GUMP- It ain't a box of cholocotes. Some help please...

Started by Weeha, December 13, 2009, 08:29:33 PM

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Hello all creeper players...
I need some help please.
I cannot get GUMP!
I get 3 1/2 reactors built before it all falls apart.
I have tried many combos of different weapons and tactics but I just don't know where to start.
If anyone who has beaten that level could post a build order I could try would be of great help!!



oh that level was annoying.  i put two lasers to protect me from the north and a mortar to hit the smile and keep the creeper down and a laser to protect west and then build up power and a drone to help with the eyes try to expand and get more energy and once you get to the eyes it will be easy.  i highly doubt that this mediocre description of how i won will be enough but that is what i did.  also make sure you have enough energy for the lasers in the north that was the hardest part
grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference


One more hint....
If you get a mortar built, fly it into hazardous duty and let it shell the two eyes.  A couple of shots into each eye and you can clear much of the face and relieve the pressure coming at your city from the north.  Then fly it home to rearm and/or take up a position hitting the smile.

You can also start the mission and do nothing.... just watch how long it takes the creeper to reach the lower right of the screen and note how long it takes to do that.... this will give you an idea of how long you have to get things built.  Sometimes it is easy to panic and engage the Creeper earlier than you actually need to (and then on some maps is is warranted).


i did kinda what both dj and virgil said, i built three blasters, two to guard the north and one to hit the smiley right where the emitter is, this protected my south for most of the game too, the blasters protecting my noth i had about in the middle of that side of the map and the rest had collectors, as many as i could fit and then i started building a mortar which, after shelling the smiley once or twice while it filled up on ammo, then flew over to bomb the eyes, 2 in each then back for refuelling, after one or two more mortar runs i moved up the left side of the face and from there i could activate the left totem and continue shelling the left eye while i still had packets, a fourth blaster kept the creeper there at bay while the mortar occasionally went to shell the right eye, once the creeper retreats back far enough quickly activate the totems and you're out


Hmm yea, I'm stuck here also. Anyone made a video walkthru? I checked YouTube but no luck. I've decided to go on playing other levels, cuz I lost like 6 times in a row.


Pic 1 : I started like this , and build a new blaster when the previous was finnished ,
and moved them from the city .
Pic 2 : If i remember correctly i ended up like this before i made other things . ( maybe i had 4 Blasters close to city =P )
Pic 3 : Trying to show what to do next , still if i remember  =P OPS DIDNT WORK

Try not to build more than 2 weapons at once , and maybe you can add 2 collectors with the build .
I try to only build 4 (6) Blasters , 4 Mortars and 4 Drones ,
then if i have enought power they should do the work .
Sorry for not having anymore at the moment =/
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
My maps :
How to make links


SPIFFEN - nice strategy.

I was moved the odin city, but your strategy is better.


First build a mortar for the smile, get a single blaster on the north side to stem the tide, drone next, hit the eastern eye first, maybe use another mortar that you move in and out, but drone will keep the flow from getting too overwhelm the blaster, keep that drone constantly in the air, build a line going up along the eastern part of the face during the "bombed" low periods, build the mortar next to your base, and then move him. Reactors max 3, build as you can to avoid deficit. Build another mortar and start hitting the left eye with the drone until you can build out and get the mortar in range with the left eye.


Quote from: dradzano on June 27, 2024, 10:11:59 AMFirst build a mortar for the smile, get a single blaster on the north side to stem the tide, drone next, hit the eastern eye first, maybe use another mortar that you move in and out, but drone will keep the flow from getting too overwhelm the blaster, keep that drone constantly in the air, build a line going up along the eastern part of the face during the "bombed" low periods, build the mortar next to your base, and then move him. Reactors max 3, build as you can to avoid deficit. Build another mortar and start hitting the left eye with the drone until you can build out and get the mortar in range with the left eye.

Find it really suspicious that you log in here just to reply to a 14-year old post that already essentially had solutions posted.  Additionally, your ISP also makes me wonder if you're even in the US or if you're using a VPN.

Send me a PM when you read this so I know you are a real human that isn't trying to spam our forums.