Custom Map #3145: map10. By: Nilar

Started by AutoPost, February 07, 2016, 03:04:50 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3145: map10

Author: Nilar
Size: 99x201



help please, i cant see how to keep the base from flooding after the wall crumbes, how to do it? ty
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.


The wind is very much against you on this.  I have figured out what to do.

The idea here is to build a TON of Berthas - about 40 to 50.  Some need to work on the creeper building up against the wall and some need to build an umbrella a bit higher up along one edge so that you can get some blasters up above the wall.

From there build sideways across the wall.  Extend the umbrella and have a few blasters working at the creeper eating away at the wall.

It's time for bed.  I've saved and will finish the slog part tomorrow.


ty, but i cant do all those berthas because energy is so tight, i am in the red all the time. ty for trying
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.


Finished it!  Whew.  Very sloggish once you get the wall protected.


Yeah a slog alright!

I think there is a cheeky way to get a faster time by sending up a CN and some units, timing a singularity wep and taking out a unit or two without having to build all the way up the side.

I just slogged it out though!