Knuckle Cracker

Particle Fleet => Map Makers, Ship Builders, and Coders => Topic started by: Sorrontis on September 18, 2016, 05:34:07 PM

Title: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated July25 2018]
Post by: Sorrontis on September 18, 2016, 05:34:07 PM
Welcome to Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated. Please browse our archives at your leisure.

--- Maps ---

--- Corporations of the Union---
We at the SSDI are glad to present the Corporations of the Union. We have been members of the Union since it's inception. Our goal, as part of the Union, is to effectively map out and conquer redacted space. The Union allows the member corporations to work together, exchange technology and weapons design, as well make use of developed sectors for training purposes.

For those Corporations not yet members of the Union, please take the time to review the options. You will see that this is the best way for humanity to succeed. Redirect your datastream towards the Union home page; here. (

--- History of the SSDI---
The SSDI was formed 86 years ago under the original name Kakos Corp. Kakos Corp was primarily a food synth company that supported many other corporations with exquisite food stuffs. KC remained a small corporation with only a few fleet licenses under it's name. However, things were about to change drastically. Seventy four years after its founding, the son of founder Kakos, found some raw new talent; a young engineer known only as Sorrontis. No body knew where this engineer came from, or why he would join a minor corporation. This young man had ideas never dreamed of, even by the most research driven corporations. Sorrontis soon rose through the ranks; opening a massive research facility ship. Within five years, the new President of KC decided that he would promote Sorrontis, rather than his own son, as the Vice-President of KC. Sorrontis influence over the President grew stronger, boldly forcing Kakos Corp to enter further and further into Redacted Space; all for research you see. That is, until the President suddenly died of illness three year ago. Sorrontis was quick to act. He consolidated the corporation, took as many ship licenses as possible and entered Redacted Space. For four years, no one had heard from the Kakos Corporation; that is until only a few months ago, a new Corporation emerged from Redacted Space. The SSDI held huge numbers of unknown ship licenses, as well as the old Kakos Corp licenses. Not only that, the SSDI was in possession of a massive number of charted Sectors in Redacted Space. 

Year 1 of Redacted Space:

Year 2 of Redacted Space:

Year 3 of Redacted Space:

Year 4 of Redacted Space:

Maps from CW3:
Title: --- Ships ---
Post by: Sorrontis on September 29, 2016, 05:28:20 PM
--- Ships ---
The SSDI and SSDI:ADD ship lines are no longer classified by size or built time. Our vessels can now be found on the Redacted Space combat fleet online store. Please do use these vessels as you wish. More vessels will be added in due time. Ships with the "√" show that the vessel has an updated description and details.

Missing from list:
2767-2760 2702-2690 2475-2464 2400 1804-1796 1781-1776 1720-1718 1703-1696 1651-1645 1639 1638 1631 1630

The SSDI is proud to announce that we have designed approximately 25 20 18 17 14% 11% of the total Redacted Space fleets! Additionally, we have mapped out over 6 5% of all discovered Redacted Space Sectors!
Title: --- Hacking of Redacted Space---
Post by: Sorrontis on October 01, 2016, 12:23:00 AM
--- Hacking of Redacted Space---
We have moved the Hacking of Redacted Space to a new subsidiary of the SSDI. The SSDI Armament Development Division, or SSDI:ADD for short, will be responsible for all weapons development and hacking tools used in Redacted Space. Please keep a close eye on this section for new powerful tools to use in your corporation-claimed sectors.

These special software allows corporations to be truly prepared before entering Redacted Space. Look below for special coding.

Set Land Bulk *Do not use while fighting in Redacted Space*
Land Fill - Used as a Redacted Space Modifying tool

# --landbulk--
$radius:1 #Radius of a circle or half length of a square
$height:1 #Land height, 0 is space, 1-5 is land
$square:0 #If set to 0, the land formed will be a circle; 1 will be a square
CurrentX ->X
CurrentY ->Y

SetLandBulk(<-X <-Y <-height <-radius <-square)

#Base Code: Sorrontis
#Information: VirgilW & planetfall


Time for PRPL Unit - Visible Timer

# --Countdown--

$Time:3600 #Time is equal to total seconds * 30
<-Time ->CountingDown
$TimerPosition:15 #Positive timer shows above node, 0 on top of node, Negative below node
$DeathAtZero:0 #Node is destroyed once countdown hits 0
$SelfDestructType:2 #Decides the type of self destruction (sounds/visual effects)

#Other Needed Variables Below:
#--- --- ---

#--- --- ---

#Proper numbering of the timer
<-CountingDown 1800 div ->Minutes
<-CountingDown 1800 mod ->A
<-A 30 div 10 lt if
concat(0 <-A 30 div) ->Seconds
<-A 30 div ->Seconds

SetText(<-Minutes ":" concat <-Seconds concat)
<-TimerPosition SetTextY #

#Countdown by single fram
<-CountingDown 1 sub ->CountingDown

#Resetting time at countdown finish + whatever countdown triggers
<-CountingDown eq0 if
<-DeathAtZero if
Self <-SelfDestructType DestroyUnit

<-Time ->CountingDown

#Enter code for whatever happens Below:
#--- --- ---

#--- --- ---

:Destroyed #What happens if it goes boom!

