Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World 3 => DMD Map Discussion => Topic started by: pawel345 on October 10, 2013, 02:36:24 PM

Title: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: pawel345 on October 10, 2013, 02:36:24 PM
So if you have played any really fun, interesting or simply enjoyable map please share it here to dig it out from the overall list.

Shields and spores: A really interesting multitasking map, but very large so it can get a bit long.


Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: teknotiss on October 10, 2013, 04:17:41 PM
i'm not saying this topic is redundant, but surely the DMD Online Maps button is sort of what you're doing here  ???
perhaps this should be for great DMD maps that a player can't complete?
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Cavemaniac on October 10, 2013, 04:33:31 PM
Quote from: teknotiss on October 10, 2013, 04:17:41 PM
i'm not saying this topic is redundant, but surely the DMD Online Maps button is sort of what you're doing here  ???
perhaps this should be for great DMD maps that a player can't complete?

No, no, no - this is great!

The DMD list is cool, but at the end of the date it's just a list of DMD maps that someone may or may not choose to click on.

Use this thread to bring attention to awesome DMD maps you've found and brag about finishing it first, and challenge others to beat you!

tek's idea is cool too, we need to share codes for unnamed/incomplete maps too - they don't appear in the DMD list 'til they're complete, but we need another thread for that.


Make sure you give the name of the map so people can look for it in the DMD list rather than having to copy and paste the code, and put it in bold.

And if you post a screen grab, that'll really get people's attention.

I used to play cool DMD maps, but then be disappointed that nobody else wanted to play them...

So - let me present to you Pawel345's map:

Shields and spores: A really interesting multitasking map, but very large so it can get a bit long.

Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: pawel345 on October 10, 2013, 04:40:24 PM
==' what I meant that while there are a 100 DMD maps right now not all of them are equally fun and interesting, so I wanted to gather the most fun ones.

Thanks for the support Cavemaniac :D
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on October 10, 2013, 05:34:49 PM
I made two recently that I enjoyed, largely because I turn off digitalis. :)

Wavy terrain with lots of spores, largely intended for you to nullify and use the power nodes. There are no totems but instead aether deposits; that plus the terrain gives it a CW1 feel. The emitters are strong, you'll need the power nodes to push in well, and you need a good strong spore defense setup.

Terrain around the border sloping down into a void in the middle. There are three areas with lines of void separating them. One is small but completely safe, one is pretty easy to conquer, and the third has several emitters and a strong spore launcher. I set up small defensive bases in the second and third zones and used the first for collecting ore and making bombers. The second turned into my main base.

CW1 style
I didn't make it but it was quite fun. Not too long, not too hard, not too complicated.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: teknotiss on October 10, 2013, 05:57:40 PM
i think if you put the code into the "insert code" box (near to the spoiler button, with "#" on it) it stops the topic from having to scroll and keeps it to the quote box
i'll post a DMD i like here

fun map, air assault style, backed up by lots of my favourite ground unit; Bertha!
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on October 15, 2013, 03:23:40 PM
Shields and Spores was brutal. Unfortunately, once you get a stable base from the hundreds of incoming spores, the rest of the map is pretty boring. Just long. :( The first 20 minutes or so were great and probably took me two hours of real time (plus 4 restarts) to get through. :D

I've started dialing what I call "Simplified" maps. No spores, resource deposits, digitalis, or air denial and then restricted buildings. No siphons, beams, or snipers, which aren't used anyway, and build limits on shields, bombers, and berthas. The idea is so you can't just nuke an emitter from afar and clean up with a safe little shield holding back the thin remaining stuff.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: pawel345 on October 15, 2013, 03:40:05 PM
Well yes, but adding an inhibitor would probably make the map a rush for the inhibitor. So the choice is a huge map with lot's of action for ~30 min and another ~20 min on x4 cleanup or a map for lot's of action for 15 min :P try out Space Islands-2 that one is similarly hard but smaller ^^
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Karsten75 on October 15, 2013, 04:04:16 PM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 15, 2013, 03:23:40 PM
Shields and Spores was brutal.

How did you start the map? The lower left corner has 6,000 worth of energy packs and an Aether pack. I found it relatively easy to establish a foothold and I could not use up all my energy resource packs. The latter is my favorite gripe.

Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Karsten75 on October 15, 2013, 04:34:47 PM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 15, 2013, 03:23:40 PM
the rest of the map is pretty boring. Just long.

