stuck on the following alpha sector maps

Started by hbarudi, April 10, 2014, 06:52:04 PM

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-alpha - blaze - fortress, most difficult map in the game so far, why no forge and totems, why no thor but strongest emitters in the game, I have trouble defending my self, using powerzones for berthas mean less defense against the oncoming wave of creeper good not to have phantoms and 1 energy cost eases the difficulty, but the ammo costs are still original, and while there are no phantoms (aka spores) I need to keep a few starfers to kill the digitalis so runners won't be trouble.
-alpha - cobrakill - titan, no good space to land except that area where the number of blasters I need to build I don't have the energy I need to supply them to defend my starting position, this map is as hard as waternaris for me, phantoms come and kill my already unsupplied blasters and beams that I get get the energy to support.
-alpha - the penguin - trains puzzle maps that I don't know how to change the path of the trains, I terp switches but they crash into them or just go to the wrong station, the second map doesn't count the score but the first map has been fixed, but still the direction issues happen
-alpha - redlemon - bardel, this map is extremely hard, no reactors and only 12 collectors, and limited weapons when I don't have the energy to push to range of nullifer to any emitter after several tries
-alpha - redlemon - runner up, no good spot for a base always in the red for building starting defenses 1 blaster and 1 beam when I need a lot more to secure my base and reach to nullify an emitter
-alpha - trickydragon - terror, despite being able to secure a foothold with 2 blasters, 5 beams, and a sprayer, I can't push forward in any way even with 10 reactors, always lots of creeper that I can't do serious damage to past my initial base and runners become a big problem also can you remove those numbers in a box that appear over the structures - weapons - titans - orbital tabs?
Found an issue, I selected the charge totem without forge, but this nullified the whole map, but no victory, please fix the glitches in the map, using latest version 2.01 with steam.
-alpha - grauniad - waternaris, required for steam achievement, but even after building a starting base eventually my blasters start taking damage and can't protect themselves and eventually I get overrun, but good for no phantoms in this map but still one of the hard ones
-alpha - cavemaniac - 3 maps (runner wash, stairway 13, leapfrog, and edit: completed pammukkale) varying difficulty, many I am not able to have a good starting base
-alpha - j - (14/17 done) several maps and the units series in colonial space, having difficulties there, but for another comment, ok now only 3 maps I list here:
*super tower 1, I get overwhelmed after about several minutes since the enemy gets stronger as I try to build a more powerful base, trying to get in range of nullifier for this moving around the map thing is hard,
*creeper wall 2, very difficult wall becomes very strong and no terp for very uneven terrain
*the pit, tried many strategies, still can't get a living nullifier close to large enemy spawners
-alpha - muaddib - terp lover, while using terp is important, very small starting space and can't have the energy to prevent the creeper from overflowing base
-alpha - snowmaker (jm) - spider web, need to try this one, but I  have had some survivability issues but doable
These are all the incomplete alpha sector maps I finished all the others.


Quote from: hbarudi on April 10, 2014, 06:52:04 PM

-alpha - cavemaniac - 4 maps (runner wash, stairway 13, leapfrog, and pammukkale) varying difficulty, many I am not able to have a good starting base

I was making maps that I liked and found challenging - but it was pointed out that they were coming out a lot more viscous than I intended.

With all my maps, pause, pause, pause. That's the only way you'll have the reaction time you'll need.

Runner wash and Leapfrog are really really tight starts.

Stairway 13, and Pammukkale in particular, should be quite straightforward.

Take the high ground, build up your base and defenses then strike back.

At all times - make the most of Power Zones.

Good luck!!!

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.


You may want to simply improve your play in other areas-sometimes you just need a lot of experience to tackle maps like waternaris.
"Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writing it down."
                                                                                                                         - Adam Savage

My website
My CW1, and CW2 maps!


I continue to update my initial post, please read.


Fortress is tricky, you need to build berthas on aft powerzones and build as many reactors as can fit. Collectors aren't worh much so use relays and reactors to maximize your power production. Then spam blasters snipers and mortars. To win you need to use guppies and berthas to take out the aft row of emitters and especially the runner nests before pushing on the center emitters from both sides. It helps if you can power zone a relay to bridge both sides but that's hard.

Bardel you need to space out the collectors as much as possible and start off with a small number of defenses, one mortar three blasters, two beams was how I did it. If you move fast that should be enough to nullify the first emitter, then you need to slowly push forward. I had a few false starts where I had to fall back at times. You want to push left before you push right. Also build collectors on the central power zone ring. They'll give you the best energy per collector.

Runner Up I had to try a bunch of times. Basically you need to start building a blaster immediately and get a second blaster and then a mortar up as quickly as possible. (though only build one weapon at a time. You also need a few beams. You should build your allotted reactors as soon as you have the first blaster up but one at a time.

Waternis, yeah, there's a step by step walkthrough somewhere on the forum that'll get you to a stable state. From there you can push to a win. It's really hard.


Ok, at this point I beat all the alpha sector except:
-cavemaniac - runnerwash which is the hardest map in the alpha sector for me,
-tricky dragon terror where charging a totem nullifies everything on the map (map has no scores)
-the penguin trains 2 freeplay that doesn't count anything (map has no scores)


Runnerwash is very easy with a tiny bit of luck.

Snipers use them, lots, causes of a special surprise from them :D. Also, I tend to nulfi the spores tower asap, mostly landing a cn to place a nelfifer right away at the max distance from them.