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Blackout Mode

Started by Hunter22222, June 22, 2011, 02:30:20 PM

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How about a mode that still has the creeper bar on the right side of the screen but you can only see what is in the range of the beacons? Like all space outside is compleatly black. As an optionable mode of course.


I like it. Kind of like a Fog of War in Warcraft II. Would make things interesting. Could be abused though once the editor comes out. I can hear the map approver's screaming already... ;)


I would like it as well if areas without beacons in them, you would not be able to even SEE anything in them.


That is what i was trying to go for a sort of fog of war that can be turned on and off but i would keep the creeper meter on the right of the screen as a guide it would up the diffucultly of any level and be fun all the same!

Ebon Heart

this is off topic, but I love your profile picture Hunter. :D
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!


Quote from: Ebon_Heart on June 22, 2011, 04:50:50 PM
this is off topic, but I love your profile picture Hunter. :D

Thank you :)


Quote from: Ranakastrasz on June 22, 2011, 02:57:31 PM
I would like it as well if areas without beacons in them, you would not be able to even SEE anything in them.
I wholeheartedly agree. I also would like there to be an option where you cannot see anything in the fog. Currently, you can 'cheat' by selecting, but not placing a beacon at the edges. Same with the LS.

To make it even more extreme, have an option where you don't see the preview of a code map, don't see the right overview bar, can't see into the fog, AND don't see any timer for the rain clouds. That way, you would really be surprised at what's coming at you with code maps.

Anyone agree?


That is what im getting at that you can't see anything outside of the beacon range but with the right overview bar I don't want it to be impossible just hard and a butten that turns off the display of phantoms. After you play the story through and the bonus maps it could unlock and this would make an added diffuculty to the game play and give me another reason to play through the game more then one time.

Edit: I wouldn't want to get rid of the overview bar because they do have radar and technology enough to tell if there is creeper or not.


This is sort of off topic but,
All this "fog of war" talk is making me have Advance War flashbacks...
Check to make sure the enemy is not hiding rockets in the forest!!!!  ;)
Vote Tony!


I made a cw1 map like this before... Wasn't all that great in my eyes but it was unique. made the collectors shine white. :P
WARNING: Self promotion follows below.

~Pew Pew Pew!~ 
Building campaigns from the echos of forgotten experiences.
~Pew Pew Pew!~

Ebon Heart

Quote from: haloguy48 on June 23, 2011, 03:27:35 AM
I made a cw1 map like this before... Wasn't all that great in my eyes but it was unique. made the collectors shine white. :P
WARNING: Self promotion follows below.


I remember those.... I tried the first one and I wanted to throw my computer across the room. That's the one where you can't see the creeper, the terrain, or anything, right?
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!


I understand this topic might bring back flashbacks or shameless self promotion and im fine with that but i do want to hear your views on this topic.


he he i play on a laptop and sometimes because of the glare i have to play like this. its really fun to have to scout out an area before digging.


When blackout mode is turned on, it must choose a random map (a random code map or something).


A Fog of War effect would be quite nice, definately. Like a pure black screen outside beacon zones.

Like J says, if you put Fog of War on, you'd have to generate a new code map and turn preview off. It would stop people from learning, or screenshotting the map before turning FoW/Blackout on.
My mind rebels against stagnation.