Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World 3 => Custom Map Discussion => Topic started by: eduran on October 19, 2013, 04:55:53 PM

Title: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on October 19, 2013, 04:55:53 PM
To download maps just click the title.

River Crossing (;topic=14436.0;attach=16538)


The only thing between you and another destroyed inhibitor is a river. Crawling with Leeches. Don't feed them.

And a warning from the second page of this thread:
Quote from: eduran on December 13, 2013, 11:29:12 AM
The map has a lot of CRPL and while I tried my best to test it thoroughly I expect a couple of bugs to pop up once people start to play. If that puts you off you should probably wait a few more days. The same is true if you are playing for highscores (they don't carry over when I update the map).

Both the start and the final assault on the inhibitor were decently hard for me during my test runs. I'll most likely release an easier version within the next few days. Unless you tell me it's already easy and I just suck at CW3, in which case it's going to be a harder version  :).

Under Fire  (;topic=14436.0;attach=15942)


An artificial asteroid, created by a long forgotten species as their last refuge from the creeper. With their own weapons turning against them, they never stood a chance. Can you do better?

Features a new enemy, the Corrupted Mortar. It collects creeper around it to bombard you.

Asteroid Belt  (;topic=14436.0;attach=16011)


Another asteroid mission, but this time there is more than just one. Try to make your way towards the inhibitor while Spores and Mortars make your life miserable interesting. As if this wasn't bad enough, it seems like the creeper found a way to bridge the void...

Features Corrupted Mortars (not as prominent as in Under Fire) and a few Creeper Tunnels:

Unit Packs
Here you can download the custom units I made for use in your own maps. Most settings can be tweaked without ever looking at the code. The .zip files include both scripts and images.

Corrupted Mortar (;topic=14436.0;attach=16019)
Creeper Tunnel (;topic=14436.0;attach=16018)

Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: eduran on October 31, 2013, 04:02:41 PM
Removed the map I originally posted until I fix some bugs and posted a new one instead. This one hopefully bug free  :)
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: TLMike on October 31, 2013, 08:26:41 PM
I'm not sure I like the new tower because there's not really a way to defend against it. Beams don't work; shields don't work. You simply have to suffer one of your buildings getting destroyed every few seconds. In the first few minutes, it's really hard to keep up because power generation is so low: Much of the map is quickly overrun with Digitalis, and because you start on pretty low ground, the creeper flows in pretty fast. There's almost nothing you can do in the way of building reactors or blasters. (Although, I'm probably over-complaining, since I only gave it one try so far....)

Also, it behaves like less of a mortar and more of a spore/Bertha hybrid. That's not exactly a criticism. Just an observation.
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: ThirdParty on October 31, 2013, 08:54:30 PM
Interesting enemy.

It would be nice to have some intro dialog describing the enemy and giving some clues for defeating it.  (For example, I never quite figured out how the enemy targeting worked.)

I did encounter one problem.  My nullifiers target enemy mortar bullets, but not the enemy mortars themselves.  This was upsetting; I went to some effort to get a nullifier into range of a mortar, only to have it totally flop.

Here's how the fight went if anybody's interested:
My first attempt was a disaster; I tried to spread out fully and claim as much space as possible, but the mortars hit hard and fast and I soon collapsed.  The second attempt I was more modest, but still lost quickly.  I almost gave up, but decided to try one more time.

On my third try, I finally realized an important fact that I'd missed: the digitalis can't grow across the southeastern edge.  So I stopped trying to claim anything in that vicinity, and only had one digitalis strand to deal with.  I also started flying a sprayer to wherever a mortar was about to hit, so that the hole would at least close instantly.  I cautiously built some reactors as far to the right as possible, and happily they didn't get shot.  I managed to attain stability (if a kind of dynamic stability, in which I was constantly having to rebuild destroyed collectors).

I tried an assault against the northeast island.  It failed due to insufficient landing space.  However, I realized that even though I couldn't nullify the emitter, I could (with the help of a sprayer on the mainland) keep a relay alive long enough to collect some aether.  I upgraded energy and ore efficiency as much as possible, relieving some of my problems.  Reactors on the two captured power zones didn't hurt my situation either.

I built a Bertha and then landed some guppies on the western island, hoping to make a backdoor attack against the enemy runner nest.  Unfortunately, my forces suddenly got creamed by mortar shots.  This was interesting data, since it was the first time I'd seen mortars fire at anything that wasn't a collector.  But it was clear that a back-to-front assault wasn't going to work.

I set the Bertha to auto and then started a slow slog up the steps.  Eventually I got a Terp in range of the wall around the rightmost emitter, and enlarged that wall so that it could hold units.  Putting collectors or relays on it proved impossible--the mortars would fire at them instantly and without the usual crosshair warning--but I managed to land some guppies and nullify the emitter.

