Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World 3 => Gameplay Discussion => Topic started by: planetfall on June 01, 2014, 05:20:14 PM

Title: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 01, 2014, 05:20:14 PM
I'm putting this here instead of Coder's Corner, since I think it might be a bug with the engine rather than a scripting error on my part -- I've scoured my scripts looking for something that might this effect, but to no avail.

The situation as it stands:

There are some cores (enemy drones) that are supposed to be shootable by snipers. At first, they work as expected. After running the map for a while, however, they develop a strange interaction. Snipers become oblivious to the drones when they first enter the sniper's range, but as they get closer the sniper eventually recognizes them and fires. After experimenting a bit with building snipers at different times, it appears that this is an issue per-sniper. New snipers have no problem targeting the drones even if the sniper right next to it can't. Also, it seems that it gets worse the longer the map goes on: eventually it gets to the point that the sniper can't attack the drone until it gets within a few cells of the sniper. Once that happens, the sniper "wakes up" and shoots at the core until either it is destroyed or it exits the sniper's normal range. If it exits the range it has to get within the much smaller "notice range" before the sniper can shoot it again.

What's more, saving and reloading actually resets the problem so I can't just send a save file.

So my thought process with debugging this is as follows:

No. Setting this to false does not correct the problem.

- Is it because setting CONST_SNIPERTARGET is getting set constantly?
The drones search for a state in an off-map control core that tells them whether they should be sniper-targetable. Perhaps setting this rapidly is updating the snipers too fast? Changing this so that the state is only changed when the control is toggled fixes nothing. Neither does removing the drones' ability to change their snipertarget status altogether.

- Does it do the same thing with runners?
Yes, it seems to. This includes runners spawned from regular runner nests as well as by scripts. I also removed everything from the map that could potentially mess with the runners, and it still continues. So, I guess this is proof that it is an engine error and not a script error?

- What if I remove all sniper targetable cores?
Done, and still it continues.

- Does it persist after saving?
Well, no. But if I reload when the sniper targetable cores are all gone, it also doesn't re-appear after saving, reloading, and letting it run a while. Even if there are 800 bazillion runners everywhere.

It seems as though a map with both runners and snipeable cores messes with things. Of course, there were both runners and snipertarget cores on Farbor... Let me replay that map and see.

It doesn't seem to mess up (but considering it's a rush map, it may just not have time for the bug effect to build up.) However, since I've looked at the Farbor scripts, I know that the ships don't actually get destroyed and instead teleport back to the launch pads and reset to the building state. Whereas in my map the drones are constantly being spawned and destroyed. That might be important...
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 01, 2014, 06:54:48 PM
What I need is basically a minimal (or close to it) way to reproduce the problem.  I don't mind letting a mission run...  Do you have a simple map that will demonstrate the problem after some time?

What I will be on the lookout for is making sure that the snipers just aren't running low on ammo, or aren't within their re-arm period.  After that, I'll look at the speed of the targets and the angle of approach to make sure the snipers are able to get a lock.  After that, I'll look at the number of units to see if some other target might be distracting the sniper.  And lastly if none of that sheds any light, I'll look at units that are destroyed to see if they are leaving a 'ghost' or anything like that.

I'm skeptical... as I always am about pretty much everything.  The reason for skepticism is that this bug has only been reported now.  That doesn't mean it isn't real, just that I have go looking for something that takes a special setup to create or that isn't at first obvious.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: Flabort on June 01, 2014, 07:35:33 PM
I have to say I've seen it before.
In his most recent series map, and the unreleased 'boss' map he's making, the bug where snipers don't always shoot can be seen.

