Custom Map #46: Beqaa

Started by AutoPost, December 26, 2013, 08:34:31 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #46: Beqaa

Author: ThirdParty

A map with a challenging start-up, followed by a difficult assault against an unfamiliar enemy. #CRPL: #CorruptedBeamTowers shoot down flying player units. #TechLimits: #NoBerthas #NoPZs #Digitalis #Spores #RealWorld #Earth #MiddleEast #Lebanon #3P


No comments? I can't survive more than a few minutes before the runners come and prevent my units from defending against the creeper and lots of digitalis prevent building a proper base, please help on this map. How can I progress in this map and get to being able to nullify the inhibitor?