I cleared the creeper from the power zone and set a nullifier on it, expecting to kill the two easternmost mortars.  When that didn't work, I set a Terp on it instead and built a bridge over to the Inhibitor for victory.

In retrospect I missed two obvious things that would have helped enormously:
1.  The enemy mortars turn out to show their ranges when the game is not paused.  Since I was always so busy trying to rebuild damaged base components, I never really scouted except during pauses, so never discovered this.  If I had, I would have been less cautious about reactors and built a lot more of them.  I also would have started further to the southeast, so I could be at least mostly out of range of the enemy.

2.  I possibly could have used Berthas to neutralize the mortars in the northwest and southwest corners.  I'd thought of assaulting them by putting terps on the western island to terraform some space, but somehow it didn't occur to me to just blast them with Berthas rather than seeking to nullify.
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: eduran on November 01, 2013, 03:05:59 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I didn't intend to make the map as hard as you described it. I guess part of the problem is the missing description of what the mortar does, exactly. I'll work on including some pre-mission text.

Quote from: ThirdParty on October 31, 2013, 08:54:30 PM
I did encounter one problem.  My nullifiers target enemy mortar bullets, but not the enemy mortars themselves.  This was upsetting; I went to some effort to get a nullifier into range of a mortar, only to have it totally flop.
The mortars aren't supposed to be targetable by nullifiers (I overlooked the bullets). Assuming you had known about that beforehand, would you be fine with that decision? Or would you rather have them nullifiable? They can already be neutralized by taking away the creeper surrounding them.

Quote from: TLMike on October 31, 2013, 08:26:41 PM
I'm not sure I like the new tower because there's not really a way to defend against it. Beams don't work; shields don't work. You simply have to suffer one of your buildings getting destroyed every few seconds.
That is pretty much the intention of the long-range mortars in the corners. You can check their range by mousing over them when the game is unpaused and keep your important buildings at a save distance. I'll probably increase the delay between shots to make it easier to deal with them. I could also tweak their target priorities. Right now they shoot at energy producing structures first, which all die in one hit.
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: TLMike on November 01, 2013, 03:27:33 AM
I did notice that they seem to target Collectors > Reactors > Relays > Everything else.

I think I might like the mission slightly more if the range on the Southwest core wasn't so large. Even 95% of current would make things so much better.
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: eduran on November 02, 2013, 11:45:15 AM
Uploaded a new version of Under Fire. Changes:

And some thoughts on how I played the map, in case you are looking for pointers:
1. I try to set up my perimeter right above the first height step. That way my units are in range of only one mortar with lots of space for initial collectors and access to the mainland totem as well as two ore deposits. Alternatively you can stay out of range of both mortars, but that means no totem and only one ore mine.

2. Have one or two cannons dedicated to defend against the mortar that is already shooting you. There is enough time between shots to move the cannons to the next target if you react quickly.

3. Start building up your reactor count and add pulse cannons and a few mortars to your front line. Once you feel like you are in a stable position you can attack the broken off shards to get access to two additional totems and two power zones. A mortar and two pulse cannons can do the job when placed correctly. The bottom shard is easier to take, so start there.

4. Add a couple of strafers and bombers to your arsenal. Three to four bombers can shut down the bottom mortar (assuming you are not using your AC to supply a sprayer). Send your strafers to attack mortar in the top left corner to reduce its rate of fire.

5. Guppys can help with the final assault (unlike collectors or relays they don't die in one hit from the mortars), as can a Bertha or extra air force to reduce the creeper supply for the mortars

6. How the Mortar targeting works:
The two long range mortars pick targets by priority, which is, from highest to lowest:
Reactor -> Collector -> Relay -> Terp -> combat unit -> everything else. Whenever there are several possible targets one gets picked at random.
The mortars in the center just pick targets at random.
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: Relli on November 02, 2013, 12:33:23 PM
Quote from: eduran on November 02, 2013, 11:45:15 AM
  • added a line connecting mortar and crosshair to clear up who is shooting and make it easier to spot when a mortar is targeting you

What's the code to make that line show up? I'm going to need it for my project once I get to the aesthetics, and I haven't even begun to mess with SetImage and the like. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: knucracker on November 02, 2013, 12:44:29 PM
This is a cool mission...  I like the shots those corrupted mortars fire.  The warning they give is nice and makes it possible to deal with them.
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: eduran on November 02, 2013, 12:52:25 PM


