PRPL Shield

Started by Prof, November 13, 2016, 12:23:04 AM

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An Idea I've had.

Picture the CW3 shield, basically a way to re-create that, so it would repulse Particles in a certain field around itself, unless either there was too many Particles or they were above a certain speed.

So, my challenge to you PRPL savvy users out there, can you program this? I'd assume it would involve some (functions/settings/attributes?) such as SetParticleImmidateForce and getparticlemass.

Or I may just be being stupid and its harder than I think :P


Find X particles in range.

Find each particle position, speed, and direction.
Reset each particle direction in to be perpendicular to previous direction.
Change speed?


Note: Make X a decent size 20-50? so most particles will be pushed out of the region, but not all.
Note: Might require a list, maybe not.
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


I've found GetParticlePosition & GetParticleMotion... I'm not exactly sure what it means by 'Delta X' and 'Delta Y' for motion... probably to do with angles and such. As for how to set it perpendicular... all I can recall is graphs xD (Gradient of 2nd line is equal to negative one over gradient of 1st)

EDIT: on further examination, Delta refers to the speed. (as in the parameters for 'Max Speed' it says 'MAX_DELTA')


Yeah, it won't be completely easy. I don't have all the parameters in mind, but it's doable. Essentially will work like any other weapon targeting, but on mass. Also, you have to find a way to check that the same particle isn't affected twice in the same frame (hence the list).
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


If you want a CW3 shield, you can apply a force which is a multiple of the particle offset.

Give me a minute at a real keyboard, which will mean a delay.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Quote from: GoodMorning on November 13, 2016, 01:12:21 AM
If you want a CW3 shield, you can apply a force which is a multiple of the particle offset.

Give me a minute at a real keyboard, which will mean a delay.

Yay, we got someone who knows what he's doing interested!  :o
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Going off Sorrontis's idea (cause I've been working on it a bit) here's what I've got currently:
CurrentCoords 5 0 1 GetParticlesInRange ->particles
do (<-particles GetListCount 0)
    <-particles[I] GetParticlePosition ->OPpos
<-particles[I] GetParticleMotion ->OPmot
<-particles[I] SetParticleMotion (neg(<-OPmot))


This is not my natural programming style... I've been doing VB for a semester xD
But I'm good at it though. Top of my class.


Well, I haven't recently touched particle dynamics, only positioning, but here's an untested back-of-the-envelope modification:

CurrentCoords 5 0 1 GetParticlesInRange ->particles
do (<-particles GetListCount 0)
<-particles[I] ->PID #Particle ID
<-PID GetParticlePosition ->PY ->PX
CurrentPixelCoords <-PX <-PY Distance ->Dist
CurrentPixelX <-PX sub <-Dist div ->SFX #Multiply this Shield Force X by shield power.
CurrentPixelY <-PY sub <-Dist div ->SFY
<-PID GetParticleMotion ->PFY ->PFX
<-PFX <-SFX sub ->PFX <-PFY <-SFY sub ->PFY
<-PID <-PFX <-PFY SetParticleMotion

Essentially, take the displacement, normalize, subtract from velocity. I may have lost a negative, one moment while I test...

Also, Sorrontis?
Quote from: Sorrontis on November 13, 2016, 01:13:48 AM
...who knows what he's doing...

To summarize my opinion of this: ??? (Really?)
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


On testing it, the result is that particles reach the center of the core, before being flung off the map, followed by 'empty stack' warnings in the debug screen.
As for the other one (That I was working on) it makes them bounce off XD Just bounce....


The trouble I've got now, is getting it to let particles through once there's more than 50 in range... (it now stops and occasionally bounces.)

mirror corparation

you could try throwing a IF statement in it to prevent stack warnings

CurrentCoords 5 0 1 GetParticlesInRange ->particles
<-particles GetListCount 0 eq if
    do (<-particles GetListCount 0)
<-particles[I] ->PID #Particle ID
<-PID GetParticlePosition ->PY ->PX
CurrentPixelCoords <-PX <-PY Distance ->Dist
CurrentPixelX <-PX sub <-Dist div ->SFX #Multiply this Shield Force X by shield power.
CurrentPixelY <-PY sub <-Dist div ->SFY
<-PID GetParticleMotion ->PFY ->PFX
<-PFX <-SFX sub ->PFX <-PFY <-SFY sub ->PFY
<-PID <-PFX <-PFY SetParticleMotion

don't know how to make it do more than 50 particulate though, probably just not processing all the particles in range in time


It doesn't have a limit, and that's the problem, although, the way I've got it running seems to be working well.

# --Repulse-- 11/13/2016 4:11:50 PM
self MaxHealth


if (IsPaused)

   CurrentCoords 30 0 1 GetParticlesInRange ->particles
   do (<-particles 0)
  <-particles[I] GetParticleMotion ->OPmotY ->OPmotX
  <-particles[I] SetParticleMotion (<-OPmotY 0.8 mul) (<-OPmotX 0.8 mul)


mirror corparation

doesn't that only slow them down? or is that what you want?


It slows them to a virtual standstill, so for simulating a CW3 Shield, which holds creeper back, but it still encroaches on the field, it works quite well.


Currently I'm trying to create a unit that will act as the shield, will have health and be destroyed etc. And its being dodgy. I put it down to the fact I've got no clue what I'm doing :D

# --Create-- 11/13/2016 8:44:47 PM
    "PRPLCORE" 93 28 CreateUnit ->Shield
<-Shield self "Repulse.prpl" AddScriptToUnit 
<-Shield "main" "Custom0" SetImage
<-Shield "main" "Ships" SetImageLayer
<-Shield "main" 1 SetImageOrder
    <-Shield self SetUnitIsEnemy (0)
    <-Shield self SetUnitMaxHealth (20)
<-Shield self SetUnitHealth (10)
    <-Shield self SetUnitParticlesDamage (1)
    <-Shield self SetUnitReceivesPackets (1)
    <-Shield self SetUnitHasEnergyBar (1)
<-Shield self SetUnitHasHealthBar (1)
    <-Shield self SetUnitMaxEnergy (40)
    <-Shield self SetUnitEnergyPackDelay (10)
# --Repulse-- 11/13/2016 4:11:50 PM
if (IsPaused)
If (<-Shield GetUnitHealth 40 neq)
   <-Shield GetUnitHealth 0.5 add <-Shield SetUnitHealth ->Shield

if (<-Shield GetUnitEnergy 0 gt)
    CurrentCoords 30 0 1 GetParticlesInRange ->particles
    do (<-particles 0)
   <-particles[I] GetParticleMotion ->OPmotY ->OPmotX
   <-particles[I] SetParticleMotion (<-OPmotY 0.8 mul) (<-OPmotX 0.8 mul)
   <-Shield GetUnitEnergy 1 sub <-Shield SetUnitEnergy ->Shield