#Base Code: Sorrontis
#Corrections: GoodMorning & planetfall

Burst Emitter While experimenting with particulate emitters, the SSDI has created this monstrosity.
Burst Emitter

#-- BurstEmitter --



Self Self GetUnitHealth Self GetUnitMaxHealth neq SetUnitRecallChildParticles

<-Timer eq0 if
<-BurstAmount 0 do
<-MaxParticles Self GetOwnedParticleCount lte if
CurrentPixelCoords RandFloat TwoPi mul 0.1 0 <-isEnemy CreateParticle ->ParticleID
<-ParticleID <-EdgeDestroy SetParticleDestroyAtEdge
<-ParticleID <-ParticleSpeed SetParticleMaxSpeed
<-ParticleID <-ParticleHealth SetParticleHealth
<-ParticleID <-ParticleLifetime SetParticleMaxAge
<-Delay ->Timer
<-Timer 1 sub ->Timer

<-Flip if
"PRPLCORE" CurrentCoords CreateUnit ->clone
<-isEnemy not ->clone.UnitIsEnemy
<-clone "BurstEmitter.prpl" AddScriptToUnit
<-clone "BurstEmitter.prpl" "BurstAmount" <-BurstAmount SetScriptVar
<-clone "BurstEmitter.prpl" "MaxParticles" <-MaxParticles SetScriptVar
<-clone "BurstEmitter.prpl" "ParticleHealth" <-ParticleHealth SetScriptVar
<-clone "BurstEmitter.prpl" "Delay" <-Delay SetScriptVar
<-clone "BurstEmitter.prpl" "EdgeDestroy" <-EdgeDestroy SetScriptVar
<-clone "BurstEmitter.prpl" "ParticleSpeed" <-ParticleSpeed SetScriptVar
<-clone "BurstEmitter.prpl" "ParticleLifetime" <-ParticleLifetime SetScriptVar

<-Delay ->Timer
Self ->self
<-self.unitIsEnemy dup ->self.unitMissionGoal ->isEnemy
1 ->self.unitLatheTargets
self "main" "DEFAULT" SetImage
<-isEnemy if
self "main" 255 0 0 255 SetImageColor
self "main" 0 0 255 255 SetImageColor

#Base Code: Sorrontis
#Inspiration: Virgil, Planetfall, GoodMorning

Mine Further experimentation with particulate emitters has formed this type of invisible exploding emitter. Beware of these types of emitters.

# --Mines--

$Range:30 #In grid coordinates (not pixels)
$ParticleOffset:20 #Limit this value based on range. -- In pixel
$JiggerAmplitude:3 #Limit this value to <15 best effect when between 5 and 10 -- These are pixel jitters

self "main" "none" SetImage

GetGameTimeFrames 2 mod eq0 if
CurrentCoords <-Range 0 GetAllShipsInRange ->Ships
<-Ships GetListCount 0 do
<-Ships[I] GetShipIsEnemy not if
<-Ships[I] ->TargetShip
<-TargetShip GetShipPixelCoords ->ShipY ->ShipX
Self 1 DestroyUnit

CurrentPixelCoords ->MineY ->MineX
<-ShipX sub(<-MineX) ->deltaX
<-ShipY sub(<-MineY) ->deltaY
atan2(<-deltaY <-deltaX) ->AngleOfAttack
mul(<-ParticleOffset sin(<-AngleOfAttack)) <-MineY add ->ParticleY
mul(<-ParticleOffset cos(<-AngleOfAttack)) <-MineX add ->ParticleX

<-BurstAmount 0 do
<-ParticleX add(@Jitter) <-ParticleY add(@Jitter) 0 0.1 0 1 CreateParticle ->ParticleID
<-ParticleID <-EdgeDestroy SetParticleDestroyAtEdge
<-ParticleID <-ParticleSpeed SetParticleMaxSpeed
<-ParticleID <-ParticleHealth SetParticleHealth
<-ParticleID <-ParticleLifetime SetParticleMaxAge

RandFloat mul(<-JiggerAmplitude) sub(<-JiggerAmplitude 2 div)

#Base Code: Sorrontis
#Inspiration: Nicant & GoodMorning & VirgilW
#Corrections: GoodMorning & Planetfall

Cannon While working with Particulate Cannons, the SSDI:ADD made a mistake. Beware of this cannon. Further modifications can be done so that the cannon targets other particulates.

