Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World 3 => Custom Map Discussion => Topic started by: warren on September 20, 2014, 04:33:50 PM

Title: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: warren on September 20, 2014, 04:33:50 PM
TLDR: 5 maps. experimental. laggy. troops. medieval. gimme feedback.

So this is a crazy mod project. Although it will probably be quite a while before I post this to colonial space, it needs testing badly. In particular, I know there are some bugs remaining. I have seen command posts explode for no reason and leave no PZ. I think it might be caused by a stray extra argument to a Destroy function call that affects object 0.

In particular I need feedback on:
1) the texts
  - Is the spelling and grammar and word choice proper?
  - Is the tone appropriate?
  - Is it suitably period? (medieval)

2) Game balance. The first should be easy, with progressive difficulty increase each episode. The bonus map should be off the scale.

3) Bug search. If something unexpected happens, I need to know about it.
  - Object blows up for no reason?
  - Trees disappear?
  - Water does not flow under the bridge?
  - Story text on victory missing? (all episodes have them).
  - Troops stop moving?
  - Help text does not work? (every new troop has help text).
  - Water does not flow off edge of map?

4) I also want to know which is your favourite and why.

Stuff I could not figure out how to do:
1) Automatically add terraform instructions. If I could, I would have made enemy terrain mod stuff more powerful and then designate repair instructions. Maybe.

2) Query the forge for tech levels. If I could, I would have used the energy tech level in the first episode.

3) Target stuff with the cannon as if it were runners. If I could, vehicles could be hit by cannor.

4) Adjust the damage of the sniper. If I could I maybe would use this for balancing.

One thing that worries me is the unit pointers. The unit pointers are assigned sequentially with no end in sight. This worries me because the lack of abstraction or evidence of looping implies there is no memory recycling functionality. This is dangerous in this project because a steady supply of units is produced, and in large volume.

Read Manifest.txt for instructions.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: RrR on September 22, 2014, 04:54:33 PM
OK I'll bite.

Great to see a new way to die by creeper.

I had to restart the first level a few times because I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. took me about 15 minutes to finish.

I'm struggling with the second level. I can last about 5 minutes before the archers kill my snipers and then I run out of energy fending off the projectiles with beams. Perhaps I need a strategy to advance rather than waiting for the inevitable inside my fort.

If levels 3+ are even harder then I won't be able to cope.

Do the battlements on the walls serve any defensive purpose or just interfere with my weapons' ability to aim. I've been using the terp to take them away.

Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: warren on September 22, 2014, 08:14:31 PM
I think I made #2 a bit hard. #3 is probably easier. I'll slow the invasion down 50% on #2. Tip: sprayers do not need energy.

Edit: Archers can't hit anything if there is tall terrain between the archer and the target. The battlements slow the archers slightly.
Edit2: I think I may add that in a message capsule.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: RrR on September 23, 2014, 02:57:55 AM
I was using sprayers. They saved me initially but then lead to my downfall - I sucked up so much ac that the river ran dry and was occupied by the enemy, attacking where I had little defence & killing my snipers.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: warren on September 24, 2014, 07:12:17 AM
Okay then. Here is an easier episode 2. v.2. Better or worse?
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: RrR on September 24, 2014, 04:30:27 PM
The extra pz made quite a difference. I put a sniper on one on each side which kept the guns under control. Air power hidden in the river helped deal with the ranged enemy. Once I'd got a stable position, which was touch and go at times, but basically meant waiting for forge upgrades to energy and range, it was easy to push for victory. I went west first.

Shorter version. Early and mid phases are challenging (but much more do able than before) end game is easy.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: stdout on September 24, 2014, 05:16:09 PM
Beautiful map! It really has a medieval look to it.

You asked for grammar help, so...

Add "lands" after "These" to make it read:

"These lands, the ancestral borderlands of the kingdom of Roses, the Queen of Roses seeks to fortify..."

Also capitalize the proper nouns. Riven castle becomes Riven Castle.

rupublic should be republic. Capitalize it along with Stars.

Thyne is usally spelt thine.

Now to play it. :)
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: warren on September 24, 2014, 11:02:56 PM
QuoteYou asked for grammar help, so...

Add "lands" after "These" to make it read:...
"the ancestral borderlands of the kingdom of roses" is a noun phrase. It would be redundant with lands. I believe I will leave it as is.

QuoteAlso capitalize the proper nouns. Riven castle becomes Riven Castle.
I had to look up capitalization rules for this one. Then I found a bunch of other titles that maybe should be capitalized.

QuoteThyne is usally spelt thine.
The more ancient spelling is thyne. After serious consideration I went with your modern suggestion.

