Hi everyone !
I'm trying to enter Creeper World 3's inner math, to make smarter choices. For situations as such as "this zone will be flooded in 2 minutes. Is it worth placing collectors in it ?"
If we have a unit generating 0.3 power... What is the time unit for this ? 0.3 power per what ?
Per second ?
Thanks if you can tell :)
It doesn't always increase by 0.3 mind you. It sometimes increases by 0.2 depending on how much ground is being covered only by each new collector.
Otherwise, I suggest you count each change of enrgy amount and how many seconds/deciseconds pass per change.
The numbers are indicated as energy per second.
The green number is your energy generation count. That's how many packets that a Command Node can create per second. The red number is how many packets of energy can distribute per second. Linked Command Nodes (within the same network) share a generation count, but have different distribution rates. The generation rate is a combined total and the distribution is per node.
The bar (if green) indicates the number of packets in storage. If the packets distributed is greater than the packets generated, then it will take from the stored energy and deplete the green bar. At the same time, energy is being generated to try to meet this demand. So if your generation is greater than, or equal to, your distribution, the green bar will not deplete.
Generation of energy is done by collectors or reactors. Collectors generate 0.0018 energy per second per map square (or 0.0027 if the collector's on a power zone). This is indicated by the green soylent (in game term) on the map. Reactors generate a flat .4 energy per second (4 if on a power zone). Each Command Node can generate 1.5 energy per second on its own.
However, if your generation is less than your distribution and your energy reserve runs out you'll create a deficit. This is how many requested packets per second that have gone unfulfilled. Over time these requests will be filled, but not at their optimum rate. Generally, units that are building request 2 packets a second and units that have ammo request up to 4 ammo packets a second. Units that have full ammo won't need four a second unless they use more than one ammo per shot (like mortars and Berthas). Shields will need a constant flow of ammo packets for them to maintain their shield. I think their expenditure rate is slightly less than 4 packets a second.
So to answer your question of "is it worth it" you'll need to know how many packets you'll need at any given time.
Thank you for the extremely useful responses, I'm grateful :)