Knuckle Cracker

Creeper World 3 => Upcoming Release Chatter => Topic started by: superzip on July 21, 2013, 07:28:35 AM

Title: why not steam?
Post by: superzip on July 21, 2013, 07:28:35 AM
it might have been asked before, though the seach didn't find it.

why is Creeper World (1 and 2) not on steam/greenlight? and does Virgil have plans to get CW3 on steam, or any other game sale sites?
reason i ask is even though CW is a great game, there really isn't much talk about it anywere else then here, example: the youtube video with most views about CW (and isn't a trailer) have about 44k views, and the 2nd have about 22k. (the trailers have about 300-100k views)

by getting the game on a site like steam, will let more people know about the game, and properly make the game sell more.
i only found the game because i was playing game on kongegate, and the training sim was on the front page.

so again, does virgil have plans to get creeper world on greenlight or and other site then his own?
Title: Re: why not steam?
Post by: pawel345 on July 21, 2013, 09:10:46 AM
Well from the blog post "CW 2: Some Considerations"

"Once upon a time I was talking to Steam about making CW available in their store.  I mentioned "AIR" and that is the last I heard from them.  Maybe they just decided they didn't like me, or maybe they don't allow AIR games in their store....."
Title: Re: why not steam?
Post by: superzip on July 21, 2013, 09:50:04 AM
thank you,, well that explain CW1 and 2,
but the CW3 is written in unity so that should be alright, right?

also when CW2 was developed steam didn't have greenlight, so there might be a change for CW3 to be on there when V is done with the game.
Title: Re: why not steam?
Post by: knucracker on July 21, 2013, 10:27:56 AM
Before greenlight, the answer to why CW1 and CW2 weren't on Steam was, "ask Steam".  Now that Greenlight exists the answer is only a third, "ask Steam".  Another third is me putting up of page at Greenlight and the final third is getting votes.  Note that it takes all three for something to be greenlit, so in 6 months if it still isn't on Steam then "ask Steam".

The plan is to put up a page for CW3, that's the game that will show the best.  The marketing drive for CW3 will also help generate some votes.  I have not wanted to do this too early, since it has not been clear to me how steam evaluates the projects.  I didn't want to put up a page too early, before the major marketing push and risk losing an opportunity.  Steam isn't transparent about which games get Greenlit so I have to make conservative assumptions.  The assumption is a new greenlight page for a new game that shows up and gets a whole lot of votes quickly... that will have the best change of being greenlit.

Now, I think CW3 is just awesome.  It's a whole lot of good from CW1 and CW2 plus a whole lot of new stuff.  You don't have to have played either of the first two games to play CW3 and enjoy it.  It makes a nice looking video, it's unique among strategy games and games in general.  It has a large existing player base.  All of those things should add up to being a really cool indie title on Steam.  Stay tuned over the next 6 months to see how it turns out....
Title: Re: why not steam?
Post by: MadMurphy on July 27, 2013, 10:11:40 PM
Make sure to let us know when you put it on green light. Would like to vote it up.