Tribon Series

Started by Kamron3, April 11, 2010, 09:20:15 PM

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This thread is for discussing the Tribon Series. A small plot will eventually grow to a large, large, plot and will be available for everyone to play very soon. (I have 3 maps in the series, all with pre-submitted scores, on the approval list)


Commander Gates was sent to Odin City to help fight a new enemy, the Creeper Nexus. It appears that there is still a Creeper Nexus out there, even after the one that we originally destroyed in a black hole. It is unknown whether or not it escaped, or if this is a totally new one.

Commander Gates will instruct you further when you play.

Comments, questions, suggestions. The plot will hopefully be amazing =) and the maps will be like the ones from the game. This meaning they will be in medium to easy range to play.

Other notes:

Avg. Length of Map Play: 15min-30min
Length of the Series: 72 (and it may have a sequel)


1) Why is it SEVENTY-TWO maps long?
A: I like suspense =) plus most people would rather enjoy the maps. Others would enjoy the gameplay AND the maps. (and also I want to have more maps that SPIFFEN) =D