Too true. At this point, (maybe 33 minutes in), I realized I was surfing the web while "playing", so I quit the map. I think if one can manage to not get distracted, one can get to that point in <15 minutes. As I said, I could not manage to drain all the energy resource packs. So even more aggressive building would still be possible.

I'd *really* like to know where you chose your starting point that took you two hours and 4 restarts?
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: pawel345 on October 15, 2013, 04:44:58 PM
Well that map was the second one i managed to make with DMD so it's not the hardest one out there. I started on the far right near to one of the freeze AoO. And while I didn't need a restart the first 30 min or so was action packed fight on multiple fronts. Remember that as one of the betas that had the game for a year or so you are much more familiar with this game and probably on a higher level.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: teknotiss on October 18, 2013, 12:42:45 PM
loved "Shields and Spores" great map, kept me interested all game, and it really rewards aggression, just a few mins of mop up to do and a score will be subbed.
also loving "Get Over There"
another fun one, bertha time for this one!  :D
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on October 18, 2013, 09:16:30 PM
If you're addicted to Terps like me, here's a fun one:
Aside from the landing pad, there's nowhere to build. You'll have trouble even finding 3x3 spots to get relays to ores and totems. :) Sadly, unlimited Thors are allowed so once you can afford the ammo you've basically won. It's still a challenge though since Thors won't clear thin creeper... which stops you from putting out the much-needed relays or terraforming.

EDIT: it's called "Beat My Time" but don't let the dumb name dissuade you.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on October 21, 2013, 09:47:13 PM
Here's a bizarre one I couldn't do:


Called Collection Agent, you don't get a base. You get 5 collectors and no reactors, and there are spores and emitters all over the place. Someone did it, I have no idea how, but with 6 hours of game time. I have to imagine that was mostly 4x speed and not all at once, but still. If you're a masochist, beat it and post here how. :)
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Eketek on October 21, 2013, 10:27:41 PM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 21, 2013, 09:47:13 PM
Here's a bizarre one I couldn't do:


Called Collection Agent, you don't get a base. You get 5 collectors and no reactors, and there are spores and emitters all over the place. Someone did it, I have no idea how, but with 6 hours of game time. I have to imagine that was mostly 4x speed and not all at once, but still. If you're a masochist, beat it and post here how. :)

Oh, I'm pretty sure I can take several hours off that score...
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on October 22, 2013, 02:20:50 AM
You should make a vid of it, Eketek. Or at least describe what you do?
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Eketek on October 26, 2013, 03:50:50 AM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 22, 2013, 02:20:50 AM
You should make a vid of it, Eketek. Or at least describe what you do?

It's a secret, so I'll have to mislead you.

Try careful and [perhaps] somewhat unconventional use of powerzones.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on October 26, 2013, 12:14:35 PM
Quote from: Eketek on October 26, 2013, 03:50:50 AM
Try careful and [perhaps] somewhat unconventional use of powerzones.

I took another look at the map and your hint didn't help. But I beat your time on "It's Not Useless" so it's okay. :P
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Karsten75 on October 27, 2013, 11:03:20 AM
Crumble - Hard by Altren was one of the best-ever DMD maps I've played. Needed a few restarts to get going. Really fun.

Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on October 27, 2013, 07:19:45 PM

Quote from: Karsten75 on October 27, 2013, 11:03:20 AM
Crumble - Hard by Altren

I just played it and it was great, thanks. It's fun to figure out where/how to terraform and not spend too much time or energy. One thing to note, which I forgot to check before starting and wish I had: the spores are on about a 4 minute timer. I wasted a fair bit trying to get beams up before they finished initializing and didn't need to.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Cohiba on October 29, 2013, 03:12:32 PM

I love the look of this map just don't think its beatable, at least I can't beat it would be interesting to hear tips on how someone beat it if its possible.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: squallsoft on October 30, 2013, 10:16:10 AM
Got one for ya :-)

It includes two Islands. Spores SPAM YOU while you build up for your assault. Check out my completed screenshot below!
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: pawel345 on November 03, 2013, 03:35:06 PM
A little time limit

The map itself is not hard but the interesting concept is that you can make a time limit on your DMD maps by disallowing beams and placing 25 big payload, short interval spore towers with a set build time. This one it to test this teory and has the time limit of around 10 min. So Farbor like DMD maps are possible^^


Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Loyal on November 03, 2013, 04:27:02 PM
I too have been toying around with unit limits to see what they can do to a map.

