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Version 1.0

Started by knucracker, September 28, 2016, 08:10:47 PM

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Version 1.0 has been pushed to steam.
Always look at the bottom of the main menu to see if you are running the latest version.  Steam auto updates, but can be slow about it sometimes.

Check the Beta Change Log for changes in this build.

Well, there it is. I'm sure 1.0 is a sign on the side of the highway as we drive past at 75mph, but there it is (it went) nonetheless.

Thank you to everyone who has helped, rooted for, or even just watched.  I very often get asked what it is like to work alone, and I always respond, "Are you kidding?  Alone?  I have thousands of people I work with."


Thank you for another great game, and for including me in the pre-release. I hope this will be more successful then CW3. and look forward to the next episode in this ongoing saga.

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do."
― Robert A. Heinlein


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  Go get some rest!  And have a beer.  :)


Congratulations and well done, Virgil.

It's probably not a coincidence, but it's three years pretty well to the day since CW3 came out.

What a ride!

As above - beer, sleep, then get on with game 5.

With a bit of luck, it's only a year and a half until beta opens up!


Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.


Quick question: I think I read somewhere that we could buy the game directly from your site, instead of steam and if I'm not wrong steam cuts a bit more money for them. Wich means the game is the same price if we buy in the game site or the steam.
This means vigilw gets more money if we buy from the site. However i don't remember if we also get a steam key if we buy directly from the game site.
I'm really thinking on buy from your site to support you a little bit more. I hope we still get a steam key if we do.


I think it's better if you buy from Steam because it boosts the game's day 1 ratings, and creates a higher chance for Steam to showcase the game, boosting its sales.

I severely doubt activating keys has the same effect, otherwise it would be exploitable by developers giving away free keys to fake actual purchases.

It would be nice if virgil could chime in and confirm, because this is just my speculation. Plus I don't know if you actually get a Steam key.


Quote from: Grabarz on September 29, 2016, 07:03:08 AM
I think it's better if you buy from Steam because it boosts the game's day 1 ratings, and creates a higher chance for Steam to showcase the game, boosting its sales.

I severely doubt activating keys has the same effect, otherwise it would be exploitable by developers giving away free keys to fake actual purchases.

It would be nice if virgil could chime in and confirm, because this is just my speculation. Plus I don't know if you actually get a Steam key.

For information regarding this, see:


Quote from: apocalipsus on September 29, 2016, 04:17:58 AM
Quick question: I think I read somewhere that we could buy the game directly from your site, instead of steam and if I'm not wrong steam cuts a bit more money for them. Wich means the game is the same price if we buy in the game site or the steam.
This means vigilw gets more money if we buy from the site. However i don't remember if we also get a steam key if we buy directly from the game site.
I'm really thinking on buy from your site to support you a little bit more. I hope we still get a steam key if we do.
It really doesn't matter to Virgil where you buy.

There are two considerations for you, the buyer.

1. Buying on Steam only gets you a Steam key. Under the new Steam rules, your review, should you decide to write one, will be more important in determining the game's rating than for non-Steam purchasers.

2. If you buy From Virgil's site, you will have to go through the key exchange to get a Steam key. Not sure that the key exchange is active yet, but it will be trivial for Virgil to activate it, since it's the same as for the previous game.


Yeah, the most important thing is where you are most comfortable purchasing from.  I try to not bias it one way or the other. It is true I get more money via a direct sale, but it is also true your potential review and other stats on steam are better if you buy from steam (and those stats matter at launch and in the long run).

I'm happy with any sale, regardless of how it happens.


Thanks to everyone for the help.
If its the almos the same to virgilw I'll get my copy from steam. I've used it for a long time and I feel confortable buying from there.
Thanks again for the help


How do I buy it from Virgil's site?

His beta change log says it's been published to fastspring (the online portal where the other creeper world games can be bought). But I can't find any link to buying the game on fastspring...


Quote from: ljw1004 on September 29, 2016, 09:33:57 AM
How do I buy it from Virgil's site?

His beta change log says it's been published to fastspring (the online portal where the other creeper world games can be bought). But I can't find any link to buying the game on fastspring...

I dont think its available yet. 


Quote from: ljw1004 on September 29, 2016, 09:33:57 AM
How do I buy it from Virgil's site?

His beta change log says it's been published to fastspring (the online portal where the other creeper world games can be bought). But I can't find any link to buying the game on fastspring...

From the Particle Fleet page  here on this site, there will be a link to the fastspring site when we release the game. We anticipate that will be between 2pm, and 4pm Eastern Time, today.


Congratulations Virgil! Thanks for all the hard work, and for building this awesome community!
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
