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Ship Editor

Started by Kharnellius, September 27, 2016, 11:39:09 AM

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Seeing as the game is coming out shortly, this will be low on your priority and will have to wait for after release.

Ship Editor Wish List

1.)  A more clear description of how much time AND energy it will take to construct my creation.  I think it shows time, but I'm not certain and I don't see any mention of energy cost.
2.)  A gauge to show how much energy my ship would use if all guns/tools were being used at the same time.
3a.)  I REALLY wish engines were only one wide (currently it is 3 engines wide).  This way I can still make a 3 wide engine by using 3 of them, but also have the option of making a 1 wide, 2 wide, 4 wide, 3x 1 wide engines separated by armor, etc.  It would REALLY expand the creative options for ship design. 
3b.)  I would love to see a smaller 1x1 tank that is perhaps 1/5 capacity of the 2x2 tank (so that it is not as efficient).
4.)  A way to see what each component costs, it's energy usage (or production), a brief description, etc., without having to build it.
5.)  A way to rename the file name or even better, just combine the ship name and file name.  Don't really see a use for having them different.
6.)  Modules paint hull under themselves automatically when added to a ship design.
7.)  The ability to see stock ships so you can compare the costs/build time/energy usage.
8.)  Ability to load stock ships as a template to build off of and then save as a custom ship.
9.)  Ability to "Save As" when working on a ship design.  Sometimes I start to morph a ship into another and would like to save the new design, but preserve the original ship design as well.

Any other ideas out there?  I will add to the list as more ideas come up or more people post.


#4) It's in the help files I believe (or the wiki). Virgil already said that he plans to further work on ship editing after release. 8)
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


I got post sniped by sorrontis, but:

AYE, I absolutely agree on this wishlist.


I agree with all of these! :)
CW4 hype!!


Ships in the editor have two names. One you give when you first create it, which appears on the left, and the Name menu at the top of the editor, which is the one that appears in-game. For one, I'm not sure what the point of having two names is, but the real problem is that the first name cannot be changed at all. So that's what I'd like to see. I would typically come up with the name of a ship after creating it, not the other way around, so that's especially problematic for me.


Quote from: Relli on September 27, 2016, 09:14:59 PM
Ships in the editor have two names. One you give when you first create it, which appears on the left, and the Name menu at the top of the editor, which is the one that appears in-game. For one, I'm not sure what the point of having two names is, but the real problem is that the first name cannot be changed at all. So that's what I'd like to see. I would typically come up with the name of a ship after creating it, not the other way around, so that's especially problematic for me.

You can rename the .dat file in the ships folder. That should do it.   And yes, I agree it's clumsy.


Quote from: Karsten75 on September 27, 2016, 09:23:33 PM
You can rename the .dat file in the ships folder. That should do it.   And yes, I agree it's clumsy.
Ah, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks. That certainly works as a quickfix, although I've not done anything that couldn't have been remade in a matter of 5-10 seconds.


the first ship im making i wont care about the cost as it will be a giant box. It will be called The Borg Cube (Startrek) as for what gear it gets...IDK yet. yes it will be full of weapons and whatnot. I just want something to do a 1 ship challange. litteraly 1 ship to do all the work (technicly 2 ships but thats because the main HQ cant do everything and loosing it is RLY RLY bad


Quote from: Sorrontis on September 27, 2016, 01:55:16 PM
#4) It's in the help files I believe (or the wiki). Virgil already said that he plans to further work on ship editing after release. 8)
I assumed he would.  Figured I might as well start a wish list now for when he gets around to working on it.
I'll add the suggestion above to the list.

DaMetaEX, be sure to show us your creation when finished.  "We are the borg...lower your shields and surrender your ship..."

Also, do you guys know does the reactor just provide your ship with energy?  Why would I use guppies and energy storage when for almost the same cost and a lot less space I could have a few reactors?


to my knowledge(which is very limited) reactors are expensive slow to build and don't provide that much power. just as a comparison it seems the HQ has 2 reactors and that is just enough to power it's lathe. however i don't have the game yet so i don't know.


the HQ unit's reactors are desinged to make the HQ unit self sustaining this way it can operate outside of a power field (at the start it usually would be) this can be useful if your pressed for ships. but as for the cost the HQ is the only unit to get it and you dont see the build times for it.


Quote from: Kharnellius on September 27, 2016, 11:37:13 PM

Also, do you guys know does the reactor just provide your ship with energy?  Why would I use guppies and energy storage when for almost the same cost and a lot less space I could have a few reactors?

The reactors on the CHQ can't even power the entire ship at full activity (lathe and weapons).  So it's stop-gap.

In early versions of the game there was a stupid little ship called a Relay that all it did was to allow remote connections - almost like the mini-tanker. Just weaker.  Good riddance.


Quote from: DaMetaEX on September 27, 2016, 11:44:54 PM
the HQ unit's reactors are desinged to make the HQ unit self sustaining this way it can operate outside of a power field (at the start it usually would be) this can be useful if your pressed for ships. but as for the cost the HQ is the only unit to get it and you dont see the build times for it.

i thought i saw a video of a reactor being built? though i can't remember where so i probably am mistaken. the other thing i was basing my opinion on was me half remembering seeing a HQ being energy drained. again I'm probably wrong so you can ignore me.


Agree with this wishlist across the board.

Variable engine sizes should make for some interesting speed variations.

I'd also like to see a hull brush size.

I have a new ship in the works called the "Queen Bee" but am struggling with its energy demand.
5 fighter bases


PRPL for power tapping will have to wait on a ship energy API, variable engines may or may not be good, and hull brush is already planned for post-release.

Reactors are available in the editor, and are already used regularly. The HQ is the only stock ship to get them, however.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.