Gameplay Style Pix

Started by Cavemaniac, November 23, 2013, 03:17:55 AM

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Please post pix of gameplay styles - both unusual/interesting and basic 'tutorial' styles so that others may learn from/be inspired by/ridicule your efforts.

I'll start with this pic I saved on my desktop for another discussion:

Mass Drivers (orbital AoO) used to create forward fire bases.

DMD map: Spore Spawn

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.


Thats pretty cool one actually.


Wouldn't have thought of that. Here's my own spore distraction system.
I use relays because A) I didn't have any collectors on this map other than the one you can see and B) it looks AWESOME (especially when you have deficit - giant purple stain!)


I believe "ridicule" was included in the description of possibilities so I thought I would throw this one in for just that purpose. Some people have already beaten the map in the time shown on mine. Me? I'm still connecting green dots.


Quote from: Nephthys on November 30, 2013, 05:43:45 PM
I believe "ridicule" was included in the description of possibilities so I thought I would throw this one in for just that purpose. Some people have already beaten the map in the time shown on mine. Me? I'm still connecting green dots.


Classic 'hold the ridge line and push forward when safe to do so, having built up a sufficient support base in the protected rear'.

Sound tactics.

I found myself choosing which units to move next in your example.
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.


I am more build base and economy guy in all RTS games hence i do the same thing in CW. It always takes a long time though but i dont really care since i take a lot of fun making bases ;p. As for attacking i most often build bridges or build a lot of Berthas ( or do both )


Since I will be in Beginner Class for quite some time (I don't mind) I've taken to amusing my self by maxing out build speed just to watch the packets fly into, say, a Bertha. It is an awesome sight!


Hopefully I am not breaking any rules by posting twice in a row. But if you have never used/played with the Singularity Weapon, here is a pic for the curious/interested.

I had finished a level, but there was lots of Creeper left, so I decided to play around a bit.

Doesn't look like much, perhaps. But is is sucking away Creeper like crazy! 


Quote from: Nephthys on December 16, 2013, 03:39:46 PM
Hopefully I am not breaking any rules by posting twice in a row. But if you have never used/played with the Singularity Weapon, here is a pic for the curious/interested.

I had finished a level, but there was lots of Creeper left, so I decided to play around a bit.

Doesn't look like much, perhaps. But is is sucking away Creeper like crazy! 

If you have a Mass Convert and drop it on that singularity, It converts all the creeper you sucked in and now when it times out and releases, instead of it being creeper it is now AC, I tend to do that on maps with lots of siphonable aether. especially on maps with really intense emmiters, you can then place a nullifier and send in a guppy.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do."
― Robert A. Heinlein

Lost in Nowhere

Firing a power zone Bertha at it will also get rid of the majority of it.
Don't die! :)


Quote from: chwooly on December 30, 2013, 02:05:12 PM
Quote from: Nephthys on December 16, 2013, 03:39:46 PM
...if you have never used/played with the Singularity Weapon, here is a pic for the curious/interested.

Doesn't look like much, perhaps. But is is sucking away Creeper like crazy! 

If you have a Mass Convert and drop it on that singularity, It converts all the creeper you sucked in and now when it times out and releases, instead of it being creeper it is now AC, I tend to do that on maps with lots of siphonable aether. especially on maps with really intense emmiters, you can then place a nullifier and send in a guppy.

Wow, that is awesome! Thank you for sharing that tip. I collect a lot of Mass Converters that never get used. Got a plan for 'em now, though.  :)