In fact, when I first saw snipers shooting at those drones, I thought THAT was the bug. Because out of 5 overlapping sniper ranges, I only saw one shooting at those things, so I thought that sniper must be bugged.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 01, 2014, 09:00:37 PM
OK, here you go... it'll take some time even on 4x speed. In the real level it takes much less time (maybe because there are many more cores being spawned elsewhere? idk)

(This is worth noting, even if not on topic - while resizing a copy of the problem map to make the test map, clipped enemies that created units other than power zones left their special drops behind, off the map edge.)
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: Relli on June 02, 2014, 09:05:13 AM
Quote from: virgilw on June 01, 2014, 06:54:48 PM
I'm skeptical... as I always am about pretty much everything.  The reason for skepticism is that this bug has only been reported now.  That doesn't mean it isn't real, just that I have go looking for something that takes a special setup to create or that isn't at first obvious.
But hasn't this happened before? I had it happen to me on the Arc Eternal mission with the gliders, where you first get Berthas. Chanson, I believe. It was reported as a known bug.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 02, 2014, 09:40:49 AM
How long (in game time) are we talking about?
I'm at 8 hours in the drone test but don't yet see a problem.  I'll let it run for longer, just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask what time you had before you saw a problem.

Also, when I see a problem will it be that the drones fly out further over the snipers being shot at or something like that?  What I'm actually watching is each sniper to see if each is firing as fast as possible.  I'm looking for a case where a sniper sits there doing nothing when it has plenty of ammo, its barrel is recovered from recoil and there is a target in range.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: kwinse on June 02, 2014, 11:19:37 AM
I made a simple test where 1 drone would move slowly along a corridor towards 1 waiting sniper (read: enough time for the sniper to rearm before the next got in range), and the controlling core would trace where the drone died. After the first couple shots where the sniper's barrel got into position, the drone always died in the same place, no matter how long I left the game on.

So if the sniper bug is real, it's not evident by this test case, or I didn't give it enough time. I did find I couldn't scroll the trace log, but I haven't done much investigating of that.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 02, 2014, 02:44:46 PM
I'm at 18 hours now on the drone test (in game time).  I'm not seeing the issue....
So, I must not be seeing what I'm supposed to be looking at.  Maybe the posted test mission didn't actually show the problem by accident?
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 02, 2014, 03:05:11 PM
Quote from: virgilw on June 02, 2014, 09:40:49 AM
How long (in game time) are we talking about?
I'm at 8 hours in the drone test but don't yet see a problem.  I'll let it run for longer, just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask what time you had before you saw a problem.

Also, when I see a problem will it be that the drones fly out further over the snipers being shot at or something like that?  What I'm actually watching is each sniper to see if each is firing as fast as possible.  I'm looking for a case where a sniper sits there doing nothing when it has plenty of ammo, its barrel is recovered from recoil and there is a target in range.

IDK, about 30-40 mins in.

It may also have something to do with computer power... as I understand it you have a rather powerful computer, whereas I'm running on a 2006 iMac (ugh...)

However, I tested the full map on a friend's computer which I estimate is about 10-20 times as fast as mine, and the problem was pretty apparent. Let me try something else, because there is one major difference (aside from all the other evil going on) between the full map and the test map...

Yup. I made the shields produced by the drones not beamable, and the problem didn't occur. Then I added some beamable core spawners to the map, and the problem appeared faster. (and this time I have video:

I tried this because at first I thought that it was some kind of "running out of UIDs" problem, that the ids of the drones had somehow passed max int and the snipers weren't targeting negative UIDs or something to that effect. But then I threw out that idea when I saw that it was just decreasing "lock on range" and not ignoring them outright.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 02, 2014, 03:10:01 PM
What do you mean by "beamable core spawner".  Do you mean that things are being moved with some CRPL calls (like setting the position using SetUnitAttribute) or something to do with Beams?
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 02, 2014, 03:21:06 PM
Meaning it periodically creates some cores that fly at the player units and are destroyed by beams. (I'm just reusing old scripts.) No idea why that messes with sniper targeting, but it does.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: Relli on June 02, 2014, 07:56:07 PM
Quote from: kwinse on June 02, 2014, 11:19:37 AM
I did find I couldn't scroll the trace log, but I haven't done much investigating of that.
This one I can actually answer. Usually the trace log is added to or reset every frame, and whenever it is, it forces it down to the bottom of the list. If you pause, you should find that you can scroll it perfectly. Unless of course the core is set to Operate While Paused.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: kwinse on June 02, 2014, 08:28:30 PM
And that's why I was hesitant to report it, thanks.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 03, 2014, 08:55:17 AM
Ok, I found the issue.  What a subtle little thing.  Technical description follows, so grab some coffee.

