Custom Map #1658: Nexious 16 Copies. By: Vertu

Started by AutoPost, March 24, 2021, 06:46:16 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1658: Nexious 16 Copies

Author: Vertu
Size: 250x150

Some times the best way to learn something such as an enemy is to be the enemy. -Story driven mission series Now as a bit of a warning: This map runs a lot faster than the others, less lag aka. So if you are used to the constant slow-motion of these maps, this is gonna be very fast in comparasin. So keep that in mind.


Thanks god you still alive.

also a important question,what about the benign particles? they may be in danger.


Location is a big determination factor as to what is in the level, which also influences difficulty such as Benign presence. Also I wasn't dead, not gonna be a for a long while, like 80% of the maps I made were made during a single period of ideal conditions such as motivation and abstaining time. Such ideal conditions have went away for the most part so once a week is probably the fastest I will be until conditions become more favorable again not that they are poor right now. Also having trouble getting ship files to get into PFE though that can simply be my incompetence due to poor conditions of other factors. Plus, it spring break now so you can expect a potential increase due to more consistent moral from consistent environment.
Life isn't fair because we say it isn't. Not because it is unfair. In fact, it is so fair we want to say it isn't and do.