Custom Map #220: Push Harder

Started by AutoPost, September 19, 2011, 09:01:01 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #220: Push Harder

Author: Kristian PÃ¥lsson

Repulsors is the way to go.


Since this map is acquisition, 80 percent of the map is absolutely pointless. :) So a waste of space...
My CW2 Maps
My CW1 Maps
Quote from: Sqaz on August 28, 2011, 02:49:35 PM
The comments are here to comment, dare to use them.


This map has a fun idea, to "fight" the Creeper with only repulsars.
However, after the first 15 minutes, the map became very boring
to me, and I did not finnsh. Perhaps if you reduced the size of the
To fight back the Creeper all you need is. . . What? Energy.
My maps CW1 are located here try out my MIS series.


I think that when you have control (which is quite easy to lose if you make a mistake), you can advance very quickly towards the creeper.

The most challenging thing for me the first time I played this map was to advance into the last column and adjust the repulsors in the correct way.

I think this is a very innovative map, more about thinking than about killing creeper.


Quote from: Zomis on September 20, 2011, 05:29:20 PM
I think that when you have control (which is quite easy to lose if you make a mistake), you can advance very quickly towards the creeper.

The most challenging thing for me the first time I played this map was to advance into the last column and adjust the repulsors in the correct way.

I think this is a very innovative map, more about thinking than about killing creeper.

The concept is fine, but the map is waaaaay bigger than it needs to be - you'll be repeating the exact same actions over and over again up until the very end - while the space may not technically be unused, there are very few people who enjoy repeating the same thing over and over again. The terrain needs to be layed out much differently if it was intended to be this big to make sure people have to use different strategies, otherwise it should probably be made smaller to remove the repetitive aspects of the map.

tugberk turkey

the fields are very good please come to new map :)