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Fabor Achevments

Started by thejoe66, March 17, 2014, 06:44:57 PM

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Better Late Than Never
Patton Would be Proud
Do these need to be achieved in two different victories or just one because i beat the map early and i only got the early achievement and was wondering if this is intended or was i suppose to get them both.
"Humanity is probably the only animal capable of hating itself."-The end of Evangelion


Ha.... yeah they are exclusive right now.  When I did them I was thinking complete in normal time or complete early.  I suppose I should just leave the text on each achievement as-is, and make it so you can get them both at once.


I had a slightly different situation.  I've been going back and beating some of the levels I played before to get the achievements on Steam.  I loaded up a save game for Farbor that was about halfway through the level.  I didn't stop the ship from moving, powered through, and took out the ship at about the 10% mark or so (didn't notice and don't have a save close to the end to check).  However, I got both achievements.  Is the "Patton" achievement supposed to be given if the ship has moved?
Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what is logically impossible. It's possible, therefore, for God to create beings with the kind of free will that can choose between good and evil, but he can't also force those creatures to choose good. If he forced their choice, it wouldn't be free.


Fabor Achevments
I think they should be exclusive to one another to make people who got there early replay for the late achievement and vice versa. It doesn't make any sense to get both the late and early achievements at the same time.


got better late than never, but for patton would be proud, I need a walkthrough since at once I nullified 3/4 of the enemy builders area, but it took off, so some help would be necessary.


I'll try to tip as best i can.

Seems like you got real close though, so you did well. Mostly, I attack from the two ends. Land 2 cn upper left in the middle, 1, bottom right on the middle. Anti creeper sprayer do help with taking the two emitters. make sure to get at least 2 beam weapons to, if you take a bit longer. energy management might be a little needed. Upper left one I built a forge, since 2 cn means more power. Once both emitters are gone, try to build up energy too, reactors and such, can be built up a little if you have enough energy, taking the two emitters. I find putting Bertha on them to be helpful. Build like 4 to 5 snipers each, will help taking out the two ships coming to that island, but do keep an eye on energy, but by then, your forge should be up, and you getting upgrades. the other ore to the right slightly, I do defend also, since relay will reach it, build a few snipers, and a bea, to defend from a spore. Upper right, i move down to take that emitter and lower right, going left, as Mortar and cannon, Bertha and ac, can help you make quick work. once there, depending on the time, you can more up from lower right, or try to connect your net work up. I did it in a lot of time, and merge them, but that is up to to you, and Bertha then can help move you to the middle, so that you can try to take out the 4 cores quickly.

Sorry for so long, since I did it a few times now, it simple in my head, lol.