GetUnitAttribute(<-callerUID CONST_PIXELCOORDX) ->cPX
GetUnitAttribute(<-callerUID CONST_PIXELCOORDY) ->cPY
CurrentPixelCoords ->selfPY ->selfPX
Distance(<-selfPX <-selfPY <-cPX <-cPY) ->dist
<-cPX sub(<-selfPX) div(2) ->deltaX
<-cPY sub(<-selfPY) div(2) ->deltaY
Atan2(<-deltaY <-deltaX) ->angle
SetImage(Self "line" <-lineImg)
SetImagePosition(Self "line" <-deltaX <-deltaY -0.1)
SetImageScaleX(Self "line" <-dist div(asfloat(<-scalingFactor)))
SetImageRotation(Self "line" <-angle)  


You have to put the image of a line of the desired width and color into the image slot specified by 'lineImg'. I've attached the one I am using. The code assumes the image to be a straight horizontal line. 'callerUID' and the resulting 'cPX'/'cPY' variables are one end of the line with the other being the unit the script is attached to. If either end moves around you'd have to remove the once block. 'scalingFactor' depends on how long the line in your image is. Not sure what the exact formula is to convert the length in pixel into that factor. I just messed around with it until the line was the right length.
Btw, can anyone tell me why the line looks more grey than white in game, even if I remove the black border?

Quote from: virgilw on November 02, 2013, 12:44:29 PM
This is a cool mission...  I like the shots those corrupted mortars fire.  The warning they give is nice and makes it possible to deal with them.
Thank you, that means a lot coming from you :)
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: Grayzzur on November 05, 2013, 01:29:32 AM
Now that was a fun map to play. Nice job on the corrupted mortars.

I think the gray lines are a side effect of the way the engine is blurring/anti-aliasing your image when you scale it up by a large factor.
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: TLMike on November 05, 2013, 01:52:37 AM
I haven't tried it with the nerfed Mortar, but I imagine it's much more playable now.
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: teknotiss on November 05, 2013, 11:46:56 AM
great fun, loved this map, i spy another script i think i'll steal, problem is how do i get them all in a map? ::)
Title: Re: eduran's map(s)
Post by: eduran on November 05, 2013, 02:48:15 PM
Updated my opening post with a new map.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Ceraus on November 13, 2013, 01:19:51 AM
The board doesn't allow me to download Under Fire, yet Asteroid Belt works.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Ceraus on November 13, 2013, 02:52:57 AM
OK, I finished Asteroid Belt, and while I generally liked it, my fun was dimished by what I suspect is a bug: missing Power Zones.

I first assaulted the bottom island right next to the starting one, but when I blew up the rightmost Emitter, its Power Zone dissappeared. I then got rid of the Runner-spawner and its weak Emitter, but, again, only one left a Power Zone, which I needed to waste on a Relay if I had any hope of bring back any Ore. But then the middle island gave me no Power Zone at all!

So I was unable to bridge the islands with Relays and couldn't built a powered-up Bertha. Frustrated, I just mounted a massive Guppy-backed assault on the Nullifier and took it out from the back.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on November 13, 2013, 03:58:50 AM
Quote from: Ceraus on November 13, 2013, 01:19:51 AM
The board doesn't allow me to download Under Fire, yet Asteroid Belt works.
Should be fixed now. For some reason the url of the attachment changed and broke the link.

Quote from: Ceraus on November 13, 2013, 02:52:57 AM
missing Power Zones
It's not a bug. The idea is that you have to use Guppys to assault the islands and bring back ore. Personally, I really enjoy maps that force me to use Guppys instead of relays, so that's what I went for. Should have made that clear in the intro text. Sorry for the frustration the map caused you.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: pawel345 on November 13, 2013, 06:32:12 AM
Just finished the Asteroid Belt and it was a great map ^^ Hope more maps like this are to come. Two things I didn't like are that you can't nullify the mortar or the creeper bridge. While it makes sense that you shouldn't be able to nullify the Out end of creeper bridge, it would be cool to be able and blow up the IN end, and that would cause the entire bridge to disappear. Likewise the mortars, if there is less ammo than required to fire a shot, it would be cool to be able to nullify it.

As for the power zones I think it's ok as it increases difficulty but I think that the islands should be connectible by relay after you manage to clear the island. The firs one was connectible after blowing up the emitters, and it would be cool if I could also connect the second and third one as long as I sacrificed the single PZ available for relay instead of a weapon. This way those that what PZ Bertha have to supply it via guppys and those that rather have more building space have a new island. The assault has to be done by guppies anyway.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Ceraus on November 15, 2013, 06:35:26 AM
Alright! I was able to download Under Fire and play it. Nice map, quite unique; I liked the early pressure, the two small, easily taken islands, the vulnerable Digitalis and the relentless enemy Mortars at the end. I used my two Power Zones for Bombers which carpeted my advances with AC.

