Knuckle Cracker

Particle Fleet => Pre-release chatter => Topic started by: Nicant on January 21, 2016, 09:01:03 PM

Title: Particle Fleet Suggestions [Updated: March, 03]
Post by: Nicant on January 21, 2016, 09:01:03 PM
If you haven't noticed, I have a never ending brain. :P There is most likely going to be a map editor for particle fleet (either built in to the game or in a different program). So Here are some
suggestions for the map editor! (As well as some other ones too!)
Edit: Updated Format
Edit2: Added Argument Example.


- A target priority setting on ship and omnis that tell it to either target particles or mire first.

- The ability to use waypoints for ships. Much like Omn- Particle Beam Module for Omni

- Lazor Module for Omni

- A Wormhole/teleporter that teleports ships, particles, and doppels where another wormhole is! Good for Mega-Giant Maps as seen in Alpha News.

- More structures you can build on energy sources.

- A priority setting on omnis for what module they use first.

NEW!- A Friendly ship builder.


- A way to import you own custom sounds and images (like CW3)

- A way to draw built struct (Seems to be added)

- A "pathing" tool to help guide doppels and enemy ships. You can draw multiple paths and name them when you are making a map. Once you drew a path, you can click a dopple/ship spawner to give the spawner a path that the ships will take! (ex: Path 1: Scout Path | Path 2: Circle around Emitter path ect.)

- Land that ships and weapons cannot pass over.

----------PRPL Commands----------

- A PRPL Script Command that follows a "path" that you drew. (Code Ex: "Path1" -1 FollowPath) "Path1", tells the core to follow path 1. -1, is the amount of times to follow the path, -1 would mean to follow the path for infinity times. FollowPath, is just the command. (Argument Ex: PathName, Loops)

- A PRPL Script Command that draws a "path". (Code Ex: "Path1" CurrentCoords DrawPath) "Path1" Is the path it draws. CurrentCoords tells the core to draw it below itself. DrawPath is just the command. (Argument Ex: PathName, X, Y,)

- A PRPL Script Command that draws fields. (Code Ex: CurrentCoords "UP" DrawField) CurrentCoords tells the core to draw below itself. "UP" is a string that says which direction the field should be facing. DrawField is just the command. (Argument Ex: X, Y, Direction)


- An option to shuffle the in-game music so you don't get board hearing the same music in the same order.

====================More Soon! Feel Free To Suggest and i will put them on!====================
Title: Re: Particle Fleet Suggestions
Post by: GameGibu on January 25, 2016, 12:43:10 AM
Are there already more than two teams pitted against each other planned for this new game? Or am I the original being to come up with that brainstorm?


Oh no, my floor is all wet from that brainstorm I just had...
Title: Re: Particle Fleet Suggestions [Updated: March, 03]
Post by: Nicant on March 03, 2016, 03:08:52 PM
Finally updated! been a while since i did anything.