Custom Map: UWI, Part D: Jonard

Started by AutoPost, March 07, 2011, 10:22:32 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: UWI, Part D: Jonard

Author: tntbruder

Finally getting to the towers and running away from this "thing" you run into more trouble. Help the survivors and find out what this "thing" is. This is the 4nd of many games in the UWI series.


I like the 'race' games where you try to figure out the least building possible to finish.

Thank you for putting this together.


I'm glade you like it... I have few made up right now so they maight not be as good or they could be better but once I post those I'll try and make more maps like this. Thanks for playing!


This is the 4th not 4nd for those who are looking for mistakes...


no mistake, i like your style, strategy and fast play