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Started by genuis101, March 04, 2015, 11:48:45 PM

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Is Fabor actually possible without hacking the game?  I mean some of the really great super players can probably beat it often enough, but I am not one of them.  By the time I knock of the two emitters on the islands, the ship is already to 80% and is taking off by the time I even start getting to the main land. It gets to the altered totem in like 30s and that's it.  Game over.  I've taken like 5-6 attempts at this point and I just can't figure a way this map could ever work.  I was enjoying the campaign until this abrupt brick wall demanding I be a Platinum level player to be allowed to progress any further.

If I am really this far below what the game expects of a player, can I ask about a refund?  I don't want to spend weeks completely mastering this game and playing this one map over and over.


I don't think I can really help you... I think you might be trying to destroy all the emitters. You just have to get the four buildings in the center to win. Maybe watch Virgil's video on it? It's on his YouTube account which is  KnuCracker.


You do know that once the ship gets to the altered totem you still have, like, 20 more minutes to get to it, right? Also, you only have to destroy either the ore collectors or the totem to win.
Also, you can use snipers on the ore ships if you want to delay the ship a little bit longer.


errr what?  The narration made it quite clear that if the ship reaches the totem that's game and I don't feel like watching a game over screen again and again.


Well, you can still complete it after the ship gets to the totem. You just have to destroy the totem in 20 more minutes. If you wait until the narration starts up instead of restarting immediately once the ship reaches 100%,  there's plenty more time to do the map.


It's definitely possible. This mission is the hardest one in the campaign and many people had trouble with it, so you can find many hints and video walktroughs there on forum.

The most important thing in this mission is not to panic and take your time. That is:
1. Land your CM on the top-right and bottom-left islands. The top right island will be the one you will make your attack form and the bottom left will be supporting.
2.Destroy the nullifiers and get reactors on the PZ.
3.Quickly build some energy infrastructure.
4.Change the reactors to berths and get a sizeable army of mortars,PC and shields.(And a few guppies on the bottom left island)
5. You can connect the top-right island with the main island via a relay using the small islands there.
6.WIN (attack the main island and try to get down the ship, if you are too late don't worry you get additional time when the ship reaches the totem.

The problem with this mission is that people panic and rush in with insufficient forces. Or build much weapons without the energy to power them. Attacking with a too small force is bad as it takes resources away and doesn't complete the task.


Quote from: genuis101 on March 05, 2015, 12:03:00 AM
errr what?  The narration made it quite clear that if the ship reaches the totem that's game and I don't feel like watching a game over screen again and again.

Don't believe everything the narrator tells you ...

I remember the first time I played this map.  The initial mortification that I had failed so badly and then the sudden realization that "Hey! I'm not dead yet!".


20 Minutes?  To beat an entire land covered in no less than 20 layers of creeper?  I just want the story and to play the maps at a reasonable pace, not be required to be a complete master at the game. 20 Minutes?  For maps that usually take a hour+?

No thanks.  Guess I wont be finishing the campaign.

Edit: Yes I am whining but seriously, I have enjoyed this game a something slow and rewarding.  Not: this.  This map really should be a challenge for masochists.


Quote from: Karsten75 on March 05, 2015, 08:55:02 PM
How to bypass Farbor:


But can anyone explain to me why the way out challenge map is mandatory and not a bonus map?


Quote from: genuis101 on March 05, 2015, 09:04:48 PM

But can anyone explain to me why the way out challenge map is mandatory and not a bonus map?

Because not everyone agrees with your characterization? If you start from a false premise, it's hard to provide a good answer. :)


Fair enough I guess....  I and many others have been faced with what amounts to an incredibly difficult/impossible map without warning because we weren't playing the way the game suddenly demanded us to.  Despite the game never giving us a hint this was how we are supposed to play.

I mean sure the dev, and the beta testers probably thought the time limit is over generous, but I never based my playing around finding quirks in the game engine to win asap.......

Well whatever, on to maps that are well designed and fun... :)


Quote from: genuis101 on March 05, 2015, 09:23:51 PM
Fair enough I guess....  I and many others have been faced with what amounts to an incredibly difficult/impossible map without warning because we weren't playing the way the game suddenly demanded us to.  Despite the game never giving us a hint this was how we are supposed to play.

I mean sure the dev, and the beta testers probably thought the time limit is over generous, but I never based my playing around finding quirks in the game engine to win asap.......

Well whatever, on to maps that are well designed and fun... :)

Based on scores submitted on that map, and the *maybe* 10 players who complained about the map, I suspect those who got a rude awakening comprise maybe <1% of the players.

When we played it in beta testing, it was devilishly hard. Then most of us beat it, even so, Virgil relaxed the restrictions. I recall howling in anguish because he nerfed one of the most fun maps in the game. :) So, the dev cut you a lot of slack. :) In every game Virgil makes, near the end of the game, there's a map that's uncharacteristic, one to induce to you kick your game up a notch. One to show that you learned from the past maps and you you are now ready to fly solo.

I bet that once you get over the annoyance, you'll want to go back, retry it and then come back play it and beat it.  That, incidentally, is how I ended up here almost 5  years ago. wow, it's been > 6 years.

Check my oldest posts.

Corvus, the nemesis of CW1:
Gump, the Grauniad/Waternaris of CW1:


Quote from: Karsten75 on March 05, 2015, 09:35:05 PM
When we played it in beta testing, it was devilishly hard. Then most of us beat it, even so, Virgil relaxed the restrictions. I recall howling in anguish because he nerfed one of the most fun maps in the game. :)

Does this hard version still exist anywhere?  :'(
Pretty sure I'm supposed to be banned, someone might want to get on that.

Quote from: GoodMorning on December 01, 2016, 05:58:30 PM"Build a ladder to the moon" is simple as a sentence, but actually doing it is not.


Quote from: Karsten75 on March 05, 2015, 09:35:05 PM
I bet that once you get over the annoyance, you'll want to go back, retry it and then come back play it and beat it. 

I nearly made a really snarky remark over this line, but it would frankly be uncalled for, and I'm not trying to pick a fight.  You've provided a way past this ridiculous map.  Thank you.

On a semi-related note: I have always hated the "mandatory atypical level".  Be it the grand prix in the RPG, the stealth section in the FPS, or indeed the incredibly strict time limit in the RTS.  I don't shift gears well, and in Creeper World be it the flash game back on Armor Games back in college, the desktop games or the flash games on Kongregate I have always played slow.  I don't play this game for a high-speed adrenaline challenge and that's all this map is.  This map with its required high-speed play is not fun, game killingly difficult, and personally I don't it's fair either.  So I don't think I'll be coming back to later to prove my awesomeness.