Custom Map #2119: Insidious Creeper Maze

Started by AutoPost, March 30, 2013, 08:01:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2119: Insidious Creeper Maze

Author: Peter Power

Figure your way through the Insidious Creeper Maze. Save the Princess! Note: This is a Puzzle map. There is very little fighting. Don't download this map and then Downvote it because you found it too technical.


This map is a puzzle map with very little fighting. It requires planning and some tricks to complete. If you are finding it too annoying here's the walkthrough. Note however that this includes Spoilers for the puzzles.


Great map, loved the unique challenges.  Also liked that I wasn't being hurried along to do it by increasing drones or anything, let me sit down and slowly build up and decide what to do next without having to get the order right, didn't have to restart at all.


What is the deal with all these downvotes disclaimers?
Don't make a slog just because. Be like Master Mapmaker SPIFFEN:
Quote from: themaskedcrusader on October 05, 2010, 05:09:33 PM
(...)Difficulty is subjective. (...)
SPIFFEN chooses to rate each map as trivial because they believe that the difficulty of the map depends on the capability of the player.
Quote from: DumbCreeperGamer"Ugh, me no finish map, map too hard, ME RATE ONE.
oOga OoGa to you too.


I reduced the Drones just for you RealAndy!

Actually, one of the problems with my maps is I do tend to increase the difficulty too much as time passes. It's because I personally like Speed Maps but I realize others do not so am trying to balance the maps better.

'Downvote Disclaimer'. I found that humorous burguertime. It is an interesting point. No one would write an "Upvote Disclaimer'. I accept any Upvote without question but narrow my eyes at the computer screen as my Downvotes increase. But, that is illogical since a vote Up or Down must hold the same weight. Truthfully, everyone should be able to vote without any disclaimers on their opinion!

ea3401! 5 minutes! I am constantly astounded by your scores. 75% faster than the rest...  :o How do you do it?


love the map :P

with 53 mins i didn't expect to get this high in the list XD  i guess other people had a struggle as well :P


Quote from: PeterPower on March 31, 2013, 10:26:33 AM
ea3401! 5 minutes! I am constantly astounded by your scores. 75% faster than the rest...  :o How do you do it?
You can pick up the maker tech directly out of the creeper. (Maybe a program bug)
You don't need the nullifier tech. 1-2 makers can cover the emitter beside the capsule.


Nice job ea3401. I'm always pleased to learn new tricks in CW2. (even if it affects my maps) Oh, and I was wrong; your score is actually 300% faster... poor math  ::)


Why do I always clear half the map before realizing its an acquisition mission?

Making tiny holes in the creeper maze walls makes wonders... XD
Don't make a slog just because. Be like Master Mapmaker SPIFFEN:
Quote from: themaskedcrusader on October 05, 2010, 05:09:33 PM
(...)Difficulty is subjective. (...)
SPIFFEN chooses to rate each map as trivial because they believe that the difficulty of the map depends on the capability of the player.
Quote from: DumbCreeperGamer"Ugh, me no finish map, map too hard, ME RATE ONE.
oOga OoGa to you too.


I just wanted to throw some more love your way on this map.  I really enjoyed it, and thought it was a unique way to make a map.  It's one of the few maps that I simply sat back and looked at for awhile to figure out what exactly I was going to do.  I don't know how others approached it, but I ended up using my maker as my main weapon and my blasters as support, which is a rare thing in my play style, so it was somewhat refreshing for me. 

I also enjoyed how you placed the tech.  It took some thought as to how I would get what I needed, and I'll admit, my gut instinct was wrong , which added to the fun.

As I said, fun map, thanks for taking the time and effort to make and share it.


Thanks, Khotekki. I haven't seen a map made entirely from Creeper so I thought it would be interesting. (Although, if anyone has seen one, please post the Map#. I'd like to play it.) I had to redesign it multiple times to allow/disallow movement, packet travel, and beacon visibility.

I also had to drastically reduce the Emitter strengths to Blaster only level since Launchers would destroy the walls too easily. (which ironically caused a fatal flaw as ea3401 pointed out)

At the end I even increased most of the walls to 50MiL, up from the original 5MiL (and still burguertime managed to break through them :)) I did have fun making this all Creeper map and might make another if I have the time.


bit of trumpet blowing  ::)
but it's not as tricky as yours! ;) good map dude, still haven't done it, but it was nice to see that i was on the right track when i saw the walkthrough.
still keep rage quitting at the mo  :D
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


Bah, there's creeper in hard walls, can't clear it. almost....
Don't make a slog just because. Be like Master Mapmaker SPIFFEN:
Quote from: themaskedcrusader on October 05, 2010, 05:09:33 PM
(...)Difficulty is subjective. (...)
SPIFFEN chooses to rate each map as trivial because they believe that the difficulty of the map depends on the capability of the player.
Quote from: DumbCreeperGamer"Ugh, me no finish map, map too hard, ME RATE ONE.
oOga OoGa to you too.


Run 1: No saving, grabbed all techs, 27 minutes
Run 2-5: Tried the fast way. Died.
Good map


Your comment made me laugh J. Well written. I also couldn't finish it the fast way :)