# --destroyAfter-- 8/3/2023 3:39:46 PM #script by SpeedCZ, feel free to use or modify, but if you want credit the original script #MAKE 2 CORES AND ADD THE COORDTRANSFER SCRIPT THEN PUT THE UIDS INTO THE SCRIPT once REPLACE ->max REPLACE ->min 2 ->timer endonce <-max "coordTransfer.prpl" "x" GetScriptVar ->MAX_X <-max "coordTransfer.prpl" "y" GetScriptVar ->MAX_Y <-min "coordTransfer.prpl" "x" GetScriptVar ->MIN_X <-min "coordTransfer.prpl" "y" GetScriptVar ->MIN_Y self GetUnitCoords ->jY ->jX if((<-jX <-MAX_X lte) and (<-jX <-MIN_X gte) and (<-jY <-MAX_Y lte) and (<-jY <-MIN_Y gte)) "SHOULD HAVE FAILED" trace FailMission endif if(IsPaused eq0) if(<-timer eq0) if(<-destruct eq0) Self 0 DestroyUnit endif else <-timer 1 sub ->timer endif endif