Steam Awards 2016
Go here: http://store.steampowered.com/SteamAwardNominations/ Alternately, you can just visit one of the games…. oh say CW3 here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/280220/ Then click Nominate and click, I dunno… maybe “Just 5 more minutes” award or something like that. Or maybe good old CW1 here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/422910/ And then Nominate and click “Test of Time“. And of course there is Particle […]

Universal Collection Bundle
At long last, all of the Creeper World games are on steam along with Particle Fleet. Everything is also available in one big bundle with savings. So if you can find someone on the planet who has been wanting the CW games but never indulged… then their time has come. I’ve also cut the price […]

Creeper World Anniversary Editions
Creeper World 1 and 2 Anniversary Editions are coming to steam next week! Yep, why wait… it has only been 7 and 5 years respectively. Carpe decade! Creeper World: http://store.steampowered.com/app/422910 Creeper World 2: http://store.steampowered.com/app/422920 Now, before anyone asks, the answer is ‘yes’. I do plan to have a way to get a steam key for your existing […]

A Gaming Odyssey 2001+N
So, another year has come to a close. It’s been a great year for the Creeper Nation. But if you thought everything up till now was cool, just wait for what will happen in 2013. I have high hopes, so here’s to making it all happen as early next year as possible… To close out […]

CW2 is in the Top 100 Indie Games of 2011!
The Creeper Nation has done it yet again…. Creeper World 2 has made it into the top 100 games on IndieDB.com! The race for placement in the top 100 is now on, so head on over and make your mark yet again. http://www.indiedb.com/games/creeper-world-2-redemption You can view the top 100 list here: http://www.indiedb.com/events/2011-indie-of-the-year-awards/top100 We’re in the […]

Status Update: Nov 3, 2011
Wow… the knuckles have been cracking like crazy here in the studio… There’s been a lot of different things going on over the last month, so I’ll try to hit the highlights: 1: Creeper World: User Space Success Creeper World: User Space finished a strong second place at Kongregate in September! This was a huge […]

Creeper World 2 Update 0343
I’ve been very busy biting my fingernails watching how Creeper World: User Space does at Kongregate. So to take my mind off of it, I thought I’d do a little coding on Creeper World 2 and add a new feature! In the middle of fixing some bugs, I added the ability see through the terrain. […]

Status Update: September 1, 2011
So now that custom maps are out, people are asking ‘What’s Next?“. Don’t worry, Knuckle Cracker still has plenty of Knuckles left to crack… we’ve only just begun our quest for galactic domination. After all, the 10 thousand year galactic empire has to have gotten started somewhere… Oops, I’ve said too much already. As for […]

Custom Maps and Moderators
I know everyone has been anxiously awaiting custom maps for CW2…. so have I. I’ve seen some amazing maps during the beta program and I believe they only just hint at what is to come. I’m in the final days before the next release, so we are very close. I’ve been hard at work on […]

DRM and an Interview
Recently, the topic of DRM came up in regards to Creeper World 1 and 2. I’ve always thought of myself on the “good” end of the whole DRM spectrum as I do the minimal that I can get away with for the Creeper World games. The games only require the entry of a key that […]