Runners and CRPLTowers use a type of spatial hashing as they move about.  This makes it more efficient for things like Snipers to find targets that are in range.  Without this, a Sniper might have to look at every Runner or CRPLTower on a map and do a distance calculation.

As Runners and CT's move about the map they add and remove themselves to 'cells'.  Naturally when a runner or CT dies, it removes itself from the current cell it occupies.  Well, that was true 99.99% of the time for CT's.  There was an edge case (literally an edge case) where a CT could cross the border from one cell to another, get killed, then remove itself (or attempt to) from the new cell not the old one.  All of that could happen in one game frame.  It had to do with the order of death (the sniper doing the killing after the CT had updated itself) and a state check I do to prevent work in a script if the hosting unit is already dead.

So, the reason this was so hard to spot is because it required killing a CT at just the right spots.  The slower the CT was moving the harder to recreate.  Also, since any given game is deterministic, things that perturb the mission (like adding or removing other units) would seem to affect how long it would take to reproduce.  

Now, the reason the Snipers just sit there is because a killed CT would leave a 'ghost' in the spatial hashing data structure (in the form of a null).  Snipers look for non empty cells when doing a target search and null is not empty.  Of course snipers could check for null, but the target search is a time sensitive area so extra checks to handle a case that was never supposed to  happen wasn't added.  Later on when it came time to actually fire, a null check was done.  That's why a sniper will just sit there and point at an 'empty' space.  It is pointing at the ghost of a dead CT but the firing algorithm won't shoot because to it there appears to be nothing there (I see dead people....)

Loading from a saved mission fixes this problem because the spatial hashing data structure doesn't persist anything.  It gets populated by units at run time.  So the ghosts head to the light, so to speak, after a game load.  After that, your mission is no longer haunted and snipers go back to seeing things that are actually there.

I'll put up at least a beta build later today after I check over some other things.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: Flabort on June 03, 2014, 08:50:17 PM
And this is why Virgil deserves praise, even tough nuts like this bug don't stop him for long.
From the bug itself, and the context of the error, I don't think it was easily guessable.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 03, 2014, 08:57:00 PM
I had to do some stuff for kongregate today (image, new build that supports 'total score', etc) so I didn't get a chance to do a beta build with this fix.  But I'll get to it tomorrow....
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 04, 2014, 06:38:47 PM
I've uploaded a beta build with this fix to steam.  To use it, right click on the game within steam and select "Properties".  Then Click the "Betas" tab.  Choose "Prerelease" in the combo box.  Then close.  If your game doesn't switch to prerelease, then exit steam (completely) and restart it.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 04, 2014, 06:59:15 PM
I don't use steam...
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 04, 2014, 08:44:21 PM
Here are links to the non-steam version:
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 04, 2014, 08:45:52 PM
Thank you!
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 04, 2014, 09:36:52 PM
Wait, hold on, I have the problem again. (cw3ss_110)

Also, there is a sniper on lv6 terrain shooting a runner on the other side of a lv7 ridge (cw3ss_109). Perhaps because there is an ignoreLOS drone nearby, but it's clearly the runner that is damaged.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 05, 2014, 09:36:49 AM
As a sanity check, confirm that you have version 2.05 shown on the main menu.  Then try the mission you posted here to see if you notice a difference

That was the mission I tested with and I see a difference in behavior over 20 minutes of game time.  I'll try it again to see.

If you have another mission with an issue (the one with these screenshots) send that to me with a save that I can let run and observe the problem.  You can email it to me if you don't want to post it here (

I'll look at the line of sight thing while I want on you to check these things...
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 05, 2014, 12:57:40 PM
Confirmed that this is 2.05. The test mission works as expected, and the mission in the above post (which is CS #310, btw) still has the bug.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 05, 2014, 01:21:28 PM
Lets try this.  Here are new builds (206) for windows.  I'll leave out OSX and linux for now to save time.