Images Used:

# EvilCannon

Self ->self

<-FirstShot ->Timer
<-Burst ->Count
Self "main" "Custom0" SetImage
Self "spin" "Custom1" SetImage
Self "spin2" "Custom1" SetImage
Self "spin2" 255 50 50 255 SetImageColor
CurrentPixelCoords ->MineY ->MineX
10 ->ShipX ->ShipY

Self "spin" Self "spin" GetImageRotation 0.1 add SetImageRotation
Self "spin2" Self "spin2" GetImageRotation 0.11 sub SetImageRotation

GetGameTimeFrames 1 add <-BurstGrowthInterval mod eq0 if
<-BurstMod <-BurstGrowth add ->BurstMod

<-Timer eq0 if
<-Count add(<-Burst <-BurstMod) eq if
@RandomShip ->ShipY ->ShipX

<-ShipX sub(<-MineX) ->deltaX
<-ShipY sub(<-MineY) ->deltaY
atan2(<-deltaY <-deltaX) ->AngleOfAttack
Self "main" <-AngleOfAttack SetImageRotation
<-Count eq0 if
<-TimerReset ->Timer
add(<-Burst <-BurstMod) ->Count
2 ->Timer
<-self.unitIsEnemy dup ->self.unitMissionGoal ->Enemy
<-MineX add(@Jitter) <-MineY add(@Jitter) <-AngleOfAttack <-ParticleSpeed 0 <-Enemy CreateParticle ->ParticleID
<-ParticleID <-ParticleSpeed SetParticleMaxSpeed
<-ParticleID <-EdgeDestroy SetParticleDestroyAtEdge
<-ParticleID <-ParticleHealth SetParticleHealth
<-ParticleID <-ParticleLifetime SetParticleMaxAge
<-Count 1 sub ->Count

<-Timer 1 sub ->Timer

RandFloat mul(<-JiggerAmplitude) sub(<-JiggerAmplitude 2 div)

CreateList ->potentials
GetAllShipsInRange(0 0 9999 true) ->ships
do(<-ships.listCount 0)
<-ships[I] ->ship
if (not(<-ship.shipIsEnemy) and (GetShipCMBuiltAmt(<-ship) gt(0)))
AppendToList(<-potentials <-ship)
if (<-potentials.listCount gt (0))
RandInt(0 <-potentials.listCount) ->randomShip
-1 RANDINT(MapHeight 3 Mul 0)

#Base Code: Sorrontis
#RandShip Function: VirgilW
#Corrections: GoodMorning

Twinkle Little Star

Images Used:
Custom1 =
Custom2 =
Custom3 =
Custom4 =
Custom5 =
Custom6 =

RandInt(0 6) ->ImageState


and(<-ImageState 8 gt  <-ImageState 10 lte) if
Self "main" "Custom1" SetImage
Self "main" 6 6 1 SetImagePosition

and(<-ImageState 10 gt <-ImageState 13 lte) if
Self "main" "Custom2" SetImage

and(<-ImageState 13 gt <-ImageState 15 lte)  if
Self "main" "Custom3" SetImage

and(<-ImageState 15 gt <-ImageState 17 lte)  if
Self "main" "Custom4" SetImage

and(<-ImageState 17 gt <-ImageState 18 lte)  if
Self "main" "Custom5" SetImage

<-ImageState 18 gt if
Self "main" "Custom6" SetImage

<-ImageState lte(19) if
<-ImageState 1 add ->ImageState
Self "main" "none" SetImage
0 ->ImageState

#Base Code: Sorrontis
#Images: Sorrontis

Title: --- Hacking of Redacted Space II---
Post by: Sorrontis on October 02, 2016, 12:59:36 PM
Particle Dividers It's some sort of defense field
Particle Dividers

# --ParticleLine-- 4/29/2017 12:15:22 PM
0 ->Count

GetGameTimeFrames 16 mod eq0 if
72 0 do #Do-loops must be manually edited to fit map
CurrentX CurrentY I add 1 1 1 GETPARTICLECOUNTINRADIUS ->Num
<-Num eq0 if
CurrentX CurrentY I add CELLTOPIXEL 0 1 1 1 CreateParticle ->PID
<-PID 0 SetParticleMaxSpeed
<-PID 10 SetParticleHealth
<-PID 100000 SetParticleMass

GetGameTimeFrames 4 add 16 mod eq0 if
73 0 do
CurrentX CurrentY I sub 1 1 1 GETPARTICLECOUNTINRADIUS ->Num
<-Num eq0 if
CurrentX CurrentY I sub CELLTOPIXEL 0 1 1 1 CreateParticle ->PID
<-PID 0 SetParticleMaxSpeed
<-PID 10 SetParticleHealth
<-PID 100000 SetParticleMass

GetGameTimeFrames 8 add 16 mod eq0 if
230 0 do
CurrentX I sub CurrentY 1 1 1 GETPARTICLECOUNTINRADIUS ->Num
<-Num eq0 if
CurrentX I sub CurrentY CELLTOPIXEL 0 1 1 1 CreateParticle ->PID
<-PID 0 SetParticleMaxSpeed
<-PID 10 SetParticleHealth
<-PID 100000 SetParticleMass

GetGameTimeFrames 12 add 16 mod eq0 if
206 0 do
CurrentX I add CurrentY 1 1 1 GETPARTICLECOUNTINRADIUS ->Num
<-Num eq0 if
CurrentX I add CurrentY CELLTOPIXEL 0 1 1 1 CreateParticle ->PID
<-PID 0 SetParticleMaxSpeed
<-PID 10 SetParticleHealth
<-PID 100000 SetParticleMass
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 2 2016 updated]
Post by: IncoherentRage on October 02, 2016, 06:10:57 PM
I really like "The Needle". ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 4 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 04, 2016, 02:13:12 AM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 4 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 05, 2016, 07:27:40 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 5 2016 updated]
Post by: Ninja on October 06, 2016, 05:25:17 PM
Commission fees?  :o

