This topic is for discussion of map #1321: SMALL TRAINING (
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Author: yum234 (
Hello! PLS test my first map
Surprising to see the negative votes. I thought this was a lot of fun to play - even though I made several tactical errors...which only means that I'll play it again.
Thank you for putting this out for us to play.
Interesting small map with a lot to do. And I like these little snowflakes at the beginning.
I'm stumped. I can battle down to the last three emitters and the one (strongest) gateway, but am on the defensive from then on until crystals are used up. Tips welcomed.
Quote from: dwb on February 08, 2014, 11:54:21 AM
I'm stumped. I can battle down to the last three emitters and the one (strongest) gateway, but am on the defensive from then on until crystals are used up. Tips welcomed.
hey dude, i had to reDL this one to replay so i can assist, using the "way back machine"! ;)
so in this mission you have access to the "experimental" weapons.
the CBombs are great, but unnecessary, the Dark Beam is all you'll need.
so what i did was first spent the free technytes on decrease cost and energy storage, then built a row of reactors on top of the solid terrain to the left of the Liberation Ship(LS) and two blasters near the decayable terrain.
then i dug the rightmost decayable terrain below the weak emitter and moved the blasters one by one to surpress it, then i dug open the terrain to the Bunkers and collected one whilst building a nullifier for the weak emitter. i also started a DBeam (see pic below for a screenie at about 1min, the emitter to the right is no threat at all now, since i can switch on the DBeam and use the mirrors to surround the nullifier), then you need to have an energy production of 13+ to win, since the beam only needs 12 energy to run, so i built reactors in the terrain below until i had plenty, as i went for the capsule in the decayable terrain. then i killed the emitters with nullifiers after blocking with the DBeam (much faster and energy efficient then killing with the DBeam!)
hope that helps, and ask if not and i'll chuck some more screenies up! 8)
I really appreciate your time to reply. I wish I had gotten back here sooner to say I simply failed to check whether experimentals were unlocked.
Yes, way-back machine -- I've been tracking down all of Yum's maps. Fun to watch his map making skills evolve.
Quote from: dwb on February 21, 2014, 02:27:01 PM
I really appreciate your time to reply. I wish I had gotten back here sooner to say I simply failed to check whether experimentals were unlocked.
lol :D been there, done that, way too many times! ;)