Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World => Gameplay Discussion => Topic started by: betadata on December 24, 2009, 07:58:08 PM

Title: WOW!!!!!
Post by: betadata on December 24, 2009, 07:58:08 PM
I found this game on played the demo and invested the 9.99 . well definitely the best 10 bucks I ever spent. I have played through the game and finished all the levels and LOVE the ending. The replay value is amazing. This is one of the more original games I have ever played. I have been playing games since pong was a stand alone console on a 13" black and white TV. I was a big fan of homeworld and the story here rivals that game. I look forward to digging into the many user created maps and maybe making a map or two of my own. My hat is off to the one man team that brought this game to us. I bet his family missed him a bit though. :P 
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: knucracker on December 24, 2009, 10:41:38 PM
Thanks for the great comments....

If you were playing pong on a bw tv you must be an 'old' guy like me :)  I started with an atari 2600 (well a sears branded version).  Wrote games on an atari 400 when I was a kid and went crazy as a teenager on a c64.  Ah the good old days when a big game dev shop was 3 guys not a movie studio....
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: betadata on December 24, 2009, 11:01:47 PM
Hey wait a min you called me old. I dont think so.  atari 2600 LOL the football game took up many hours of my life. 3 stupid sprites that all moved together. 
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: knucracker on December 24, 2009, 11:27:22 PM
No no no.... I said 'old'  (note the quotes :) 
I played adventure on the 2600 till I wore out about two joysticks.

Anyway.... speaking of that family missing me part (here I am posting on my own forum while santa is out making the rounds!).

Merry Christmas everyone!
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Young on December 25, 2009, 02:43:24 AM
Quote from: betadata on December 24, 2009, 07:58:08 PM
I found this game on played the demo and invested the 9.99 . well definitely the best 10 bucks I ever spent. I have played through the game and finished all the levels and LOVE the ending. The replay value is amazing. This is one of the more original games I have ever played. I have been playing games since pong was a stand alone console on a 13" black and white TV. I was a big fan of homeworld and the story here rivals that game. I look forward to digging into the many user created maps and maybe making a map or two of my own. My hat is off to the one man team that brought this game to us. I bet his family missed him a bit though. :P 

I am just like you found it at and god. I never pay for games and this was just addicting as hell.
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Aurzel on December 25, 2009, 02:44:55 AM
heh so nice to see the old guys enjoying a good game and reliving the old days ;)
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: NoobSauce on December 25, 2009, 10:17:08 AM
Yeah, I'll let you guys in on a secret...  I don't usually buy games, and the constant nagging to "BUY BUY BUY CREEPER WORLD ONLY 9.95.99 WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS AND LOOK AT ALL THESE SPARKLING REVIEWS" pissed me off so much that I was about to just pirate the game...  then I played the training sim one more time and was like "Dayum, this shit is pretty well made."

On a related note, the main knuckle cracker website is annoying as hell and I hope it changes.
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Aurzel on December 25, 2009, 11:15:42 AM
whats wrong with it?
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: NoobSauce on December 26, 2009, 01:24:15 PM
The aggressive marketing is irritating...  the screenshots and youtube link and BUY BUY BUY...

I dunno, maybe it works, but I dream of a day when the game will speak for itself...
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Aurzel on December 26, 2009, 05:07:43 PM
well you need to have a link on the home page so people can buy insteado searching the website dont you?
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Thorgold on December 27, 2009, 03:05:56 AM
I am like the OP, except I played the Simulator at Kongregate. I don't find the front page too commercial, in fact it's what I'd expect from a pay-to-play game's site. Now, if this was an entirely different site i.e. a blog whose owner made a game, a front page with "BUY MAH GAME" would be annoying.
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Dranar on December 28, 2009, 03:15:06 AM
One of my friends said he 'cracked' the game and got the full version for free. He said it was easy aswell, so I'd suggest you get better security.  ;)
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Aurzel on December 28, 2009, 03:41:22 AM
it's always going to be easy enough to find cracks for any game, security isnt in question here, but it's people like that who'll make the game suffer unecesserily
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: knucracker on December 28, 2009, 10:17:10 AM
Yeah, there is no stopping piracy.  PC games suffer greatly from this.  Everybody thinks it is harmless because they see companies like Valve make bunches of money.  What they don't see are all of the companies that no longer exist, or games that never got made.

All I can do is to make CW as much fun as I can and as good a value as I can.  I've tried to make it provide many hours of entertainment and brain exercise.  I've also tried to not just 'fire and forget' the game, but continue to nurture and participate in the community after its release.