Tech Limits Ahoy!
This small map with lots of void ridges proves to be deceptively challenging when you realize just how little firepower you have.
With only 20 reactors at your disposal and limited land initially available, energy must be carefully rationed for much of the game. On top of that, you can only build precious few blasters, mortars, shields, and strafers, requiring you to choose carefully where and what you focus your firepower on.

A Runner's Nest will activate after a fair delay, but the only Digi Bridge leading to them is thin and easily destroyed. Whether and when you choose to cut them off is up to you, as while the Runners are numerous and quick, they drop a modest bounty of Anticreeper on death.

As a small mercy to the player, your starting island to the top-right has a decent Aether Pack and an easily-killed Spore Tower. Wise use of both the aether and the Power Zone are critical to your success.

This map took me about half an hour in-game time to complete. Knowing now how the map flows, I could probably shave off about five minutes of that if I tried... but perhaps someone else can do better?

Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on November 04, 2013, 11:58:48 PM
Quote from: Loyal on November 03, 2013, 04:27:02 PM
Tech Limits Ahoy!

Yeah this was good. I like the unique challenge. I spent a while at first trying to rush down the runner nest and came SO CLOSE but eventually abandoned that. The Bertha limit (of 1) was my most limiting factor. I had plenty of blasters but hit the mortar limit a lot. There probably should've been a limit on the bombers but I guess by the time you get the two ores on the left you're mostly done. I also wish I could've had a terraformer since without one I can't get my blasters to shoot uphill. :(

One of the first maps I dialed was called "5 of Each" with a limit of 5 of everything except collectors and relays (and no Thor). It's probably way too easy if I go back and play it now.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Loyal on November 05, 2013, 10:59:57 PM
I like Terraforming as a concept, but outside of maps specifically designed such that you (should) need a Terp to proceed, I feel it just breaks the game too much. If there were some way to restrain it...

As for the Runner Nest, if they're annoying you, you can pretty much knock it out completely by having two Strafers run down the thin Digitalis leading to it. Digitalis needs an unbroken connection to an Emitter to function, and as long as you can break that, the Runner Nest can be completely flooded in Creeper and still do nothing. I kept it running for awhile since the runners were easy to contain, and because a well-placed Bertha shot would not only clear a lot of creeper, but as mentioned before, flood the area in anti creeper.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: teknotiss on November 06, 2013, 09:31:25 AM
Quote from: Loyal on November 05, 2013, 10:59:57 PM
I like Terraforming as a concept, but outside of maps specifically designed such that you (should) need a Terp to proceed, I feel it just breaks the game too much. If there were some way to restrain it...
what do you mean?  ???
there is a restraint, a huge energy cost and it takes ages!  ::)
a game breaker is a pretty big deal, and if true it needs addressing soon, so how does it break the game precisely?
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: MizInIA on November 06, 2013, 03:39:49 PM
I just had one with an interesting twist. an island to assault that is covered in air exclusion towers. Berthas were my friend to knock down the creeper so i could land a CN. my time is terrible.  I am sure others can do way better.

Land the Island
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Grayzzur on November 06, 2013, 07:07:56 PM
Quote from: MizInIA on November 06, 2013, 03:39:49 PM
I just had one with an interesting twist. an island to assault that is covered in air exclusion towers. Berthas were my friend to knock down the creeper so i could land a CN. my time is terrible.  I am sure others can do way better.

Land the Island

That was quite the slugfest. "Covered in are exclusion towers" -- never thought I'd call that an understatement. :)
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: MizInIA on November 07, 2013, 11:06:30 AM
Quote from: Grayzzur on November 06, 2013, 07:07:56 PM
Quote from: MizInIA on November 06, 2013, 03:39:49 PM
I just had one with an interesting twist. an island to assault that is covered in air exclusion towers. Berthas were my friend to knock down the creeper so i could land a CN. my time is terrible.  I am sure others can do way better.

Land the Island

That was quite the slugfest. "Covered in are exclusion towers" -- never thought I'd call that an understatement. :)
does Smeared with Air exclusion towers sound better?  :) i knew there would be better times. Cavemaniac put up an awesome time.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Cavemaniac on November 09, 2013, 04:02:09 AM

I took pawl345's map as a base and came up with a pretty cool map (or so I think!).

Spore Spawn.


The map is exactly as previously presented - I liked it because it was interesting and had loads of defensive positions.

I tweaked the enemies and let loose at it.

I chose (probably unwisely!) to start in the bottom right so I could get the Mass Drivers which are awesome fun to play with.

