Knuckle Cracker

Knuckle Cracker => Support => Topic started by: spirix on October 08, 2013, 02:39:34 AM

Title: Syncing Savegames
Post by: spirix on October 08, 2013, 02:39:34 AM

anyone knows how to sync savegames between different computers? May it be possible via dropbox or something else?
Title: Re: Syncing Savegames
Post by: miquelfire on October 08, 2013, 10:15:25 AM
I use SugarSync (but I don't like 2.0, it adds too much work actually) to sync the directory in the "My Documents" folder (No clue where the Mac version stores stuff)

To have Dropbox work, you need to create symbolic links as you can't sync random folders without the aid of a third party tool. Anything tool that syncs a folder you point the tool at should work.
Title: Re: Syncing Savegames
Post by: knucracker on October 08, 2013, 11:22:37 AM
By default, this is where all of your mission data is stored:

To sync with another machine, you just need to copy that dir to the other machine. 

Another option is to change the location that the game stores its data.  You could move the game state directory to a shared folder on a cloud drive for instance.

To move your game state directory look at this file:
(Note that AppData is hidden by default)

In that file are the game settings.  It's just an xml file.  There are two entries of interest:


Add or edit these two lines.  Note that if you mess up the path, it won't work.  If you don't set the UseCustomDataPath to "True", it won't work.  If you change this setting and don't copy your current state dir over first, the game effectively starts over.  If you point to a location and then later delete the contents of that location, you will wipe out your progress.  So use carefully and only if you know what you are doing.  Also, backup your game state dir before you start messing around.
Title: Re: Syncing Savegames
Post by: antijava on October 08, 2013, 11:32:37 AM
Where is the equivalent location of GameSettings.xml on a Mac?
Title: Re: Syncing Savegames
Post by: Ulnagar on October 09, 2013, 05:32:56 AM
Quote from: antijava on October 08, 2013, 11:32:37 AM
Where is the equivalent location of GameSettings.xml on a Mac?


Make sure you use the full path to the new directory (e.g. /Users/me/Dropbox/CW3). Also, the application creates a subdirectory called CreeperWorld3, so you might end up with two separate folders with that name. E.g. my folder path is /Users/ben/Dropbox/Games/CreeperWorld3, then the game created the following folders: /Users/ben/Dropbox/Games/CreeperWorld3/CreeperWorld3/data etc.

I used TextWrangler to edit the file, and got an error message when saving. The XML identifies as UTF-16, but the file is actually UTF-8. You can just save the file and ignore the error.

The actual game data is located in ~/Documents/CreeperWorld3 by default if you want to move your progress over after making this change. As previously noted, make sure you open the game first so it creates the files it needs, close the game, then move the files.
Title: Re: Syncing Savegames
Post by: spirix on October 09, 2013, 01:22:54 PM
Quote from: virgilw on October 08, 2013, 11:22:37 AM

To move your game state directory look at this file:
(Note that AppData is hidden by default)

In that file are the game settings.  It's just an xml file.  There are two entries of interest:


This is perfect, thanks a lot! :-)
Title: Re: Syncing Savegames
Post by: Mimsy on October 09, 2013, 09:22:42 PM
This is WAY easier than the symlinks/hardlinks/junctions I was using to get dropbox to sync a folder outside of it. Thanks, virgil, for not hardcoding the path!
Title: Re: Syncing Savegames
Post by: iycgtptyarvg on October 12, 2013, 11:18:48 AM
Thanks! I'll be using this to move the save files into the game directory so I won't lose them when reinstalling Windows (every 6 months or so).
Title: Re: Syncing Savegames
Post by: truthd on February 05, 2017, 01:32:29 AM
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I wanted to share something for mac users. I have a Windows and Mac and wanted to sync my files to a network drive that both have access to. It was easy on Windows, but I couldn't figure out how to properly reference the drive on my mac since it's connected through a smb mapping.

Here are the steps I used on Mac OSX (Sierra):

Open up terminal
Use the command: ls -l /Volumes/
It should list any connected volumes, the name of the volume here is what you'll use below for MyDriveName
Then as mentioned above, open up your config file, I'm using vim but use whichever text editor you like: vim ~/.config/creeperworld3/GameSettings.xml
Set UseCustomDataPath to True and then for the CustomDataPath use: /Volumes/MyDriveName/Games/CW3 (or wherever you have it saved on the network, I used a folder called Games with a CW3 subfolder).

If you have old saved games you want to copy to the shared location then copy over your whole creeperworld3 folder. On mac it's /Users/YourUserName/Documents/creeperworld3 Copy that folder to /Volumes/MyDriveName/Games/CW3 or wherever you referenced in the GameSettings.xml. As someone else mentioned there needs to be a creeperworld3 folder under the CW3 directory (or whatever folder you used) otherwise the game creates one.

Good luck!