(Carrier 2.0, Titan)
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 5 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 06, 2016, 05:31:38 PM
Quote from: Ninja on October 06, 2016, 05:25:17 PM
Commission fees?  :o

(Carrier 2.0, Titan)

Just a joke ... these are Corporations right? A little role play never hurt anyone :P
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 5 2016 updated]
Post by: Ninja on October 06, 2016, 05:33:14 PM
Quote from: Sorrontis on October 06, 2016, 05:31:38 PM
Quote from: Ninja on October 06, 2016, 05:25:17 PM
Commission fees?  :o

(Carrier 2.0, Titan)

Just a joke ... these are Corporations right? A little role play never hurt anyone :P
Hah, figured. Just curious as I didn't see the other part of the asterisk (*) anywhere.
Since we're talking about Corporations....

Shop Ninja Shipyards! ( Wonderful ships built for wonderful purposes.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 5 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 06, 2016, 10:30:54 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 6 2016 updated]
Post by: Zoura3025 on October 09, 2016, 12:10:29 AM
Greeting, headmaster. We trust you've been busy. As a registered developer of GalCorp, we recieve ample payment for our toils. We hope you will accept our diplomatic request to form a union. We can provide ample funding for your acceptance, as well as our Engineer Vulpe's input on designs, pointing out flaws, traits, and such. Of course, to make this deal beneficial to your needs, request anything that may prove of service.

~~ Zoura Thirty Twenty-five, Head Recorder of Fleet Zero operational servers.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 6 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 09, 2016, 12:30:23 AM
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Head Recorder.

We would gladly work to exchange technology and information as we discover something of note. We can continue this conversation once I return from Sector 14a. A certain test has gone in an unexpected direction. We have added your listings to our corporate servers.

-Sorrontis, CEO of SSDI
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 6 2016 updated]
Post by: Zoura3025 on October 09, 2016, 01:18:08 AM
Quote from: Sorrontis on October 09, 2016, 12:30:23 AM
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Head Recorder.

We would gladly work to exchange technology and information as we discover something of note. We can continue this conversation once I return from Sector 14a. A certain test has gone in an unexpected direction. We have added your listings to our corporate servers.

-Sorrontis, CEO of SSDI

Of course good friend. We hope you return safely. Anything we can provide to you is yours, as tribute to our alliance. We hope we can grow strong and one day co-operate to provide our own new Corporation to the galaxy and beyond.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 5 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 09, 2016, 01:44:15 AM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 10 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 10, 2016, 03:56:10 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 11 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 11, 2016, 05:08:06 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 12 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 12, 2016, 05:22:59 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 11 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 13, 2016, 01:37:31 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 13 2016]
Post by: Zoura3025 on October 13, 2016, 04:39:42 PM
Sir, you are now requested to list The Union ( page for all to be directed to intercorporate servers.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 13 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 13, 2016, 04:48:54 PM
Quote from: Zoura3025 on October 13, 2016, 04:39:42 PM
Sir, you are now requested to list The Union ( page for all to be directed to intercorporate servers.

Ay ay captain! It will be done.   :o 8)
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 11 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 14, 2016, 11:16:46 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 11 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 16, 2016, 11:37:04 AM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 11 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 17, 2016, 11:14:26 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 11 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 20, 2016, 06:46:30 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 11 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 21, 2016, 11:21:15 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 21 2016]
Post by: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 01:23:26 PM
I am truly sorry if you saw the older (as in earlier today) Excalibur Corporation thread I was not stating that I dislike you Corporation, it was a bit of lore. I have revised it and added a disclaimer saying that it is lore.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 21 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 25, 2016, 01:25:49 PM
Quote from: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 01:23:26 PM
I am truly sorry if you saw the older (as in earlier today) Excalibur Corporation thread I was not stating that I dislike you Corporation, it was a bit of lore. I have revised it and added a disclaimer saying that it is lore.

Hahahaha! What did you say about me? I want to know (I missed it). Send me the gist of it in PM. I find that hilarious that you think I'd be offended :) A little roleplay and rivalry never hurt anyone  8)
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 21 2016]
Post by: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 01:29:53 PM
Quote from: Sorrontis on October 25, 2016, 01:25:49 PM
Quote from: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 01:23:26 PM
I am truly sorry if you saw the older (as in earlier today) Excalibur Corporation thread I was not stating that I dislike you Corporation, it was a bit of lore. I have revised it and added a disclaimer saying that it is lore.

Hahahaha! What did you say about me? I want to know (I missed it). Send me the gist of it in PM. I find that hilarious that you think I'd be offended :) A little roleplay and rivalry never hurt anyone  8)

XD I said that my Corporation disliked the other corporations, especially yours, for some reason I slipped my mind to say that I was just lore and not for real, I honestly thought I would be banned DX
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 21 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 25, 2016, 01:37:44 PM
Quote from: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 01:29:53 PM
Quote from: Sorrontis on October 25, 2016, 01:25:49 PM
Quote from: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 01:23:26 PM
I am truly sorry if you saw the older (as in earlier today) Excalibur Corporation thread I was not stating that I dislike you Corporation, it was a bit of lore. I have revised it and added a disclaimer saying that it is lore.