Note their use as high walled forts!

It's quite tight for energy and has a lot of spores. Really, a lot.

Hope you enjoy it - and pawel345 forgives me for butchering his map!
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on November 09, 2013, 10:59:10 PM
No Terps No Room:

It's a real challenge. The terrain is super rough and you don't get any terps; instead you get Orbital Mass drops to make flat space. There are 25 on the map and you can do it in less than 15 for sure so you don't have to be too stingy with them. And I put a big energy pack just north of the start to help you get going 'cause collectors are basically useless.

A valuable tip: Moving multiple units will automatically find you where there's room to place something. Saves a lot of frustration.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Grayzzur on November 13, 2013, 03:51:24 PM
I put up one I called Digital Dunes. I just really like the way the landscape looks a bit unnatural. This came from just banging the "I Feel Crazy" button, no manual edits.

Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on November 13, 2013, 08:14:54 PM
Quote from: Grayzzur on November 13, 2013, 03:51:24 PM
I put up one I called Digital Dunes.

This was fun, thanks. And the terrain inspired my Across The Waves.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Karsten75 on November 14, 2013, 01:09:03 PM
Not an awesome map (not a bad one either), but an awesome score - my "lucky sevens" :)
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Mimsy on November 19, 2013, 10:22:10 PM
This one was AMAZING!
Uneven Terrain

It looks pretty easy. 4 hours of play time on that for me to get the top score of 1 hour. I don't think I could shave more than 20 minutes off that time and there's no way I'm spending another 4 hours to do it. The only other score under 3 hours is my friend STD at 1:54. Try it if you dare. :)
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: MizInIA on November 20, 2013, 09:24:26 AM
Quote from: Mimsy on November 19, 2013, 10:22:10 PM
This one was AMAZING!
Uneven Terrain

It looks pretty easy. 4 hours of play time on that for me to get the top score of 1 hour. I don't think I could shave more than 20 minutes off that time and there's no way I'm spending another 4 hours to do it. The only other score under 3 hours is my friend STD at 1:54. Try it if you dare. :)

that one was fun. I spent way more time teraforming than was really necessary. but hey it is about the journey not the destination.  :)
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: nebzero on November 23, 2013, 01:12:46 PM
I made Noxian Injustice... It's pretty fun. You get the feeling of fighting a struggling battle on multiple fronts, while getting rewarded for your bravery.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Cavemaniac on November 23, 2013, 01:42:06 PM
Quote from: nebzero on November 23, 2013, 01:12:46 PM
I made Noxian Injustice... It's pretty fun. You get the feeling of fighting a struggling battle on multiple fronts, while getting rewarded for your bravery.

Pix please!
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Helper on December 03, 2013, 11:41:52 AM
Quote from: Cavemaniac on November 23, 2013, 01:42:06 PM
Pix please!

Just saw this. Here's a couple (better late than never).
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Helper on December 03, 2013, 11:46:12 AM
Hmmm - Used the F12 key for the first set. Lots of details, but not the whole map.
F11 gives the whole map, but not much other information.

Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Clean0nion on December 03, 2013, 12:14:29 PM
Quote from: Helper on December 03, 2013, 11:46:12 AM
Hmmm - Used the F12 key for the first set. Lots of details, but not the whole map.
F11 gives the whole map, but not much other information.

It's nice to see someone actually making use of the variability of creeper colour!
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Helper on December 05, 2013, 12:10:05 PM
Quote from: Clean0nion on December 03, 2013, 12:14:29 PM
It's nice to see someone actually making use of the variability of creeper colour!

Thanks - try to stay with the season. :)
I had purple and orange for Halloween, but that didn't work out so well.
Title: Re: Topic for sharing Awesome DMD Maps
Post by: Otterbear on December 06, 2013, 08:16:16 AM
Quote from: Mimsy on October 18, 2013, 09:16:30 PM
If you're addicted to Terps like me, here's a fun one:
Aside from the landing pad, there's nowhere to build. You'll have trouble even finding 3x3 spots to get relays to ores and totems. :) Sadly, unlimited Thors are allowed so once you can afford the ammo you've basically won. It's still a challenge though since Thors won't clear thin creeper... which stops you from putting out the much-needed relays or terraforming.

EDIT: it's called "Beat My Time" but don't let the dumb name dissuade you.

I liked this map.(Never needed the Thor.) I just finished it an hour or so ago, and now I'm going to play it again.