Quote from: eduran on November 13, 2013, 03:58:50 AM
Quote from: Ceraus on November 13, 2013, 02:52:57 AM
missing Power Zones
It's not a bug. The idea is that you have to use Guppys to assault the islands and bring back ore. Personally, I really enjoy maps that force me to use Guppys instead of relays, so that's what I went for. Should have made that clear in the intro text. Sorry for the frustration the map caused you.

Oh no. No.

I thought it was a bug because there was no way to collect the top island's Ore. After all, Ore Guppies bring Ore forward (say, to Sprayers), not back. Never used them, though; I prefer Bombers.

And then I got it: you build Ore Guppies near Ore Mines and target them back to your base. Obviously, too, since offensive Ore Guppies would be AC Guppies. And I like that about custom maps: they make me learn new things. I might have to redo the map now that I know; your score is tantalizing.

Still, the lack of Power Zones from most enemies was entirely unexpected, and that's what frustrated me. One thing I like about Creeper World is that you (mostly) have perfect information and can strategize in consequence. Every missing PZ not only kept from me a nice enemy-kill reward, but also torpedoed my plans. Altering the start text would be ideal (even better: also indicate graphically which enemies don't leave a PZ), but just a warning in this topic's first post would suffice.

But you should take note that I really enjoyed what you did with those maps and am looking forward to what you come up with next.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Annonymus on November 22, 2013, 04:12:47 PM
I just played on fire (btw it's a great map with a great idea (I wish I'd have such great ideas :( )) and since I played it in a very different manner than all of the previous posters I will post my walkthrough here:
First thing I did after landing the CN was building reactors all over the space NOT covered by any of the mortars and making an ore mine on the available ore, then I built 4 blasters to hold off the creeper while I was building reactors (all of this happened without any of the mortars firing a single shot bcs I always kept out of range) and helping out with a sprayer when the blasters were too weak. Once I had a (more or less) stable energy-situation I assaulted the top-shard with 2 mortars and the sprayer (I built 2 more blasters to keep off the creeper so i could use the sprayer for the shard) I cleared the creeper on it and nullified it's emitter, on the power zone I placed a mortar to help in fighting back the creeper.
Then I made the same thing with the bottom shard but this time i had to fly the sprayer directly on the shard else I couldn't have placed the mortars near enough, again on the PZ I placed a mortar.
Then I built the forge and just let it go for some minutes until I could afford some upgrades, in the meanwhile I built some more reactors.
Once I had enough upgrades I built 4 bombers and used them to stop the bottom mortar from firing and advanced on the space I freed in doing so.
After some more upgrades I built 4 more bombers and sent them to the top mortar so these two would stop bothering me and instantly took the second ore vein.
Advancing with 6 blasters and 4 mortars I rapidly took the 3rd ore vein also.
By this time I had fully upgraded ore production, it wasn't enough to supply 8 bombers but it was enough to control the mortars so I left it be. Since the PZ mortars got useless until now I replaced them with strafers and attacked the inhibitor with those 2 PZ strafers and 4 normal strafers to try to stop the other 2 mortars from firing; it wasn't enough so i sent 2 of the bombers that were attacking the berthas (the long range mortars) to the inhibitor, 3 bombers per bertha were enough to keep them from firing, so I could at least reduce the mortars' firerate and tried to conquer the powerzone of the rightmost emitter, this is the only moment in the entire map when the mortars fired at me (apart from the shots that i controlledly let fire at one of my blasters to empty the ammo of the mortars after i already cleared the creeper under them) and I just tanked them: I expanded the wall so I could place a nullifier on it, got 2 of my blasters onto the platform before the wall and built as much collectors as possible so even if the mortars would kill some, there would always be others to connect to the nullifier. After I took out the emitter I placed a mortar on its powerzone and that along with the strafers and the bombers weakened the inhibitor (and killed the digitalis) enough to not allow the mortars to continue firing and to nullify the inhibitor.

Probably I could have done it faster (it took me 1:20 min game-time or 1/4 of it real-time (in the scores i'm listed as Annonymus)) by not always having the speed on 4x or using bertas.

P.S. There is a bug: the bullets can be nullified.
      If you want to make the map more of a challenge I suggest you add more payload to the berthas (maybe slightly increase the firerate of the low-range mortars) and do NOT
      let the first (rightmost) emitter make a PZ on death.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on December 11, 2013, 06:11:38 PM
My next map is getting close to being finished. Here are two preview screenies showcasing a new enemy:


The first picture features a deployed Leech stealing packets from the player's network.


