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Started by steelwing, October 05, 2013, 01:47:29 PM

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 :o OK, this one caught me by surprise w/ how complex it got.  Getting to the emitters in the lower right and upper left was easy enough, of course.  I probably made it more complicated than it needed to be, but it was easy enough to get done.  It didn't get really tough until I tried to get into that fortress.  Virgil has, as ever, outdone himself with the sneakiness of his levels. ;D
Anyone have any suggestions of how to pull this off?  It obviously involves bombers and strafers to help suppress the creeper, but bombers and strafers aren't enough if I can't reach inside the fortress w/ a ground presence.


Well I'm not proud of it but I forced the issue:

I tore/TERPed down the walls and built two rows of cannons to hold the moving creeper back, while I fought way through. Surely not the way it's meant to be done, but it worked.


edit: removed huge image


Quote from: born2chill on October 05, 2013, 01:58:08 PM
Well I'm not proud of it but I forced the issue:

[removed quoted, duplicate image. -G.]

I tore/TERPed down the walls and built two rows of cannons to hold the moving creeper back, while I fought way through. Surely not the way it's meant to be done, but it worked.

:D your way works as well as anything I was thinking of trying.  I TERPed the surface up, thinking the moving pools would have to go around the raised surfaces.  No good.


I simply built around 8 PC's, then relayed up.  Those PC's are strong enough to obliterate one of the field balls before it hits the relay (you only need one relay to get across).
"Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writing it down."
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Quote from: Michionlion on October 05, 2013, 02:19:51 PM
I simply build around 8 PC's, then relayed up.  Those PC's are strong enough to obliterate one of the field balls before it hits the relay (you only need one relay to get across).
i used lots of AC too, but that's pretty much how i approached it.
focussed PC's backed up by some sprayers di the trick

ps, if you attach the images to the post using the "Additional Options" below the reply text box they will appear as a thumbnail below the text that others can click to enlarge. this prevents the huge images messing with scrolling for users (like me) that have this in a smaller than fullscreen window.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


I took the same brute force approach as born2chill, just running a reinforced trunk line right up through the entrance.  Not subtle, but it worked, and the temporary energy cost of building a wall of PCs is just not that high.


Since guppies do not appear yet, what else can you do, anyway? A line of relays and Pulse Cannons are key to going in andflyers are good to clear the way.

And you may want to line up some PC's inside the edges of your energy production unless you want to fall prey to a nasty surprise when you kill the Super Structure.


Quote from: 4xC on October 05, 2013, 07:12:34 PM
Since guppies do not appear yet, what else can you do, anyway? A line of relays and Pulse Cannons are key to going in andflyers are good to clear the way.

And you may want to line up some PC's inside the edges of your energy production unless you want to fall prey to a nasty surprise when you kill the Super Structure.
I almost got caught by that...
I did, however, beat the level. \o/ 48:41.2  Attached is what my map looked like at the end.


I haven't finished this level yet. I am scared to go into the top right part.  :-[

You can terp DOWN walls? Or did strafing do that? I'm confused. Also tired. I'll check back tomorrow (well, later today) & see if anyone has had a chance to answer that one. Thx in advance.

EDIT: Never mind. I got curious & tried to get rid of a wall & managed to figure it out. Thanks for the idea & for teaching me something I never would have thought of & which may come in handy further on.


Quote from: Nephthys on October 07, 2013, 02:55:12 AM
I haven't finished this level yet. I am scared to go into the top right part.  :-[

You can terp DOWN walls? Or did strafing do that? I'm confused. Also tired. I'll check back tomorrow (well, later today) & see if anyone has had a chance to answer that one. Thx in advance.

EDIT: Never mind. I got curious & tried to get rid of a wall & managed to figure it out. Thanks for the idea & for teaching me something I never would have thought of & which may come in handy further on.
Absolutely you can terp down walls.  8)  Just set the terrain level lower than what it is now.
And thank God for it...This mission would have been a lot more difficult w/out that.


I did it completely differently. I dealt with the stuff outside then used air units to clear a corner in the inner bit. I then flew one command node into that corner and protected it with air units from my main network until it was producing enough energy to fight on its own.
I didn't think it was possible to hold off the moving blobs.


I too terped down the walls; though it is possible to cross the tracks without. (Much easier to place cannon and relays with the obstacles removed.)

What surprise when you killed the super structure? I got the victory popup since I killed it last.
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


Quote from: Katra on October 07, 2013, 11:40:37 AM
I too terped down the walls; though it is possible to cross the tracks without. (Much easier to place cannon and relays with the obstacles removed.)

What surprise when you killed the super structure? I got the victory popup since I killed it last.
If you kill it before collecting the three shield keys (as I did), and if you accessed the fortress using a tendril of your main network rather than building a second network inwards, something happens that could perhaps negatively impact your network.  :-X


All right.

No more vaugeness in reference to what happens when the super struture dies.

When it is nullified, all creeper squares in the walls on the outside fall apart and spread out like normal creeper. If you do not have Pulse Cannons outside the fortress, the creeper will put a big dent in your base.

Spoilers - for when others may not yet have discovered an aspect of game play. -G.

Thanks. I have difficulty separating spoilers from the rest in my mind.


Ok, here's how I did it.

First up, tank the temple-upgrader (I'm no good with CW vocab) and get rid of those emitters, them claim the totems. Done. However, I accidentally destroyed my temple by clicking 'destroy'. I am idiot.

To get to the CRPLcore thing, I terp'd up the entire lower wall to height 10. Then I build a network of about 100 turrets to defend from the blue blobs.

Once inside the fort, I cleared out the SW corner and terp'd a wall around it. I moved my CN into this corner. Then I built a ton of reactors around it. I then moved all of my turrets defending me from the blobs into the midst of the creeper mass. This disconnected me from the rest of the map. This cleared enought space for me to collector them together and dump in a nullifier.