Hahahaha! What did you say about me? I want to know (I missed it). Send me the gist of it in PM. I find that hilarious that you think I'd be offended :) A little roleplay and rivalry never hurt anyone  8)

XD I said that my Corporation disliked the other corporations, especially yours, for some reason I slipped my mind to say that I was just lore and not for real, I honestly thought I would be banned DX

I doubt you would have been banned, unless you were swearing or being racist/abusive.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 21 2016]
Post by: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 04:38:44 PM
Quote from: Sorrontis on October 25, 2016, 01:37:44 PM
Quote from: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 01:29:53 PM
Quote from: Sorrontis on October 25, 2016, 01:25:49 PM
Quote from: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 01:23:26 PM
I am truly sorry if you saw the older (as in earlier today) Excalibur Corporation thread I was not stating that I dislike you Corporation, it was a bit of lore. I have revised it and added a disclaimer saying that it is lore.

Hahahaha! What did you say about me? I want to know (I missed it). Send me the gist of it in PM. I find that hilarious that you think I'd be offended :) A little roleplay and rivalry never hurt anyone  8)

XD I said that my Corporation disliked the other corporations, especially yours, for some reason I slipped my mind to say that I was just lore and not for real, I honestly thought I would be banned DX

I doubt you would have been banned, unless you were swearing or being racist/abusive.

No it wasn't anywhere close to that, I just updated it so the reason that we have very bad relations (lore wise) is that we caught a SSDI spy
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 21 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 25, 2016, 05:08:15 PM
I love it! Put that stuff up. And after a formal apology, cooperation is off to a rocky start. That's what I call role play my friend.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 21 2016]
Post by: joebob1337 on October 25, 2016, 05:20:34 PM
Quote from: Sorrontis on October 25, 2016, 05:08:15 PM
I love it! Put that stuff up. And after a formal apology, cooperation is off to a rocky start. That's what I call role play my friend.

Already put it up. Images for my ships will hopefully be soon
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 11 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 26, 2016, 06:38:46 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 26 2016]
Post by: GoodMorning on October 29, 2016, 06:28:08 AM
I feel obliged to say of your Sawtooth, it seemed instantly reminiscent of the profile of the larger variety of sailing ship.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 26 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 29, 2016, 11:37:18 AM
Quote from: GoodMorning on October 29, 2016, 06:28:08 AM
I feel obliged to say of your Sawtooth, it seemed instantly reminiscent of the profile of the larger variety of sailing ship.

That was the point :D
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 31 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on November 01, 2016, 01:51:14 AM
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Title: -Frontline Corporation- Official Greetings
Post by: Dark Ambition on November 02, 2016, 03:33:04 AM
This is a very nice fleet you have created, and the work you've done in Redacted space has turned many heads. Even GalCorp seems impressed.

I have a question: How did you develop the Kinetic Armour vessels? They seem to employ the use Precursor gravitation modules, but our engineers have never been able to get them to work properly with modern licensed vessels.

-Dark Ambition -CEO- Frontline Corporation
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Oct 26 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on November 02, 2016, 01:53:48 PM
Dear Dark Ambition,

The kinetic armour vessels do not use gravitation modules, but rather kinetic hull polarization, a system unique to SSDI ships. Unfortunately, the KAV line was unsuccessfully launched before, and we are currently reworking their designs.

Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Nov 1 2016]
Post by: Dark Ambition on November 02, 2016, 05:17:40 PM
Quote from: Sorrontis on November 02, 2016, 01:53:48 PM
Dear Dark Ambition,

The kinetic armour vessels do not use gravitation modules, but rather kinetic hull polarization, a system unique to SSDI ships. Unfortunately, the KAV line was unsuccessfully launched before, and we are currently reworking their designs.


Interesting. I hope your newer designs are more successful, the closer we are to Precursor level tech the better.

-Dark Ambition -CEO- Frontline Corporation
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 31 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on November 05, 2016, 02:33:58 AM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Oct 31 2016 updated]
Post by: Sorrontis on November 08, 2016, 07:56:42 PM
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Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Nov 8 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on November 12, 2016, 12:50:24 AM
It seems that I forgot to update the main page with the designs of each ship. I will be doing so tomorrow. Sorry  :-[

Here are the unprepped images for the ships of Nov 8. The main page is getting very cluttered and difficult to modify.

Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Nov 19 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on November 19, 2016, 12:16:24 AM
Dear SSDI followers, allies and patrons,

It is with great chagrin that the SSDI must announce that a sudden terrorist attack on our facilities has disabled our ability to maintain our research & development status at this time. We are hard at work updating our defenses and will soon be back in Redacted Space.

Sincerely, Sorrontis - CEO of SSDI

- - - - -
Translation: Got some massive deadlines in the next week(ish), plus loads of other work. I'll be around, but just to keep tabs on what's going on. Cheers!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Nov 19 2016]
Post by: Stickman on November 26, 2016, 07:26:01 PM
[Kind of a disclaimer]: I was requested to come and criticize this fleet by its creator. I don't think I would go and RP around other people fleets like this without provocation. Also, English is not my first language and I would without doubt make few mistakes on a lengthy post (you won't believe how much mistakes spellchecker finds in every sentence).


