Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World 3 => The Coder's Corner => Topic started by: Clean0nion on November 20, 2013, 08:01:39 PM

Title: (done) Is there a reason why this script causes massive lag? (thx Riluna, Kingo)
Post by: Clean0nion on November 20, 2013, 08:01:39 PM
It's supposed to check for an ore mine on a patch of ore upon which the CRPLcore is also placed. If it finds an ore mine, it shows the image Custom0_128 there at 120 alpha and gets you to click it. Once that's done it builds an ore refinery.

I had this working a while ago, perfectly. Then I must have changed something, and now as soon as the ore miner finishes building (or when state = 2) the game freezes up and the image doesn't appear. I can't work out why this is. I've pasted the entire script below.

# thing_build.crpl
# Created on: 11/19/2013 10:01:17 PM
# ------------------------------------------

#state 1 is nonexistent
#state 2 is optioned
#state 21 is optioning
#state 3 is building
#state 4 is unpowered
#state 5 is powered and running

   Self "main" "NONE" SetImage
   1 ->state
   7 SetTextAnchor
   0 0 0 255 SetTextColor
   -35 SetTextY
   0.5 SetTextSize
   Self CONST_BUILDCOST 100 SetUnitAttribute

<-state 1 eq if
   CurrentCoords 0 GetUnitsInRange ->oreUID 0 do
      GetUnitType "OREMINE" eq if
           2 ->state

<-state 2 eq if
   Self "main" "Custom0_128" SetImage
   Self "main" 255 255 255 120 SetImageColor
   Self "main" 2 2 SetImageScale
   21 ->state

<-state 21 eq if
   GetMouseCell ->my ->mx
   #y 188 - 192
   #x 168 - 172
   <-my 188 gte <-my 192 lte <-mx 168 gte <-mx 172 lte and and and if
      Self "main" 255 255 255 180 SetImageColor
      "Click to build Ore Refinery" SetText
      0 GetMouseButton if
         3 ->state
         Self CONST_ISBUILDING TRUE SetUnitAttribute
      Self "main" 255 255 255 120 SetImageColor
      "" SetText

3 <-state eq if
   100 Self CONST_BUILDCOST GetUnitAttribute sub SetText
Title: Re: Is there a reason why this script causes massive lag?
Post by: Relli on November 20, 2013, 11:26:14 PM
I'm not sure if it's why it's lagging, but the thing I see is that the variable  oreUID isn't being used for anything, and is also removing the "in range" unit counter, which you need for the do loop. Instead it's activating a number of times equal to whatever unit UID it reads first, and if it happens to pick the ore mine's UID, the code will fail to recognize that there is one.
I don't expect that to fix the lag issue, but it might. I certainly hope it does. Good luck to you.
Title: Re: Is there a reason why this script causes massive lag?
Post by: Kingo on November 20, 2013, 11:50:29 PM
Quote from: Clean0nion on November 20, 2013, 08:01:39 PM
It's supposed to check for an ore mine on a patch of ore upon which the CRPLcore is also placed. If it finds an ore mine, it shows the image Custom0_128 there at 120 alpha and gets you to click it. Once that's done it builds an ore refinery.

I had this working a while ago, perfectly. Then I must have changed something, and now as soon as the ore miner finishes building (or when state = 2) the game freezes up and the image doesn't appear. I can't work out why this is. I've pasted the entire script below and attached the map so you can see it in context with images. The attached map will work in both finalized and worldeditor folders.

Sounds like somewhere in the script the code hung up on a command waiting for something that never happened or never will happen, or to put it in layman's terms, crashed.
Good luck in finding it, I know how frustrating bugs can be to find.

Title: Re: Is there a reason why this script causes massive lag?
Post by: Relli on November 21, 2013, 12:11:54 AM
Quote from: Kingo on November 20, 2013, 11:50:29 PM
Sounds like somewhere in the script the code hung up on a command waiting for something that never happened or never will happen

That could be it. When an ore mine is built, it tries to pull data from an empty stack a large number of times. Either it's stopping because there's no data there, or it's very slow because it keeps trying the same large calculations every frame. Fixing the problem I mentioned actually should solve the lag, unless I'm wrong. It should be as simple as removing the line ->oreUID

By the way, did you mean to make CONNECTABLE turn false and then true in the same frame?
Title: Re: Is there a reason why this script causes massive lag?
Post by: Clean0nion on November 21, 2013, 03:09:49 AM
Thanks for your help guys. The ->oreUID is probably the problem, me being lazy and not adding another command. The CONNECTABLE constant - no, that's not supposed to happen. I think I just moved the TRUE from later in the script in an attempt to correct the lag.

UPDATE: Aha! It worked! Thanks very much to both of you.