Map discussions on Discord? WTF?

Started by firefrog, January 07, 2023, 03:29:21 PM

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Why are almost all of the maps only open for discussion on Discord? This here is THE dedicated CW forum, so why post a topic for every map only to tell people to switch to another platform?


 What is the link for the Discord?


Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!


One and a half years later, no response. What a letdown. In the meantime, I had some maps I really liked and thank people for, I had some on which I would have loved to discuss strategies, and some that could be improved or are simply broken and I wanted to notice the authors, but nobody gives a single f***. Let's outsource it to Discord, not our f***ing problem anymore. KnuckleCracker, I thought you folks were more down-to-earth, but apparently the success has already taken you aloof. I'm outta here, good luck with CW5 or whatever.