Custom Map #10607: -1(Zero tricks 3). By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, April 05, 2023, 11:18:48 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10607: -1(Zero tricks 3)

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 193x193


Juan Corbacho

Need some spoilers... dont know what to do to advance...


Martin Gronsdal

You've got to get the pickups to fight the end battle. And the end battle is very easy, actually

Thanks for playing!


"zero tricks"??? hmm???

You need to
build a guppy chain to get the top relay and bertha tech. You need to land all the guppies in the chain at the same time, so stagger the takeoffs
but what about that gap??
there's a gap that's too big in the chain - use a flying unit like a mortar to bridge the gap - you need to time everything perfectly here!
and then
get the mass driver artifact hidden in the totems at the top right - disable those totems first, or they will suck all the guppy energy. Use berthas/sprayers to keep the area clear while you get the mass driver.
now you can
easily get the CNs, build berthas on the PZ farm, use the berthas/sprayers, and land a CN on the left island to get the nullifier.
use the mass driver to make a landing spot near the inhibitor, and with the berthas and sprayers, keep that area clear until you can nullify the inhibitor


Martin Gronsdal

yeah, I forgot about the bridge possibility until I uploaded the map. My solution was different.

thanks for playing

Martin Gronsdal

to force-land the CN and build a collector before it's lifted to space due to the forced landing


Quote from: Martin Gronsdal on April 06, 2023, 06:54:54 AMto force-land the CN and build a collector before it's lifted to space due to the forced landing
I think that is the other map - on this map there's no space to land the CN at the top?