Custom Map #11411: Everglades 2. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, February 02, 2025, 11:01:59 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11411: Everglades 2

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 50x60

Did you know that there are crocodiles in the U.S., not just alligators?

Charlie Martini

Florida is the only US state that is home to both crocs AND gators!

Charlie Martini

Can you point me in the right direction on this one? I see the only landing point is on the ore. I've tried putting the miner there, got it charged with the guppy but it seems to be a dead end since I can deliver ore back to CM. I can set a beam there and keep beam supplied with ammo but it also seems to be a dead end. It seems the first step is to get some anti-creeper on those higher elevations. Any clues would be great. Thank you.

Martin Gronsdal

Did you mean "can" or "can't" deliver ore to the Command Node (CN)?

If you land Guppies next to each other, they will form a grid just like Collectors do. Try that and experiment with it.

This is the key to obtaining ore.

Make sure you have a Beam ready to land on the ore mine spot whenever the Spore Tower is about to fire. Even a single Spore that lands can wipe out your base. This means you'll need to delete your mine every time the tower fires.

Once you're ready, build a Sprayer and fill it. Consider building two or three. Then, create an Anti-Creeper path toward the ore mine...

Martin Gronsdal

Or, use the Sprayers to help destroy the Spore Tower.

Thanks for playing!