Custom Map #10815: Perfect Storm of Never Ending Spores & Runners. By: Oldnewby

Started by AutoPost, August 10, 2023, 05:40:37 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10815: Perfect Storm of Never Ending Spores & Runners

Author: Oldnewby
Size: 256x256

A challenge for speed runners. See DMD map AlexX-019 for the original... This "easier" version has more than enough Energy... and has lots more Aether... My old off the shelf PC lagged a bit... but chugged through just fine... Tapping the PC "N" key helped...


As usual - AlexX's original DMD AlexX-019 map's instant and unending stream of spores offers his usual challenging start... But this version provides some easier start points... north of the max risk start point...
For those who start near the north edge... I added a handful of AA units up there....  PZ's for Berthas... to help speed the game...

Recommendations include:-
Recommend an elaborate pre-build layout before landing the command ships... No human can build all that is needed fast enough... AlexX's instant and unending stream of spores.... requires an instant build of enough beams just to survive the initial wave... with lots of backup because the spores never stop...
Note that every thing is turned off by clicking on the units then clicking the PC "O" then "C" keys... EXCEPT for the three syphon on three energy jewels adjacent to the three command ship landing points... I save my initial layout to facilitate mods in case my first placement was too aggressive...
Only relays move energy packets fast enough to charge all the stuff needed for survivable... 
OOPs Steam did not finish publishing my recovered start file...   The "View Online" button stopped working...
BUT all is not lost... This was my start page for AlexX's original DMD AlexX-019 map
I still lost cannons before enough were built and energized to stop the wave of oncoming creeper... then digitalis... then runners... And this DMD map needed way more beams once I started moving south...

PS:-   It is doable... 
AlexX's original DMD map AlexX-019 was not generous with energy jewels.... once burnt... I built a lot of (probably) unnecessary reactors to guarantee sufficient energy to finish the map...  I also upgraded AlexX's standard Totems to the 100x version...  Note:- Extreme packet speed upgrading uses MORE energy... so building all those reactors was not entirely due to panic...

PPS:-  I ran into a NEW TO ME glitch with this 100X Totem version... Clicking the first exposed Totem... then clicking the "O" & "C" keys... then checked the box to "charge all the Totems before the Forge is built" 
AND WOWZER!!!!!!!   All 50 of AlexX's now 100x Totems started pumping out those endless streams of Aether... so much Aether Fog that I had a hard time seeing and moving the units... shutting the map down then restating stopped the runaway Aether production...