Custom Map: NooT-Pods

Started by AutoPost, July 13, 2010, 08:35:35 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map: NooT-Pods

Author: NooT

Can you Hop from pod to pod while keeping connected?


Far too frustrating when relays keep getting destroyed. No fun playing this.


Odd, when I played I only lost 2 relays.

Next time try 3 blasters per pod and one relay.

you just can't go straight for the prize that way


Seems way too difficult or tricky. I've had so many relays destroyed, I've lost count.

This might be one of those where a walkthrough will teach a loot of us a few new tricks.  Otherwise this will probably remain on the heap of "too complicated."


simple walk through, this is an all relay map
go left to pick up reactor
build a few of them, then head left to get drone and mortar.
fill your starting platform with reactors
as energy permits go up to get blaster, at first you need 2 relays per pod on the right side
move the relay on the left to where mortar tech was and you can free one space on the bottom pod
get working on 3 drones on the two bottom pods
build one mortar to use sparingly to keep creep off lowest left pod

build all the way up to get bonus, use for more energy, build 4 blasters, 1 top, 2 middle, 1 bottom, on right side
bottom pod should also get a reactor.

use drones and these blastars to free top right. use 2 relays in this area so you can build packet speed (3 or 4) and reactors.  You need only 2 active blasters to hold this. disarm the rest.

keep enough room to build 4 blasters, 3 in top right, and one in bottom left to use to take first creep pod with gash in it.
3 blasters go on it, 2 on pod to left, 1 for each of the two pods below.  time movement with drones to allow time fore relay to build.

let energy recover, build more blasters and repeat down right side creep pods.  relay should be placed bottom right corner with 3 blasters around.
After each pod, wait for energy to recover. 

Once you have these 3, you can build 3 relays on the bottom and have 3 spaces to build replacement blasters.  you can destroy 2 relays on the top pods to get more room for 1 energy storage and more reactors.

now move across the bottom with the same technique. Only 2nd from the left first, then right, and you will have to build a relay on the bottom level to get to the bottom right pod.

This is where you might loose relays if you don't sacrifice enough blasters on the pods around it.

now you can pickup the last three upgrades and work up left side.  Then work to take the rest of the pods and you are done.

Much of this map is making sure you have enough energy to not starve the taken pods and loose the relays.

snowmaker (JM)

Quote from: Karsten75 on July 20, 2010, 02:15:56 PM
Seems way too difficult or tricky. I've had so many relays destroyed, I've lost count.

This might be one of those where a walkthrough will teach a loot of us a few new tricks.  Otherwise this will probably remain on the heap of "too complicated."

The reason your relays get destroyed is that the blasters get distracted  ;)


It is very frustrating to play this map. After trying many times, I read the walk-through posted here, I followed that and succeeded to an extent, and then one pod I had 'captured' kept losing its relay. It is marked in maroon circle in the screenshot, as you can see - there is no energy problem, there is nothing to distract the blasters. I can construct the relay, and then a few seconds after it has been constructed the creeper released by the emitter in the pod destroys it and the blasters do nothing - I think it has to do with the delay in response from blasters - but this delay is enough to destroy the relay. This gets very frustrating - especially if one can see no reasons that one can control.

The map was based on a good idea - linking pods via relays is understood, but there is very little room to maneuver, one must do things exactly in a particular way or else it doesn't work - that's the root of the frustration.


By the time you are that far, it is certainly possible to build a second relay network on the bottom to back up the relay network at the top.

I found some time to play this again, and while I'm out of practice with CW1, the screen shots may be of use. Note that far more than in any game, units (relays, speed nodes and reactors) have to be destroyed and repositioned as the situation evolve.

Hope this helps future players.


Thanks Karsten75 for posting screenshots, the concept of the map was fun and I was frustrated with why my relays kept getting destroyed, your pointers are helpful (esp. that you have to keep destroying/rebuilding units).

With your suggestions, I might play this map again :)