In the second screenshot you can see a hovercraft leaving its home base, another one being unloaded by a crane and a third one under construction in the dry dock to the right.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Grayzzur on December 11, 2013, 06:19:13 PM
What are you using to create the unit images? They look pretty darn good.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Clean0nion on December 11, 2013, 06:49:35 PM
I can't be sure, but this images look very much to be MadMag's style plus possibly a modification or two. I'm guessing some concept art was handed out.

I've had a look at the two images, and now I'm to guess what these enemies do.
The are build at the docking station, then fly over to your network. Here they connect and take in ammo, which drains your network of energy. This ammo is then taken back to the dock where it is used to fire a weapon of sorts (or perhaps just bomb creeper over the host network).
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Relli on December 12, 2013, 12:26:22 AM
Looks to me like the ammo those things steal is being used to fuel the Inhibitor. So it'll be important to kill off those leeches before they can make things too tough. Assuming they're even destructible.
And I love the way you made those cranes.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on December 12, 2013, 04:20:51 AM
The leeches are a modified version of the flyer, taken from the wiki's concept units page ( For the cranes I use siphons with a modified ore mine bar as arm (both are available here ( Credit goes to whoever made these.

@Clean0nion: Pretty much spot on, with the exception of the last part about firing a weapon.

Quote from: Riluna on December 12, 2013, 12:26:22 AM
Looks to me like the ammo those things steal is being used to fuel the Inhibitor. So it'll be important to kill off those leeches before they can make things too tough. Assuming they're even destructible.

They started out being destructible, but that made it possible to shut down the map's core mechanic for good. Right now they are only vulnerable while connected. If you damage them heavily (using snipers) they will disconnect and go back to base to repair, which takes more time than just unloading.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Clean0nion on December 12, 2013, 12:15:55 PM
Well, this is one of the few maps I know I'm going to play.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on December 13, 2013, 11:29:12 AM
And it's done. The map has a lot of CRPL and while I tried my best to test it thoroughly I expect a couple of bugs to pop up once people start to play. If that puts you off you should probably wait a few more days. The same is true if you are playing for highscores (they don't carry over when I update the map).

Both the start and the final assault on the inhibitor were decently hard for me during my test runs. I'll most likely release an easier version within the next few days. Unless you tell me it's already easy and I just suck at CW3, in which case it's going to be a harder version  :).
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Clean0nion on December 13, 2013, 12:14:51 PM
Nice map you have there!
Room for future improvements: add some more effects! It's shame there are so few.
But then again, how many effects can you really add before it gets ridiculous?

I have to add, your handiwork on this project is amazing. All of your scripts are works of art and even the terrain is excellent. You've looked at every detail, even to the point of keeping the dock clean and having a door that the leech turns round and actually closes! The map I'm in the process of making now seems somewhat pathetic and insignificant.

I am very impressed.
I also noticed you have a ship image in Custom4_128. Is that used for anything? Did I miss something?
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Grayzzur on December 13, 2013, 04:43:59 PM
Interesting map. It took me an hour of game time, but I beat it without the inhibitor ever hitting level one. It's quite possible in it's current form to stay far enough back from the river to avoid the little collector hovercraft, built a bunch of reactors, take out the emitters/spore tower, then build an overwhelming guppy-powered strike force to take out the inhibitor. I'm going to have to go back and try it again, and let it build to see what it actually does.

Nice work on the hovercraft AI. I drew in about 8 of them at once to shoot at them, and they queue up for the 4 repair bays quite nicely.

It is hard to tell how many there are when they are all stacked on that one home square, and all their popup text overlays. Have you considered giving each of them a slightly different home space?
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on December 13, 2013, 05:44:55 PM
@Clean0nion: Thank you for your kind words  :) The image you found is unused, I just forgot to delete it. I used it for the Leeches at some point, but the long tip of the ship makes it look really weird when it turns.

@Grayzzur: I am aware that it is currently possible to bypass the Leeches - the time I submitted for the map is achieved by doing that - and I am trying to find a way to change it. Increasing the connection range is impossible, so I'd either have to allow the leeches to move to higher elevation levels or change the terrain. In my opinion, neither fits the map's theme. I could also allow the inhibitor to generate a small amount of power, even when not collecting anything from Leeches.
I am currently trying to find a way to stop Leeches from colliding with each other and player buildings. Once I've either done that or given up on it I'll address the home space stacking and maybe add a Leech counter somewhere near the docks.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Grayzzur on December 13, 2013, 06:00:58 PM
The emitter in the crater to the bottom left was interesting. Had to go around and approach it from the bottom. It appears as though you intended the only good place for a nullifier to requires a collector/relay that's in range of the leeches, but I was able to power it with guppies and they never came over. Can you make the leeches target guppies that are on their target delivering packets? Or maybe disallow guppies, that would definitely require nodes near the river.