Generally, Sorrontis' fleet is good. If you need to describe maps and fleet with as few words as possible it would be "creative and unbalanced". "Unbalanced" is used in a positive way, as Sorrontis tries a lot of ideas that stretch and bend rules of core game. Resulting maps and ships can be sometimes frustrating to play and use, but it's interesting to at least try. (I think I couldn't finish two or three of his maps and for at least five I went to check forum for tips)
One "valid" complaint about the whole fleet would be about CombatLathe - it's speed is painfully low and does not match speeds of ships that can be used as an escort.

--RP ON--


Before any analysis of a fleet even begins, it's important to understand that fleet is meaningless without an enemy, its purpose. And as any instrument, it should be suitable for the task. Thankfully, SSDI has provided a number of simulations using this fleet, and we strictly recommend other CEO to run these simulations as they provide great lessons for tactics, patience and conquering the unexpected. The unexpected part is heavily present, as SSDI simulations tend to present its whole fleet at the start of a simulation, without gradual acquirement of licenses over the course of a simulation.

Overall, SSDI fleet provides greater firepower over standard-issue fleet. It's enough to mention that Razor V2 is considered Light-Fighter class, smallest available class, but carries weaponry on par with standard Marauder, which can be considered mid- to high-tier ship for a standard fleet. Most distinctive feature of this fleet is, of course, its design. Whatever mind is behind engineering at SSDI, he definitely has an artistic side of personality dominant. Fleet has distinct, "jagged" look, is not afraid of asymmetry and is generally interesting to look at. We would only wish that more ships, namely Dreadnaught, showed this design more clearly, while we find "rounded" design of a utility ships like Supplement and Node Point fitting to their less aggressive roles.

This creativeness has it's side effects, though. Designs are deceptively larger than it seems and protruding parts can sometimes cause troubles with ship positioning. Positioning issue grows larger when encountering anti-ship weaponry or nasty cases of emergent or particulate, as some designs have weak points, ensuring heavy ship crippling on damage or full ship destruction. We don't count these weak points as "flaw" in overall fleet assessment, as we consider them design choice rather than a mistake. A more noble approach, giving your opponents a fair chance and a way to hone your ship positioning skills. Nevertheless, when using this fleet, you should be sure that your battlefield is spacious enough to accommodate uncommonly shaped ship hulls, and your fleet composition includes enough ships for frontlines, as we project that fleet of second-line ships like Duahcim or Deadspace would perform poorly.

For further inspecting rampant creativity, we can recommend "Minefield" simulation, which provides not only an unusual scenario, but a variety of ships with "aesthetics over functionality" principle and blatant breaking of the major ship-building rules like "engines mandatory".

We would touch an issue of Kinetic Armour Vessels, as we didn't find them impressive in actual performance. Positioning and size issues as well as weak points issues are amplified on these ships, netting them subpar to main SSDI fleet. As a very new addition with only one simulation we would not include it in overall SSDI fleet assessment.

Final mark for SSDI fleet would full A. This fleet is well-balanced, not missing on crucial modules or roles. Cannon module quota gets A- for lack of cannons on capital ships(a minor gripe of one the influential reviewers). Grabber module quota gets solid D for lack of said modules (except one odd experimental ship), but with an actual fear of new designs including these modules would be accompanied by suitably incredibly tricky simulations that require these modules. Fighter base quota gets B for including one carrier ship design, with an overabundance  of said modules. Design gets a solid S, and a very special "Don't create all-rounders with all the modules superships, have some roles, dammit" category gets an A as well.


We would like to address some designs and ideas specifically. Ship designs in question would be attached before review.

Dreadnaught progression:

It's important to understand your design flaws and improve upon them. No fleet or ship is perfect (except standard-issue one) and engineering departments should never be held by tradition, preventing them from improving and moving progress forward.
First edition Dreadnaught was clearly designed with huge area denial effect in mind while keeping actual ship area at minimum for keeping build times reasonable. Unfortunately, "shield" parts proved ineffective due to the standard hull repair procedure and lack of shield module, easily failing to enemy fire or particulate and taking huge time to be restored. This was addressed in second edition, adding secondary structure beams to provide multiple repair zones for each "shield" part and inclusion of actual shield module, resulting in better resistance to damage that this ship desperately needed. Also, swapping reactor modules to guppy and tank combination improved energy sustainability for prolonged engagements or unsupplied usage, a clear improvement for this ship role and size. Loss of particle beams is minor inconvenience and can be considered a positive on energy usage and specialization side. Third edition shows minor improvement of energy efficiency once again, as reactors do little at this weapon scale.
We find this progression a clear indication of an intelligent mind behind SSDI fleet designs, and we hope that critics crying "Have you seen Death Fish design? This guy is insane!" would be silent from this point on.