Did you skip Tutor castle? It has useful info.

I used the standing policy not to capitalize Queen of Roses, Queen of Stars, Kingdom of Roses, Republic of Stars, Chief Logistics Officer, Chief Strategist, which I would need to do if I regard them as formal titles instead of nicknames.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: stdout on September 25, 2014, 09:31:45 AM
I did skip Tutor Castle and went straight to your latest file. I'll go back and get the initial zip.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: Karsten75 on September 25, 2014, 02:03:48 PM
Quote from: stdout on September 24, 2014, 05:16:09 PM

Thyne is usally spelt spelled(?)  thine.

You had me there for a minute... :)
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: stdout on September 26, 2014, 04:46:08 PM
In Tutor castle:

I really feel like "lord" should be capitalized in every instance. It's a proper title.

Ours should be Our's since you're talking about possessiveness.

"To stand is to suicide" - suicide isn't a verb. Consider saying "To stand is suicide" or "To stand is to commit suicide."

Don't start a sentence with "Along" - "Your thoughtlessness will soon perish, along with..."

I like the story. The back and forth is funny and Aliana's last line was hilarious to me.

Now to play. :)
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: warren on September 26, 2014, 09:28:01 PM
QuoteOurs should be Our's since you're talking about possessiveness.
Never seen that before.

Quotesuicide isn't a verb.
Indeed it is.

How about "Your thoughtlessness will soon perish; along with..."

I will capitalize Lord.

Edit: Okay, since I know about eight people tested Tutor Castle without comment, I will go ahead and upload the final version of that in a couple days. Since I got feedback on Riven Castle, that will go up a couple days later. I still need the last three tested. Note: I know #3 and #4 are winnable as a fact. But not #5 for certain.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: Karsten75 on September 27, 2014, 02:52:18 AM
Quote from: stdout on September 26, 2014, 04:46:08 PM

Ours should be Our's since you're talking about possessiveness.
This is ours, that is yours.

Merriam Webster: Ours: That which belongs to us (

Quote"To stand is to suicide" - suicide isn't a verb. Consider saying "To stand is suicide" or "To stand is to commit suicide."
Here I agree with you and Warren (next post) is mistaken.

Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: stdout on September 27, 2014, 07:20:15 AM
Thanks for the correction Karsten.

I played game #1 yesterday and didn't finish but had fun. How do you kill the longbowmen?
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: RrR on September 27, 2014, 11:59:54 AM
Just beaten the third game. Took about 40 minutes. Only occasionally was my base threatened. I think it is easier than the revised second game (and much easier than the original second game). The game does encourage turtle play, waiting for power and especially range upgrades. Perhaps putting some tasty treats just out of range would encourage a more aggressive play.

I was surprised that the bertha didn't do any damage to the enemy. I guess it would unbalance the mid game if ranks of bertha could deal death at a distance.

The enemy cannon are easily distracted by placing unbuilt objects on the map. Its a great way to relieve pressure on the beams.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: warren on September 28, 2014, 01:18:33 AM
I like #3 too much to change the balance on that one I think.

Oh man just thinking simultaneousely about the seriousness of cannons firing on unbuilt objects and the effort required to fix. Oh, just fixed. Nice catch. I originally let unbuilt targets get targeted because I felt ignoring them could be used to build a wall. For this reason, things other than the catapult, trebuchet, and cannon can still hit those.

I also moved the guppy off the landing pad in Tutor Castle to prevent some confusion potentially.

Edit: IIRC, bertha does not outright kill digitalis. It does 50% damage or something in a wide area. That is about equivalent to 25% warrior health. Berthas will not work on vehicles since I did not add damage detection to their DNA. It is safe to say I built this map set wholly without including berthas in the strategic makeup. (At least until the specials roll out.)

I believe both sprayers and mortars have enough range to hit longbowmen. In addition, units will crawl forward on their own over time. It is (relatively) safe to fly units into longbow range, but not at all out of same.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: warren on September 30, 2014, 08:00:10 PM
Hey you! Yes you. If I don't get more feedback on #3 by about four days from now, I'll just release it in its doubtless buggy, poorly balanced, and atrocious grammar current state.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: stdout on October 01, 2014, 01:14:33 PM
The grammar looked good to me.

Can you explain a bit about how the guppy is producing energy? There seems to be a limit but what is the limit? I had a hard time maximizing my energy usage without any kind of meter showing me what was available. Some explanation about this in the intro might be helpful.
Title: Re: Castles+CRPL+(please test me)
Post by: warren on October 01, 2014, 03:44:27 PM
If you are talking about the tutor guppy, I put a note on the forum thread. It produces 20 energy. Guppies on other levels should not produce energy.