CW3 Currency

Started by MapMaster, January 03, 2013, 08:50:23 PM

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No - starcraft just did them best.  I played the original starcraft upon its release.  It did not innovate - it only recycled what had come before, and did it better than anybody else did.  Microsoft'd.

EDIT: I see the confusion.  By standards, I mean established design or methodology, not a level of quality.  For instance, FPS games almost always have a 'health' system, which is a standard that is often tweaked, but rarely does a FPS use a different system entirely.

I don't think CW is really so far from starcraft in nature.  I think it is very far from its intent though.  Starcraft is trying to capture every corner of the hardcore RTS market.  It's very mainstream.  CW doesn't try and pretend that it can capture every corner of the casual market.  Instead, it presents the experience it sets out to present the best it can, and trusts that there are fans who will appreciate what the developer is trying to do.