Creeper World 2 - IF and i mean IF it will be made.

Started by Rikkay, April 13, 2010, 12:51:13 PM

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I think the multiplayer idea was a good idea by other players, but i think. if there is a sequal. Multiplayer should rather be added on that. either a deathmatch or co-op maybe both.

A population number could be on each city - and grows slowly, For deployable units that could be created. Of course will mean making more structures or just add-ons to the city. enabling it to make the units itself on users click. Also, i think a temperary city would be useful. or something that will also send resources to needed locations.

I may have more ideas in the back of my head. forgot most of what i coulda written. thanks for reading (:


Do you know how many things need people and the city must grow if the population grow? Mayby you need then a second city. (look at the topic "a 'defence' idea an a 'expand' idea")




Yeah, i think its a good idea having more than one city. such as one being temporary ;P