Custom Map #1419: InGame Ship Editor Map 7. By: FOXX

Started by AutoPost, August 09, 2019, 05:26:49 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1419: InGame Ship Editor Map 7

Author: FOXX
Size: 428x322

7th Map for the InGame Ship Editor. Create your own fleet. Attention -> This Map Takes Time. #EditStruc #TiconDefenseRange by Stickman #IncomingShip 5Mins


7th map for The Ingame Ship Editor.
With this tool you can create your own ships for the map.
Info under the Editor. Click HullPart or Module to Select.

Some tips:
- Look at the map and think about what ships you would need to start.
- Look in the Editor at your amount of Shipcores, Hull and Modules you have.
- Create your startships, play and pickup more stuff.

You start with 4 ShipCores, 408 HullParts and a Lathe Layout in the Editor.
This map has Limited ModuleParts and Custom PartsPickups.

Note -> You can add Hull and Modules to existing ships with the Alt-X option but after editing the ship has to be rebuild.

Info about Custom Modules


Bomber         - Targets Particles, Ships, Doppels and Emergent.
Bombs Module      - Spawns Bombs around the Ship. Defends against Enemy Ships.
Bot Module      - Spawns Moving Bots. Defends against Particles, Doppels and Ships.
Convertor      - Converts Red Particles into Blue.
Decoupler      - Targets Particle Bonds. Also Particle Bonds in Doppels.
HellFire      - Targets ship's hull, Doppels CM, Emergent and Emitters.
Howitzer Weapon      - Targets Particles(Bonds), Ships, Doppels And Emergent.
Laser Weapon      - Targets Particles and Doppels.
NegativeCharge      - Targets Enemy Energy Storages to Extract Energy.
Nuker Weapon      - Targets Energy Mines, Ships, Doppels and Emitters.
Orbs Module      - Spawns Orbs which Circle Around the Ship for Protection.
OverCharger      - Targets Enemy Stunners and Turns Them Friendly.
P4- Bomb      - Contains Particles. Released when Destroyed.
Particle Maker      - Creates Particles.
Plasma Bolt      - Targets Particles , Ships, Doppels and Emergent.
Plasma Missile      - Targets Particles(Bonds) and Doppels.
Custom Reactor      - Generates 2x Energy of normal Reactor.
Siege Weapon      - Targets Ships, Doppels and Emitters.
Tesla Module      - Targets Particles, Doppels, Ships and Emergent.

For My Maps and Ships!