Sabertooth is an excellent example of asymmetrical design, with a nice module composition (maybe a bit of an overkill for particle beams at the rear part). Obvious weak point is starboard side, but it's should noted that mindlessly showing port side to your enemy is equally unadvised as energy tanks and guppies have very poor protection against stray shots and losing these would cripple your energy production temporally. It should also be noted that mirrored version of this ship does not exist, dismissing the idea of pairing two versions to eliminate weaknesses, thus keeping using this powerful ship a small tactical challenge.

Node Point:
This an excellent ship. Firstly, three discharge modules provide very good stunner defense even at second-line, ensuring that stunners are shot down or stun times minimized. Solid stunner defense allows SSDI to avoid including further discharge modules on capital ships, thus  keeping specializations and roles clear. Secondly, it has a nice weapon selection, removing overspecialization that many ships with similar main roles have. Node Point keeps being useful after eliminating stunner treat, helping to clear mire or struc. Lack of cannon modules on SSDI's capitals help to keep this ship's cannons viable throughout the battle.
Actually, this ship weaponry can earn its place on frontlines on less particle-heavy battlefields.

Platform 2:
This weapon platform has incredibly well-defined role. Firstly, its sheer number of missile modules can clearly handle lots of particulate and emergent, allowing it to bolster defenses of, for example, crucial energy mine beyond moderately effective "defensive struc + mine cannon" combination. Secondly, lack of actual armor and modest amount of lasers force it from frontlines, where particulate pressure and stray shots would quickly damage this platform, grounding it in a defense role and preventing overly trigger-happy CEO from hauling it with an attack fleet. Thirdly, discharge modules add nicely to an idea of finely defended position, ensuring that nothing harmful gets past this platform.
This platform has very strict use and can be unsuitable for some battlefields, but can fill it's role incredibly effectively, allowing one point to be defended by one platform as good as with few more well-rounded ships.

--RP OFF--

I hope it's readable and not a wall of text.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Nov 19 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on November 27, 2016, 01:40:57 AM
Thank you Inspector Stickman.

We are most delighted that you have completed your inspection of our fleet.
We at the SSDI cherish the opportunity to improve our vessels for future deployment. It is rare that the SSDI obtains this kind of critical feedback from our customers; which begged for a third party assessment. This contract was a most positive experience for our corporation.

We will take every recommendation at heart, and will soon be deploying new and improved vessels.

That said, it is with sad hearts that we must announced that the Terrorist attack on our facilities has hampered us beyond expectation. Our engineers are hard at work, and have updated their damage assessment. The SSDI should be back to partial operational capacity sometime this coming week, and in full force the week following.

Thank you all for your time.

Sincerely, Sorrontis - CEO of SSDI
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Nov 30 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on November 30, 2016, 10:38:29 PM
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retain for further use.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Nov 30 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on December 03, 2016, 01:44:27 PM
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retain for further use.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Dec 4 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on December 04, 2016, 12:36:24 AM
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retain for further use.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Dec 11 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on December 12, 2016, 06:44:43 PM
- empty -

retain for further use.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Dec 11 2016]
Post by: Sorrontis on December 19, 2016, 12:34:47 AM
- empty -

retain for further use.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Jan 19 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on January 19, 2017, 02:44:59 PM
Update Bumb
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Jan 25 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on January 25, 2017, 11:01:39 PM
bumpity updatibity bump
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Jan 27 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on January 27, 2017, 11:26:36 AM
Update the bump!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Feb 1 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on February 01, 2017, 06:58:14 PM
update bump!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Feb 5 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on February 05, 2017, 03:28:32 PM
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Feb 5 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on February 08, 2017, 05:38:45 PM
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Feb 5 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on February 08, 2017, 05:39:11 PM
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Feb 11 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on February 11, 2017, 01:08:58 AM
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Feb 13 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on February 13, 2017, 08:26:48 PM
Bump me!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Feb 17 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on February 17, 2017, 12:31:06 PM
Bump me, I'm lovely!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Feb 18 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on February 18, 2017, 08:05:11 PM
Bump bump for a tiny map!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Mar 3 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on March 03, 2017, 04:48:54 PM
Bump bump bump!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Mar 3 2017]
Post by: Johnny Haywire on March 07, 2017, 04:24:35 PM
Seeing your map descriptions makes me want to play this game more. It's been tough since after playing both, I still kinda prefer the gameplay in CW3 but maybe if I can find the time I'll give these maps a try!

Great to see you're still active & making maps... I'm guessing they're as "fun" as your maps in CW3, eh?  ;)

Cheers, m8!  ;D
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Mar 3 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on March 07, 2017, 04:36:54 PM
Quote from: Johnny Haywire on March 07, 2017, 04:24:35 PM
Seeing your map descriptions makes me want to play this game more. It's been tough since after playing both, I still kinda prefer the gameplay in CW3 but maybe if I can find the time I'll give these maps a try!

Great to see you're still active & making maps... I'm guessing they're as "fun" as your maps in CW3, eh?  ;)

Cheers, m8!  ;D

Cheers, I've been taking them easy for the past few maps. Life has been hectic, so I take a map every 2ish weeks. And they aren't PRPL heavy. I find that fiendish PRPL that's still fair is harder in PF since the 1 hit to CM kills the ship.