The ore and aether nodes in lieu of power zones is a very interesting way to go. It works very well on this map, I like it.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Clean0nion on December 13, 2013, 06:08:10 PM
To my memory...
it spawns emitters, then spore towers, then creates digitalis, then another spore tower, then a runner nest, then another one, then a slip emitter, then another of those, then for all subsequent upgrades it merely increases the Inhibitor's Creeper output. Far too underpowered if you ask me. And none of that was from memory, I just re-analysed the script.

To stop two leeches occupying the same space, add its coords to a list and then if another leech is in the same coords, have it move to an adjacent coord and add that coords to the list. Of course, if there were sufficient leeches it would overflow the valid zone. Please note that the previous idea is vastly underdeveloped.
In terms of auto-collection of power, why not simply enable the mini-collector on the leech? All you'd need is a green Soylent-coloured circle/octagon as an image on the leech's CRPLcore and increase its maximum ammo. Then have it automatically collect small amounts of ammo, by itself, over time.
Feel free to ignore this entire message.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on December 13, 2013, 07:12:23 PM
Quote from: Grayzzur on December 13, 2013, 06:00:58 PM
Can you make the leeches target guppies that are on their target delivering packets?
Ideally, I'd like the Leeches to connect to anything. That would make avoiding them pretty hard. Sadly, that's impossible: setting the connectable unit attribute to true on a CRPL core makes it connect only to Collectors, Relays, Command Nodes and deployed Guppies. Deployed Guppies are hard to target, because they return an empty string as unit type. If they are the only unit behaving like that it would work anyway. I'll look into it.

About disallowing Guppies altogether: not a fan. Crossing the river without any guppies to support your force until relays are build is extremely difficult. Maybe some AE towers?

Quote from: Clean0nion on December 13, 2013, 06:08:10 PM
To stop two leeches occupying the same space...
They are already prevented from stacking up on docks and they reserve the cell they are targeting (which I plan to extend to a 3x3 area around the target cell). I'll add something similar for the cell they wait on when idle. What I'd really like to have is collision detection while moving, but that's most likely beyond my abilities.

Quote from: Clean0nion on December 13, 2013, 06:08:10 PM
In terms of auto-collection of power, why not simply enable the mini-collector on the leech?
That's a neat idea. They could just park somewhere and start to collect energy at a slow rate when no target is available.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Grayzzur on December 13, 2013, 09:09:14 PM
Flying Guppies, Strafers and Bombers, as well as Runners all return an empty string for the unit type.

However, I think you can identify them by MAXAMMO/MAXAMMOAC properties.

Guppies, MAXAMMO=120 (240 for PZ Guppies)
Strafers, MAXAMMO=50 (same for PZ Strafers)
Bombers, MAXAMMOAC=60 (240 for PZ Bombers) -- note AC AMMO, they also have MAXAMMO=60, but 0 AMMO.
Runners, MAXAMMO and MAXAMMOAC both 0

So, the cheat check for a unit with an empty string for type would be to get the CONST_MAXAMMO attribute.
120 or 240 = Guppy
50 = Strafer
60 = Bomber
0 = Runner

Note that this method of identifying units is unorthodox, and may break in a future update.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: TLMike on December 14, 2013, 03:30:26 AM
I found that I could fool the Leeches by selecting my Command Node and disabling the Ammo packets, or by disabling the Collector to which they were attached.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on December 14, 2013, 06:56:14 AM
Ugh, I didn't even think about that possibility. They should try to find a new target after waiting for some time, but if you micromanage your collectors that would totally screw the Leeches. I think I have a solution that would also solve some other issues, but it will take some time to implement. Off to do some CRPL'ing.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: knucracker on December 14, 2013, 10:13:48 AM
Quote from: Grayzzur on December 13, 2013, 09:09:14 PM
Flying Guppies, Strafers and Bombers, as well as Runners all return an empty string for the unit type.

However, I think you can identify them by MAXAMMO/MAXAMMOAC properties.

Guppies, MAXAMMO=120 (240 for PZ Guppies)
Strafers, MAXAMMO=50 (same for PZ Strafers)
Bombers, MAXAMMOAC=60 (240 for PZ Bombers) -- note AC AMMO, they also have MAXAMMO=60, but 0 AMMO.
Runners, MAXAMMO and MAXAMMOAC both 0

So, the cheat check for a unit with an empty string for type would be to get the CONST_MAXAMMO attribute.
120 or 240 = Guppy
50 = Strafer
60 = Bomber
0 = Runner

Note that this method of identifying units is unorthodox, and may break in a future update.

