from the ship last night and i got to see what happened after the battle ended and how they got a ship of ours.

Our fleet outnumber by 5 dopples to our 1 ship fought bravely but in the end they were taken out when our energy mine was taken and the fleet activated the self destruct on their ships and fled in the escape ships but one ships self destruct failed to activate. The particles watched the ship for a week and seeing no hostile actions comming from it the started combining into a replica of the ship. Their first attempts were actually quite comical and we had a good laugh at them in the office. After 3 weeks of recordings the batteries on the ships went out and the last attempt we caught on video was still pretty bad.

I have a bad feeling they understand how our ships work now and will need far less time to replicate any future ships we are able to builk but the higher ups dont want to listen to me. They also dont like when i point out that our ships were built from a relic we found and ask them what happened to the advanced society that build the ship and that if the particles were able to kill them what chance do we have.
Title: Re: I was bored
Post by: driesemol on March 04, 2016, 07:04:35 AM
This is actually really good :)