Custom Map: Sideway

Started by AutoPost, January 20, 2012, 03:05:09 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Sideway

Author: bacura

it's simple, from behind and win!


I've noticed noone's posted a score yet, quite difficult to get started.  Here is how I got to a 'stable state' (havn't finished yet but will hopefully soon)


Build 3 collectors on top and 3 on bottom to lead to the upgrades, make sure they collect maximum energy.  This kills two birds with one stone in that you get the energy and the upgrades without wasting energy. 

I upgraded 10% more energy and increase range.

Build 2 blasters, you will only be able to protect 2 of your 6 collectors

Build mortar in middle, and keep building reactors when possible

I then moved mortar slightly out and built a collector in the middle, then built an extra blaster in the middle, these 3 blasters and mortar managed to get me to a stable state, with energy left over to build up.



Touch-and-go early survival, as RealAndy describes, then a pleasant canter to the finish.