Ok, this has slipped by me for too long.  I have just updated the game to support identifying by unit type air units and runners.  Here is the name list for the upcoming build.  Note that I added STRAFERAIR, BOMBERAIR, GUPPYAIR, RUNNER.

public Dictionary<string, string> UNITS = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{"CRPLCORE", "CRPLTower"},
{"COLLECTOR", "Collector"},
{"RELAY", "Relay"},
{"REACTOR", "Reactor"},
{"OREMINE", "OreMine"},
{"SIPHON", "Siphon"},
{"TERP", "TerraPod"},
{"GUPPY", "SupplyDroneLandingPad"},
{"GUPPYAIR", "SupplyDrone"},
{"PULSECANNON", "PulseCannon"},
{"MORTAR", "Mortar"},
{"STRAFER", "StrafeDroneLandingPad"},
{"STRAFERAIR", "StrafeDrone"},
{"BOMBER", "BomberDroneLandingPad"},
{"BOMBERAIR", "BomberDrone"},
{"SPRAYER", "Sprayer"},
{"NULLIFIER", "Nullifier"},
{"SHIELD", "ShieldGenerator"},
{"BEAM", "ParticleBeam"},
{"SNIPER", "Sniper"},
{"FORGE", "Numen"},
{"BERTHA", "Bertha"},
{"THOR", "Thor"},
{"POWERZONE", "PowerZone"},
{"OREDEPOSIT", "OreDeposit"},
{"TOTEM", "Totem"},
{"RESOURCEPACK", "ResourcePack"},
{"SHIELDKEY", "ShieldKey"},
{"TECHARTIFACT", "TechArtifact"},
{"MESSAGEARTIFACT", "MessageArtifact"},
{"EMITTER", "Emitter"},
{"SPORETOWER", "SporeTower"},
{"AETOWER", "AETower"},
{"RUNNERNEST", "RunnerNest"},
{"RUNNER", "Runner"},
{"INHIBITOR", "Inhibitor"},
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: teknotiss on December 14, 2013, 10:17:51 AM
"STRAGERAIR" is that a typo?  ::) "STRAFERAIR" would seem more logical?  ;)
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Relli on December 14, 2013, 10:22:16 AM
I had always wondered what Terp actually meant. I like the sound of Terra Pods. And I have to say, I am VERY curious about why the forge is called Numen. Could you explain that please? Or is it perhaps something obvious I'm not getting?
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: J on December 14, 2013, 10:25:13 AM
Quote from: Riluna on December 14, 2013, 10:22:16 AM
I had always wondered what Terp actually meant. I like the sound of Terra Pods. And I have to say, I am VERY curious about why the forge is called Numen. Could you explain that please? Or is it perhaps something obvious I'm not getting?
The forge was called numen in older beta builds
Quote from: teknotiss on December 14, 2013, 10:17:51 AM
"STRAGERAIR" is that a typo?  ::) "STRAFERAIR" would seem more logical?  ;)
Check the list in the code, it says STRAFERAIR
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on December 15, 2013, 06:19:25 AM
The new version of River Crossing is here. Changes:

- Leeches form a queue in front of the dock when all docks are occupied and will roam around the map when no target is available. No more stacking up on one cell.
- The inhibitor starts with two emitters already spawned. Previously the emitters would spawn on levels 1 and 2.
- The inhibitor now has an AE zone around it.
- Levelup effects now include increase in emitter and spore tower output.
- Leeches can now connect to any player unit and have a slightly higher range.
- If a Leech connects to a unit with ammo it will drain the ammo supply before requesting packets from the CommandNode.
- Sniper build cost reduced to 40.

Hopefully all of these changed make it harder to avoid Leeches and go for a Level 0 airstrike against the inhibitor. You can still disable ammo packets on your CN, but since Leeches will now try to drain anything that has ammo it should be a lot less effective.

Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Clean0nion on December 15, 2013, 01:04:58 PM
Quote from: eduran on December 15, 2013, 06:19:25 AM
- Leeches can now connect to any player unit and have a slightly higher range.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on December 15, 2013, 01:27:01 PM
The leeches only 'fake' a connection. The packets transferring ammo to the Leech are CRPL cores. That way I can specify the connection range, possible targets and also transfer packets through disabled buildings. Both the connection line and the packets look slightly different if you look closely (or zoom far out: for some reason the built-in connection lines don't blur, but scaled images do).
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Clean0nion on December 15, 2013, 04:35:53 PM
Quote from: eduran on December 15, 2013, 01:27:01 PM
The leeches only 'fake' a connection. The packets transferring ammo to the Leech are CRPL cores. That way I can specify the connection range, possible targets and also transfer packets through disabled buildings. Both the connection line and the packets look slightly different if you look closely (or zoom far out: for some reason the built-in connection lines don't blur, but scaled images do).
To stop the blurring use a PP image, eg Custom0pp or Custom0_256pp.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Grayzzur on December 15, 2013, 04:58:39 PM
Yes, but then if you scale it too big you get the pixelated effect instead. For "lines" that might be preferable.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: TLMike on December 15, 2013, 06:46:31 PM
Good work, Ed.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on January 12, 2014, 08:43:31 AM
Going to revive this thread with a new map. You might be wondering why am I not uploading it to Colonial Space. The reason is, it contains a lot of CRPL and I'd like to collect some feedback first. Once I am happy with how the map plays I'll put it onto CS. If anyone feels brave enough to beta-test my map, you can download it below. Feedback and bug reports are very welcome  :)