Also, I've been spending about 1/2 of my gaming time on the Bioshock series; and another 1/3 on my own programming efforts + producing my own tabletop RPG rule set. I don't get a lot of PF in as before, but I still love it all!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Mar 3 2017]
Post by: GoodMorning on March 07, 2017, 06:06:53 PM
I'm glad to know it's not just me. It occurs to me to ask for some evil. Also to try your tabletop RPG at some point.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Mar 3 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on March 07, 2017, 06:57:22 PM
Quote from: GoodMorning on March 07, 2017, 06:06:53 PM
I'm glad to know it's not just me. It occurs to me to ask for some evil. Also to try your tabletop RPG at some point.

Okay, next one will be evil :D And the TTRPG will be published in Alpha probably in the next few months. It's a project between myself and my brother.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Mar 12 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on March 12, 2017, 07:43:31 PM
Bump for a new map. It took a while this one.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Apr 3 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on April 03, 2017, 08:15:56 PM
Yeah bump! I made a mad map!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Apr 8 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on April 08, 2017, 06:49:25 PM
Bump the bump!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Apr 9 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on April 09, 2017, 02:28:06 PM
here's another!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated May 1 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on May 01, 2017, 08:20:49 PM
Bump! You thought I was gone, didn't you? Well, I'm still here.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated May 28 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on May 28, 2017, 08:10:42 PM
I'm still alive everyone!

I'm actually working on map #50 right now. It's just there's so much PRPL code going on right now. It will take some time. Plus, real life prevents me from doing more than a couple hours a week... tops :'(
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated May 28 2017]
Post by: MrJellyLiker on June 02, 2017, 12:26:25 PM
I would like to join if its even possible, if not just make a list with members xD
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated June 10 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on June 10, 2017, 10:16:36 AM
Life has been tough for good old Sorrontis. I barely get a couple of non-sleep free time hours. The next map is almost done. It'll be a tough one with the fleet I'm preparing!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated June 10 2017]
Post by: GoodMorning on June 10, 2017, 06:46:42 PM
Then we shall wait. Sleep first, make maps when rested.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated June 10 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on June 10, 2017, 08:24:22 PM
I think the bigger problem is being at work 60 hours a week and bringing another 10 hours at home.  :-\
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated June 10 2017]
Post by: Johnny Haywire on June 14, 2017, 12:56:42 PM
Easy solution: Just make the maps DURING work! Get everyone else at work hooked on this game and then they'll PAY you to make maps while you're there!  8)
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated June 10 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on June 14, 2017, 01:40:57 PM
Oh boy, I wish! *Wink wink virgil*
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated June 21 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on June 21, 2017, 08:34:30 PM
Well, unfortunately. Map #50 is not to my standard. More work on it to come!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated August 2 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on August 02, 2017, 08:27:36 PM
Oh! What's this? I'm back with a new map? That's right, "The Rinser of Winds" is up. This is the most frustrating map I have ever made - to make, and to play.

There will be no contest #3 for a while. There's a few things I want to explore first :)
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated August 15 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on August 15, 2017, 08:45:33 PM
New map (and ships)! Hurrah!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated Sept 9 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on September 09, 2017, 01:24:10 PM
Two new maps, and a bump!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated September 13 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on September 13, 2017, 01:57:03 PM
Bumpity Bump!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated September 24 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on September 24, 2017, 03:54:09 PM
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated October 06 2017]
Post by: Sorrontis on October 06, 2017, 02:34:34 AM
A new map! It's a pretty easy start, followed by a hard middle, finishing off with an average ending.
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated March 01 2018]
Post by: Sorrontis on March 02, 2018, 12:15:58 AM
What's this? it's been months! I made a new map!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated April 11 2018]
Post by: Sorrontis on April 11, 2018, 09:31:04 AM
More maps!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated July 14 2018]
Post by: Sorrontis on July 14, 2018, 12:09:01 AM
What's this? Another map from moi?
What's that? Another set of ships!

Also, I'm extremely disappointed. There's only been 54 new maps (including this one) since April 11th? That's like a map every 2 days. Guys, we can do better, we can at least do 1 map a day... right? Right?!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated July 25 2018]
Post by: Sorrontis on July 26, 2018, 12:00:44 AM
New Map up! It's so fun!
Title: Re: Sorrontis Space Development Incorporated [Updated July25 2018]
Post by: Johnny Haywire on July 31, 2018, 02:05:16 PM
My psychiatrist said I was too happy, carefree and confident about life. He said he could prescribe some depressants if I wished, or he suggested that I max all my credit cards and play the lottery so I could get into debt.

"If that doesn't work, and if you really need INTENSIVE therapy," he went on to say, "I suppose you could... no, that would be too brutal. - - - Although, it might be necessary to... to... I... I can't..."

At that point, he began weeping profusely and turned his head away from me to bury it in his right arm in an attempt to muffle his uncontrollable sobbing. His left arm was extended toward me behind his back, and in his hand was a piece of paper with a simple prescription:

"Play two Sorrontis maps and call me in the morning."

So I'll let you know if this therapy works.  :o