But, I'm thankful for everyone who has bought the game and their support of indie development!
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Aurzel on December 28, 2009, 03:23:56 PM
and we thank you for being a far above average developer in both contribution to the game and to the community :D
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Dranar on December 28, 2009, 07:21:53 PM
And we thank you for the most awesome and addicting flash game ever!
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Aurzel on December 28, 2009, 08:58:28 PM
i think we've done enough ego swelling for now :P
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Dranar on December 28, 2009, 09:31:26 PM
Haha, ok.

Hmm... my brother calls this game 'gay' because some levels can take up to an hour...
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Karsten75 on December 28, 2009, 09:34:24 PM
What I don't like is that I've now opened TWO Eater Eggs that simply recommends another game. I cry foul! Once is overlookable, but twice? You're using *my* money and effort to advertise to me????
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: knucracker on December 28, 2009, 11:54:47 PM
Chopraider is another game I made over a year ago.  Don't worry, it is totally free.... I'm not trying to push anything over on you.  You couldn't buy it if you wanted to.  It's not that unusual for one game to have an egg that mentions previous works from the same author.  It can provide neat continuity for anyone who played the earlier titles.
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Karsten75 on December 29, 2009, 01:10:30 AM
Hey, I didn't mind the first Eater Egg about your other game. I agree that is more or less OK. It's the second egg, I'm complaining about. Additionally, I'd like to have the easter eggs and their text displayed somewhere in my games. I thought there was something in one of them, but now I can't remember it. And I don't want to really play al lthe games again just to find the one I'm looking for.

Oh, BTW, apart from Gump I'm now done. It was nice, a few were kind of hard and I doubt I have the skill to beat them at double down. Good game overall, but I'm now totally exhausted.
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Dranar on December 29, 2009, 01:50:52 AM
I'm confused  ???. What are Eater Eggs? What do you mean taking your money? Is Virgil robbing you?  ???
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Aurzel on December 29, 2009, 08:52:28 AM
easter eggs are little tid bits developers place in games that arent to do with the core part of game but are instead something extra, and virgil's not robbing anyone
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Avest on December 29, 2009, 09:53:39 AM
Ok, i must admit i used an illegale version of creeper world.. :o
But this game is so great that i bought it immediately!

Tnx for the great game! Its worth every penny!

Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Mrmcdeath on December 29, 2009, 09:55:35 AM
lol... i bought it right after i played the online version at BubbleBox. I had to beg my parents to let me buy it...
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: knucracker on December 29, 2009, 10:46:35 AM
Thanks for the the purchases.... every purchase is a vote of confidence.

So, as to the meaning of all of the Special Ops maps.  A good number of the maps were part of a theme of things that have influenced me.

1: Classic Earth.  This reminded me of the board game Axis and Allies.  I thought it would be cool to fight across the continents.

2: Super Tax-Man.  I live in NC, and our wonderful government has decided to declare war on e-commerce.   So now, for instance, if you run a web site and live in NC you can no longer be an affiliate.  This has destroyed I don't know how many e-businesses in our state.  It makes me sad.

3: Gump.  Not the box of chocolates part, but the feather part.  How Forrest's insight at the end of the movie about life being both random yet there also being fate (and how the feather's journey represented this).

4: Mouse Shadow.  "Mouse shadow of the second moon"  Google it, then read the book.

5: Chess.  Seems obvious enough (it looks like a chess board).  But think about chess for a minute.  An 8x8 board with only 6 unique 'units'.  Talk about the tightest most awesome strategy game ever.  Makes Creeper World look like Supreme Commander by comparison.

6: DTD.  Not the first defense game by any measure, but desktop tower defense was probably the most popular first gen defense game.  It's emphasis on minimal graphics and a 'path-less' screen were inspirational.

7: Poison.  I thought it looked funny (not everything has to have a really deep meaning :)

8: ChopRaider.  My last public game was ChopRaider, so I though I'd make a whole map that looked like the helicopter in that game.  Since it was about flying, I threw in a whole load of spores.

9: Air.  I'd have to say that Adobe AIR was pretty influential in the game design and limitations....

10: KC.  It's the name of the company and the web site, so it seemed like a fitting final map.
Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: Kamron3 on December 30, 2009, 03:29:41 AM
This is the only game in my entire life that I have bought as well.

Title: Re: WOW!!!!!
Post by: redflame on January 02, 2010, 11:30:00 AM
i played the sim on kongregate then i thought ok i want to buy this so i called my farther and he paid it (have to pay him back though :(. one of my better buys ever. thank you virgil