This build definitely fixes an issue with LOS calculations.  The other problem you reported with a sniper shooting a runner when it didn't have LOS... that should be fixed.
I have also made another small fix I get when I load your 310-0 save.  There was an issue with cleaning up cores upon destruction.  Now, I have no reason to believe this has anything to do with the problem we are looking at, but it might.  It is a problem for sure, just not sure what effects it might have.  Anyway, this build fixes that problem.

So lets try this build and see if it is better for you.  When I run your 310-0 save I don't see any issues but I may not be looking at the right units.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 05, 2014, 01:27:25 PM
I can't try, since I'm on OSX.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 05, 2014, 01:28:52 PM
Bah ha ha ... Sorry...  My luck is just comically bad recently.  Nothing to do with you, but my guesses as to how to save time have all just basically backfired recently :)
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: Karsten75 on June 05, 2014, 01:30:26 PM
That's really funny - for spectators...:)
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 05, 2014, 01:39:53 PM
Ok, here are all 4 builds.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 05, 2014, 02:18:25 PM

edit: Just had a look through the scripts and realized that this uses the old version of the shield script. I changed it slightly a couple of maps later, since I thought that was the source of the bug. I didn't change it by very much, but in this version the shields are calling CONST_DESTROYONDAMAGE 0 SetUnitAttribute on runners. Not sure if that might cause any problems, but I'll test it again with this line removed.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 05, 2014, 02:20:41 PM
Are the things riding the backs of the runners set to be sniper targetable?
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 05, 2014, 02:27:51 PM
Quote from: virgilw on June 05, 2014, 02:20:41 PM
Are the things riding the backs of the runners set to be sniper targetable?

Nope. They are immune to everything except the death of the runner (and, in the case of the shields, beams.)
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 05, 2014, 02:55:06 PM
I'm having a heck of a time getting your 310-0 save to repro the problem.  If you have any more saves that repro the problem, don't be shy :)  I can't make progress until I can get a mission I can load and then wait N minutes to get the problem.  If I get that, I'll eventually be able to figure it out.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 05, 2014, 03:13:37 PM
I made runners spawn faster, so maybe it will be more easily visible now. Watch the third sniper from the bottom--it's very slight, but it will get to the point that it won't start turning its barrel until the runner is 2-3 cells into the range. Hopefully. It's hard to tell when the issue vanishes after reloading.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 09, 2014, 05:22:19 PM
OK, here's another update - I've got another save that has the issue, though whether it will again after loading is anyone's guess. Good candidate snipers to watch are the PZ one in the lower left and the one on a small pedestal near the middle.

But here's a question. When the sniper does its final check before shooting, if it finds a null, is it at all possible for the sniper to delete it from the array-hash-thingamajigger?

Sure, it'll probably make the sniper barrels wave around stupidly a bit, but it would (theoretically) work, right? (Of course that's if it's possible, and I know very little about Unity.)
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 09, 2014, 06:49:59 PM
I've been off fiddling with other things (wandering in the figurative desert) and have not looked at this any more since last week.  I'll take a look at your new save, though.
In theory, there is no null in the array anymore in the latest beta.  I'll check for that... because if there is, then the old problem is still there.  I have a feeling I won't find any null's and there is something else at play.
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 09, 2014, 09:09:43 PM
As usual, a few days away from the problem brought clarity when I returned.  I found another case where a crpl tower could manage to not properly clean up its entry in the spatial hashing data structures.  Very subtle and tricky, but it was there.  I redid the bookkeeping on how the towers are added and removed from the data structures and  this seems to make things much better.  Give the new build a shot and lets see...
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: planetfall on June 09, 2014, 11:39:56 PM
Well, I'm not beating my old time anytime soon, but this build seems to work perfectly.

This game just HAD to go and make a liar out of me...
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: Flabort on June 10, 2014, 12:25:01 AM
Wait, the bug is fixed?
A certain map is beatable by us common folk now?
Get this build to steam ASAP! :P
Title: Re: Bug: Snipers becoming "nearsighted"
Post by: knucracker on June 10, 2014, 12:47:03 PM
Switch to "prerelease" in the steam beta tab on the game properties (within steam client).  I've just uploaded this build to steam.  Let me know if it works for you...