The map is currently lacking pre-mission text, so I'll give you the relevant info here:

1) The Forge is preloaded with some upgrades that become active once it is connected. Don't let it die, or the upgrades are gone.
2) The frozen lake around the starting island refills with Creeper from the top and bottom left corners. Like the endless ocean from 3P Hawai'i.
3) The tank-like vehicle on the right side of the map is a Crawler. It can't go onto the lake surface (height 4 terrain), so you are save from it in the beginning. It will leave a trail of digitalis wherever it goes, spawn runners when on active digitalis, spawn Leeches (see below) at a rapid rate and plant an emitter every ~3 minutes. If you get close, its main gun will start to shoot creeper (think sprayer), and it will destroy any buildings it runs over.
4) Leeches are small flyers that will drain ammo from your buildings and return it to the Crawler. The amount of ammo they collect determines how strong the planted emitters are.
5) Crawler and Leeches can be shot by Snipers. Destroying the Crawler wins you the map. It does have a lot of health and gets angry once it drops to 50% health.

Edit: The map requires game version 1.60 ( or later to work.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: pawel345 on January 12, 2014, 11:08:51 AM
Ok so I tried it and the most important bug was that the Crawler didn't work. At all. Just stood there doing nothing and when i tried to destroy it i couldn't despite having 10+ sinipers firing a it, it's health didn't drop below ~1%.

Fun map despite that :D

Bdw. Game version 1.50
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: knucracker on January 12, 2014, 11:29:43 AM
You need the latest public beta...
Shockingly, eduran has used the path finding crpl commands I added very recently and didn't really document other than the build notes :)  Awesome...
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on January 12, 2014, 11:31:00 AM
The map uses new pathfinding functions added in 1.56. Previous versions won't work. I'll edit that into my original post.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: asmussen on January 12, 2014, 05:54:10 PM
Interesting map. No glitches that I encountered, although there were a few times during my play through when the speed of the game dropped noticeably for a second or two, and then went right back to normal. I tried to pay attention to if there was anything specific going on that caused these slowdowns, but I couldn't tie it to anything in particular.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: eduran on January 13, 2014, 03:59:23 AM
Quote from: asmussen on January 12, 2014, 05:54:10 PM
Interesting map. No glitches that I encountered, although there were a few times during my play through when the speed of the game dropped noticeably for a second or two, and then went right back to normal. I tried to pay attention to if there was anything specific going on that caused these slowdowns, but I couldn't tie it to anything in particular.

I think I found the cause for that. I tried to work around a bug that could happen when Snipers target units outside the map and ended up introducing a different problem. Using game version 1.60 should fix the issue.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: Volix on January 13, 2014, 08:01:07 PM
Great map, didn't run into any bugs or slowdowns as far as I could tell.  The flying version of the leeches works out much better and really put a tax on the energy production without good sniper coverage.  I also liked the idea of a pre-upgraded forge that needed to be saved first, especially once I found how how much harder it was to fend off the leeches from out there. :P Makes the choice of whether to save the forge that much harder.
Title: Re: eduran's maps
Post by: beardedlinuxgeek on July 31, 2014, 10:17:31 PM
I'm liking Asteroid Belt so far, though I do wish that after I conquered  an island I could connect to it via a relay on a powerzone.

One thing you should fix is the spore tower text. I had a really difficult time figuring out what it said. There are two layers of text and the bottom text only appears for about a single frame before it gets covered up by the top text. When I moused over it, this is all I could see


I actually had to install some screen recording software and then go through frame by frame to catch the bottom text on it's own.



Luckily you can see the first word of the bottom text even when the rest is covered up. I know that when the text starts with "leaves" then you a PZ and if it starts with "does not" then you don't. So now that I know that, playing the map isn't a problem. And hopefully some other people with the same issue find my screenshots in this thread. Still, if possible, you should move the position of test to make it readable.

Fun map though! I like the teleporter concept and how the number of creeper increases based on how many creeper are in the transport pool at the other end.