Custom Map #1259: Incoming Attack. By: Amaranth

Started by AutoPost, November 18, 2018, 04:35:01 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1259: Incoming Attack

Author: Amaranth
Size: 256x144

Whilst laying over at the Zeltner VI Shipyards for repairs and upgrades, a massive battleship enters the system, and it doesn't look friendly...


I'm noticing some low ratings and a low completion rate, so I'm guessing that the mechanics have some of you a bit stumped.  The concept came to me in a dream. Seriously, I was dreaming playing Particle Fleet.

The map is effectively a puzzle, and should not be able to be 'brute-forced' the normal way or if it can be, to do so would be rather slow. However there is no scripting. It is by design that you cannot move the HQ.

Heavy anti-ship cannons
The heavy cannons on the nose of the battleship will easily kill your HQ if they target the blue particulate and overshoot. You will need to place a blocking ship in front of it. However they are easily lathed

Blue particulate
you need rock-burner to release the blue particulate

Enemy torpedoes
The torpedoes start firing at about 3 minutes. You need to block them with ships. The Ram ships are good for this, placed with their engines facing the battleship

Flank Ticon Cannons
You need to distract / disable the Ticon cannons on the flanks of the battleship before you can mire its power systems. Use both lathes together to do this. They have different strengths and weaknesses so use them in combination. They are strong enough to do the job

hope this helps